Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 74 I'm Not Angry, Really

Chapter 74 I'm Not Angry, Really

Qingyun: "..."

As soon as she stepped on the minefield, she really didn't expect this result, she just found a topic to talk about.

Song Wenqian glared at Qingyun, and the meaning was obvious: let her settle the matter that she caused.

Qingyun touched her nose and didn't say anything, so she didn't like children. One type was arrogant and domineering like her nephew, and the other type was glass-hearted.

"'s their loss that they don't want you, and they will regret it in the future."

Qingyun's dry comfort, seeing no effect, had to pat the child's head again.The depressed child shivered like a chicken blood in an instant, looking up at Qingyun with bright eyes.

"I'm not angry, I'm really not angry, I already knew it." The child's head shaking his head was a little cute.

Qingyun looked at the children in surprise. No wonder the old saying goes: the children of poor families should be the masters early.

Since childhood, children are very observant, and they have experienced desertion and abandonment, and they have grown up a lot.

He knew vaguely that if he had malice towards the uncle's family, it would be bad for him.

There must be complaints.

"Although the uncle and the uncle were not good to me, they raised me. If it weren't for the uncle's family, I would have starved to death. They wanted to take me with them when they fled the famine. I am very grateful to the uncle and the others."

"The uncle's family has a large population, and the cousins, cousins, and nephews. They add up to dozens of people, and there is no food to eat. There is no water to drink. I can understand!"

Understand shit!

At that time, he was scared to death, the uncle was determined not to want him, crying was useless, he put him to the side of the road, and then watched the uncle's family walk away until they disappeared from sight.

Speaking of the back, the child looked at Qingyun, his dark eyes were as beautiful as pearls, and his two little hands were twisting and twisting the corners of Qingyun's robe, and his heart was tight.

Qingyun bared her teeth, the child didn't leave her looking at what she was doing.Rolling his eyes, dozens of people have come down, and he can still eat a bite.

To put it nicely, it is the uncle. After all, he must take care of his own house first, after all, he can't take care of himself, and who can take care of other people's lives.

She understands the uncle's approach. People are all close and distant.

Speaking from the bottom of her heart, if she can't live, this group of people will lose her if she loses her.

Qingyun knew what the child was expecting, it was nothing more than a promise not to lose him, she wouldn't say anything.The Shangguan family made a heavy commitment, and what they said was really a spit and a nail.

Whether she can survive herself is still a question, the future... I don't know if there is a future, there is also a pit, or a big pit, the kind that kills the Nine Clan.

With a tow oil bottle, the foreground is even more gloomy and can't be gloomier.

After waiting for so long, without waiting for Qingyun's promise, the child's bright eyes slowly dimmed again, and he pulled his head.However, he still held the corner of his shirt tightly.

Everyone could see that the child was depressed again.

Lanhua opened her mouth, suddenly remembered her identity, closed her mouth again, and looked at Mr. Song secretly, if Mr. Song spoke, the young master would definitely listen.

Song Wenqian squinted, not knowing what he was thinking, looked at Qingyun and then at the child, a smile flashed in his eyes.

The little guy is smart and smart, he doesn't need to worry about him, his intuition is accurate, and he knows who he is relying on.Didn't you see that the little guy kept holding on to Qingyun's clothes?

sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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