Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 727 Let's keep a low profile

This is what it says...

Fortunately, the people present are all my brothers, and they are all used to Master Qing's style of doing things. To change someone else is to show off naked, and beat you up, believe it or not?

You are going to play high security, no matter how low-key, where can you be low-key?You keep a low profile when you play Gao An?
"Master Qing, the army has won a big victory for the first time, do you want to celebrate?" Zhou Xiaoxi changed the subject in time and did not answer his words.

"It's to celebrate. It's rare for the brothers to gather together again. It's been several years. Either this absence or that absence, it's very difficult to gather together. This time we won the battle, and at the same time as celebrating, we should clean up the dust for us, Master Qing What do you think?" Tian Duoliang looked at Qingyun.

Hei Xiong and their generals also looked at Qingyun.

Qingyun slammed her lips, and glanced at Baba to see her brothers. It had been a long time since they got together, but the brothers were so excited that they agreed.

"Let's go, let's have a celebratory bonfire party. Three days later, the days will be good, and the new list of officials will come out, let's celebrate together."

The brothers immediately cheered loudly, yelling 'oh oh oh', and some people howled like a wolf like 'owoo' and 'oooooo'.

Seeing the brothers laughing heartily, Qingyun also laughed, her attention was diverted like this, and she was thrown away thousands of miles, and she couldn't find it again.

When the army heard that there would be a bonfire party in three days, their emotions became high. In the barracks, the large drill ground was moved out and used as a venue, which is more than enough to accommodate 20 people.

Qingyun seldom came to the Guiguya military camp, and the few times he came, he never came to the training ground. He was worried that the venue was not big enough to accommodate 20 troops, so he came over to have a look.When I first saw such a wide training ground, I was very surprised.

This is premeditated!

As soon as Qingyun returned to the Yamen, Yang Huai'en brought all the candidates' information to Qingyun for review. The information on the file was very detailed.

Qingyun doesn't pay much attention to other things, the first thing is that his character must be passable, and the second is ability.Family conditions and relatives are not important at all. The emperor still has a few poor relatives.

"These few, and these few, look good, keep them all. Come over and see if there are any you want, and pick them out. Except for the people you and Jilin need, the other counties will be prepared together. You take it for a while, and then send it to them after you pass the test.”

Qingyun took out the candidate files she liked, and let Yang Huaien and Deng Qun choose the rest.

After reading the case files, Qingyun found out that the county magistrate of Jilin had the same name and surname as Deng Qun, and the two were really destined.

"In the future, you don't need to report everything to me about the affairs of the yamen. You are the county magistrate, and you can make decisions by yourself. No one knows it at the beginning. You learn slowly, accumulate experience slowly, and it will come naturally after a long time. I get it.

I also came here like this, except for human life, other things, it doesn't matter if I am wrong, I will correct it in time.In the future, you county magistrates will decide on the promotion and promotion of yamen officials and small officials. As long as they are not bad and have strong ability to handle affairs, they can be used. "

She dumped the job of the county magistrate, so she didn't intend to take over. There were so many things she could do with one hand, even if she didn't eat, drink, sleep, or die of exhaustion, she couldn't finish it.

The future focus will be on the barracks. From now on, she will be stationed in the barracks, and she will be there wherever the army is.Her carefree soul can't be accommodated in this small Ligu area.

Deng Qun had just become the county magistrate, and he didn't know what the general was like, so he couldn't let go, so Yang Huai'en had no worries, and picked out the person he liked.Master Qing really doesn't have time to take care of these trivial matters, the army will not stay here forever.

"Lord Deng only cares about elections, and cronyism doesn't matter. As long as they do their jobs well, the general doesn't care about these trivial matters. To put it bluntly, the officials in the yamen or the people in the barracks are all the general's cronies."

Yang Huai'en saw that Deng Qun couldn't let go, so he spoke up to remind him. Qingyun still valued him very much.

"Wynn is right. I didn't avoid suspicion here. As long as you have the ability, you can come. Mr. Deng, Jilin County is handed over to you. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you. "

Qingyun encouraged him and left, leaving the rest to the two of them.


ghost valley cliff

In the barracks, in the big tent, all the generals are there.

"Master Qing, only Huping County has not been recovered in this area. What do you think of Huping? When will we fight?"

As soon as Qing Yun returned to the barracks, she was told that the generals were waiting for her in the big tent, and they wanted to discuss things with her.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, if there is anything interesting, of course he will take it back.

"The rebels in this area are almost wiped out. It doesn't make sense that Hu Ping's rebels have privileges. As long as they use the name of the rebels, no matter whether they are good people or not, they will fight first. This area belongs to our territory. "

This is the reason!

Qingyun glanced at them, "Who is going to visit Hu Ping?"

"I'll go!"

Before Qing Yun's voice fell, Hei Xiong immediately grabbed the task, causing other generals to stare at him. Hei Xiong immediately stared back, bigger than his eyes, he had never lost to anyone.

"That's it. The bonfire party is over, and the black bear will go to Huping. Others will lead an army to wipe out the bandits and three thieves in each county. The task will be drawn by lottery. Whoever draws the county will go to that county. Make sure these bandits disappear from our territory."


The generals took the order. Just now they were envious and jealous that only black bears went to fight, and now they have one too.


The celebration bonfire party, in order to have a lively and jubilant event, the army was dispatched, and several miles of mountains and forests were cut down, not the kind of Kanguang.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. They all know this principle, and they must leave room for everything, whether it is hunting or logging, they must save seeds.

The bonfire shelf is almost two meters high, and many shops in the city have made a lot of money, vegetables, rice, noodles, grain, oil, and drinks.

The party was almost ready, Qingyun was still regretting that Bai Yanheng and the others could not attend, but in the evening, Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie returned.

"It's better to come early than to come early! It's wonderful that the military commander is back!" Tian Duoliang smacked his lips.

The corners of Qingyun's mouth twitched, this word was used, those who didn't know would think that he wished the military division would not come back!

"Yan Heng, you came back just in time. Tonight there will be a celebration bonfire party. I regret that you can't participate. It feels incomplete without a few of you!"

Qingyun walked over to hook him up, Bai Yanheng subconsciously wanted to avoid him, but for some reason he didn't dodge after a pause.

"Is Gao An and his party going well? Is there anyone making things difficult for you? Don't be afraid when you come back, just say it."

Qingyun has a small book in his heart, as the head of the family, he has to ask about anything that makes things difficult for Bai Yanheng, and when she arrives in Gao'an in the future, she will visit her one by one.

Bai Yanheng: "..."

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