It doesn't have to be that way, no one bullied him, and those who bullied him usually returned it right then.

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others laughed, and the other generals laughed very treacherously, they understood what Qing Ye meant.

Rip off!

Junshi Bai is such a smart person, he can find a solution just by rolling his eyes. If he loses the chain at a critical moment, Master Qing's meaning is so obvious that he didn't hear it.

If there is no list, I have to get a list. In the future, they will come to Gao'an to ask for money!

Does Bai Yanheng not understand?

Of course not, he just understood the black line.If you don't pay attention, Master Qing will become like this, it's all caused by Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong.

"Tell me, who bullied you in Gao'an? Don't worry, I will definitely make the decision for you. People who bully me, see if I don't kill them." Qingyun smiled like a flower, and his words were full of hostility.

"I'll give you a list tomorrow." Bai Yanheng said, telling him about Gao An's situation in person.

Qingyun patted him on the shoulder, very satisfied with his way, very good!

In the afternoon, the newly released officials came down to the barracks under the leadership of the two county magistrates, Yang Huai'en and Deng Qun. Many of them entered the barracks for the first time. In the past, they had no such opportunity. They were curious about everything they saw, but Don't dare to ask and don't dare to look.

Yang Huai'en had been in the military camp before, so he knew what could be said and what could not be said, so he would introduce to them what could be said.For example: over there is the residence of the soldiers, over there is the bathing place, over there is the training ground, over there is the vegetable field, over there is the rice field, over there is the
Important places are not mentioned.

For example: Where is the granary for military supplies?
For example: Where is the general's tent?
Another example: Where is the kitchen?
Another example: Where is the equipment room?

Yang Huai'en didn't know about the above three important places, and he wouldn't ask about them. If Master Qing didn't say anything, he would have his reasons, as long as he did what Master Qing told him to do well.

There were soldiers training on the drill field, and Deng Qunminghua and his new officials moved away after a glance, not looking too much, for fear of touching the taboo in the army.

Yes, I read that right, Minghua is also a freshly released official, he was personally selected by Qingyun, and he intends to be placed in the material department of the army.This person is straightforward, not afraid of offending others, and has a delicate mind, which is the most suitable for him.

These new officials heard Mr. Yang introduce the military affairs, and it was nothing to satisfy their curiosity.Hearing that there were still fields in the barracks, and crops were planted on the fields, everyone was shocked.

"Who reclaimed these fields? It couldn't be the generals, could it?" Ming Hua was always the one who spoke quickly.

Other officials also want to know, but they are too smart to ask, but Minghua can ask their hearts.Now they don't feel that Ming Hua is a tough guy.

All the officials want to know, who came up with this idea, it is so bold, it is such an incredible thing to farm in the military camp.

No one thinks about the army?

You said that the army reclaimed wasteland and farmed?
What a joke, since ancient times, I have never heard of any dynasty or generation of army doing such outrageous things.The army is a sharp weapon to defend the country or open up the territory.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the officials, Yang Huai'en smiled. He was the same as them when he heard it. Now it's their turn, and more people will be surprised in the future.

"Half guessed right." Yang Huai'en looked indifferent, as if he knew the truth a long time ago, and proudly said: "All the land in the barracks was reclaimed by the army, aren't you surprised?"

Deng Qun and the others were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out, they said in disbelief, "The land reclaimed by the army?"

"There is something even more surprising. This piece of land turned out to be a wasteland, which was reclaimed by the general with his army. Every piece of land here has the sweat of the general, and every piece of land has the seeds planted by the general. "

"Did the general cultivate it himself?" The officials really couldn't imagine what the general looked like at work, it was too scary!

"Why does the army want to reclaim the land? Doesn't the imperial court have military rations?" Ming Hua was also shocked that the general would be like that, but his concern was different from others.

All the officials pricked up their ears to listen.

Yang Huai'en glanced at them faintly, "You don't know that the general was not a general before, but a small county magistrate in a remote place. Don't think that the remote place means that the folk customs are simple and the people live and work in peace and contentment, but it is not the case.

The small county has no county magistrate for more than ten consecutive years, the yamen have collapsed, bandits and bandits are rampant, oppressing the people, and in Yurou Township, the people are struggling to survive, and many people are thinking of killing themselves.

I heard that when the general first came..."

Yang Huai'en didn't mention the place name of Mount Qi, and Balabala single-handedly fought Master Qing to fight a way out of the hungry refugees like a wolf. Anyone who fought wits with the refugees, how would he escape from the bandit village? He killed a corrupt official who burned refugees to death, and brought a group of heroes from the rivers and lakes to the county seat.

Looking at the people who are poorer, more miserable and tired than the refugees, the general feels distressed.

Then how to bring two heroes of 300 people, how to deal with more than a dozen bandit villages, tens of thousands of bandits, how to fight...

Yang Huai'en can tell stories better than Lu Ming than Du Chun'an, and the cadence and rhythm of the places should be staggered. Hearing Deng Qunminghua and the officials' blood boil, at the same time, they didn't forget to scold the bandits, they deserved to die, they died so well, they scolded them The officials of the imperial court are greedy from top to bottom, and they also worry about the general and the others being in danger, sweating secretly.

All in all, the storytelling, no, the initial brainwashing was very successful.

Yang Huai'en secretly disliked it, her endurance is a bit weak!Just suppress a few bandits and kill a corrupt official, and you will be confused. You don't know where to go.

If you know that Lord Qing provoked the barbarians to fight against Marshal Qian Qizhi, and that Master Qing went to the barbarians to expand the territory, establish a tribe to raise war horses, and then killed the last prince of the Dayong Dynasty, wouldn't you be crazy?
Of course, these things must never be said.

All the officials had expressions of lingering fear. If they were generals, they would have died countless times.

"I didn't expect the general to go through so many dangerous things..."

Before the official finished feeling, he heard Minghua yelling, "Hey, look, is there a general over there?"

Their admiration for the hero was suddenly interrupted by someone, and the officials were upset with Minghua. After hearing his words, they looked in the direction he pointed, and they really saw that the man was a general.

Qingyun rolled up his sleeves and picked vegetables in the field with his brothers. He picked a tomato by chance, wiped it on his clothes and gnawed it.

A group of officials happened to see this scene, and instantly shattered their heroic image of him.

Is this person really the decisive general that Lord Yang said he killed corrupt officials and suppressed bandits?

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