Chapter 72 is a signal

Qingyun smiled, and put the sweet potato back into the child's hand, "This thing cannot be eaten raw, it will kill you if you eat it!"

The tone of the word "Oh" was deliberately dragged on.Death is to scare children, but diarrhea is true.

The child was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he looked at her stubbornly with tears in his eyes.

Seeing that the child was frightened, Qing Yun smiled maliciously.

"What are you doing to scare him? I have nothing to do. I will start learning Lun today."

Suddenly, Ding Qingyun's head was hit by Song Wenqian. Qingyun was about to stare when he heard the words behind him, and he was silent.

The child's eyes widened in shock. He didn't expect such a powerful person to be beaten and threatened.Don't think that he is small and can't see that the old grandpa threatens the big brother.

The child looked at Qingyun and then at Song Wenqian, rolled his eyes, and suddenly grinned at Song Wenqian, "Grandpa!"

Song Wenqian almost choked to death, looked at the child's bright smile, and choked back when he refused.

Seeing how young he was, he endured it.

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, exaggeratedly, slapped the straw mat while pointing at the old man.

She didn't save face for Song Wenqian at all, she looked at the child and then at the old man, and she burst into tears.

The child didn't know what the big brother was laughing at, so he looked at Qingyun and Song Wenqian, and continued to smile at Song Wenqian.

He is smart, this grandpa who dares to pat his brother on the head must be more powerful than his brother.

"Old man, congratulations, I have a grandson." Qingyun laughed enough, and congratulated him with his hands. Most of these words were joking.

Song Wenqian glared at him, but did not refute.

Who would have thought that the child turned around and shouted at Qingyun, "Brother."

Qingyun was stunned for a while, and stretched out his hand to rub the child's head. Seeing the head that was almost as greasy as hers, he couldn't rub it any longer. He paused, then squeezed the child's face and said, "Little clever ghost, go away. , go to the toilet."

Qingyun carried the bamboo lobster and walked away.

This is a signal.

A few people swiftly put away the mats and followed Qingyun to the mountain forest below the road.The child was stunned, not knowing whether to follow or not to follow?

"Why are you standing still? Why don't you keep up?" Qingyun called back to him, the child's wrinkled bun face immediately stretched out, smiling like a flower, and quickly responded, "Come on!"

Pidianpidian walked to Song Wenqian's side, and held his arm very intimately.

Song Wenqian didn't dislike the child's greasy head, he patted it and said, "Follow the older brother in front."

The child looked at Song Wenqian, thought about it, and walked to Qingyun's side, wanting to look at Qingyun's face, but unfortunately he didn't see it. He glanced at Qingyun's robe passing through the grass, and quietly grabbed the corner of Qingyun's robe. It seems that he has a sense of security and will not be abandoned by others.

Thinking that Qingyun didn't know, the child laughed like a snarling cat, alone, and occasionally raised his head to peek at Qingyun, even if he couldn't see his face, his hands were tightly clenching the corners of his clothes.

Qingyun rolled his eyes at the child, his brows furrowed and loosened, then frowned again.

Thinking of the arrogant and domineering nephew, he lived like a honeypot every day, he had what he wanted, and he thought life was hard every day, and told her to run away from home.

To be honest, many times, she wanted to beat him up.

Look at the well-behaved and outrageous child, it is difficult to even survive. If she is more cruel, it will not be long before there will be more corpses of children in the wild mountains and mountains.

Forget it, seeing the old man like it so much, bear with it!
The three members of Old Man Li's family have no objection whether the young master will take him or not.They also have no right to comment.

 Strongly appeal to the babies, collection and recommendation ~~~

(End of this chapter)

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