chapter 73
Away from the road, he picked a bush that was still growing, Qingyun walked over and squatted.

The child looked left and right, everyone was squatting in a circle, the old man was on the left of his brother, and he was squatting on the right of Qingyun, his hands still clenching the corners of his clothes.

Qingyun put down the bamboo, and began to dig out the sweet potatoes from the inside, starting with Song Wenqian, and then the Li Laohan family.

The child saw that the big brother took out the cooked yams, his eyes lit up, and then he swallowed hard, but he didn't ask for anything. He lowered his head and glanced at the raw yams in his hand, turning his eyes away.

Qingyun glanced around at the child who was too well-behaved and sensible, grabbed a handful of sweet potatoes and handed it over.

The child was still "watching the potatoes to stop being hungry" when suddenly a hand appeared in the child's sight, and in that big palm lay a few cooked sweet potatoes, and the child raised his head sharply to look at the person beside him.

"For me?" the child asked in shock, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"What are you in a daze? Who's not yours, eat quickly, you have to hurry after eating." Qingyun said fiercely.

The child suddenly found that the big brother was not scary at all, his eyes were bright, and his smile became a gap, and he carefully took one out of Qingyun's hand.

"I'm small, one is enough. Big brother is an adult and needs to eat more."

The child is smart, he eats so little, the big brother can eat more, and he is well-behaved and sensible, they must be embarrassed to leave him.

The child is too sensible, making Qingyun feel embarrassed to continue being brutal.

Old Man Li paused, and was compared by a little furry boy.They are a family of three, what the young master eats, and how much he eats.

"Eat, you will have the strength to hurry when you are full."

Song Wenqian took the sweet potato in Qingyun's hand and stuffed it into the child's hand, "Your brother Qingyun is not a stingy person, so many of us have eaten it, it's not bad for you, just don't cause trouble for your brother Qingyun in the future, He can't solve everything."

Song Wenqian's words have the meaning of beating, that is to say, it is for children, and it is also for the three members of Li Laohan's family.

Orchid bowed her head and remained silent, she had realized her mistake.

The child took a few sweet potatoes, looked at the old man and then at the big brother, wiped his eyes, and said, "I'm good, I won't cause trouble for my brother."

After Qingyun finished eating the yam in his hand, he looked at the crying child, and touched his head in disgust, but the child was so excited that he choked on eating.

The corner of Qingyun's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly turned over a small bamboo pot from the bamboo grove and poured water into it for him.The child took the bamboo jar, took a quick sip, swallowed the yam, looked at the bamboo jar reluctantly, and then returned it to Qingyun.

Big brother is really a good man, he gave him something to eat and water to drink.

Orchid looked at the interaction between the child and the young master, and was a little envious, but she also knew that she was a big girl, and that men and women could not get along.

"What's your name? What about your family? This is for you, keep it for yourself."

This small bamboo jar is only two fingers in size and the palm is long. It was originally used to hold medicinal powder, but it was deemed too small and useless, so it just happened to be carried by a child.

Qingyun covered the bamboo jar and stuffed it back into the child's hand.The child clenched the small bamboo pot tightly, feeling his heart heat.

"My name is Gouwa, I don't have a family, they don't want me anymore." The child didn't think his name was bad, that's what children in the village called.Speaking of the latter sentence, the whole person fell down.

The scene was extremely embarrassing for a while. No one expected this situation. Everyone agreed that the adults in the child's family were either separated from him or died.

(End of this chapter)

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