Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 729 In Master Qing's heart, we are not as important as surnames

Could it be that they misunderstood, this person is the twin brother of the general?
"Don't look at the general's appearance. In fact, he grew up in the brocade heap since he was a child. He eats delicacies from mountains and seas, wears silk and satin, hugs him before going out, and is served by groups of servants."

Forgive their blindness, I really didn't see it.

If the general changed into the clothes of the common people, he would be no different from a farmer, except that his face would be a little paler.

Yang Huai'en led them over, Qingyun saw their eyes on the cucumber in his hand, thought they wanted to eat it, pointed to the melon next to him and said: "If you want to eat it, go to the field over there to pick it, it's a late ripening one , the taste is okay, not as delicious as the precocious ones."

It's not good, you ate two!
Yang Huai'en is not polite, he has cultivated the land and planted seeds, and he always felt that he was at a disadvantage if he didn't eat it, so he picked one and came back to eat it.

Crunchy and delicious!

He didn't feel any difference from the precocious one at all.

The officials were very conflicted, Mr. Wangyang ate with relish, and they also wanted to taste the land dug and the seeds planted by the general himself.But they didn't have the courage to pick it.

Ming Hua was quite courageous, he looked at the General and Master Yang, Ba ran to pick a few and brought them back for everyone to taste, and everyone's perception of him became better again.

Tie Hanhan is better than Tie Hanhan.

A small soldier ran over to look for Qingyun, as if the military commander wanted him for something, and when Qingyun left, Ming Hua asked Yang Huai'en curiously, "My lord, why do they call General Qing Ye?"

Master Qing agreed with these new officials to attend the celebration banquet, so he never thought of hiding the title, and it would last for a while, and besides, these people would have to deal with Master Qing, and it would not be long before they could hide it.

The officials looked at him speechlessly, whether they saw through or not, didn't they look like they didn't hear it?Do you still want to have a good time?Do you know that the more you know, the faster you die?

"You said that! When Master Qing first took office, there were only two or three hundred people who escaped from the refugees with him. They went to suppress the bandits. They were afraid that their identities would be exposed to the people in the county and they would be killed. Good 'Master Qing', every time the bandits shouted that, and over time, everyone in the army shouted that."

It turned out that this was the case, everyone was relieved, they were afraid that another bandit was born, and it would be over.

"Fortunately, Master Qing and his family are well-off, five years in office, the imperial court didn't give him a single penny of salary, and the monthly money for the yamen servants to catch the fast is paid by Master Qing.

Up to now, the military salary of the army has been paid by Master Qing's family. "

All the officials gasped, how rich the general's family is to be able to support so many soldiers and horses.

Everyone did the calculations in their hearts, counting on the basis of [-] soldiers and horses, it would be an astronomical figure in one year.

Poverty limits their imagination.

"You don't know, when Master Qing was the county magistrate, the county town was still controlled by bandits, and the people's taxes were all handed over to the bandits, and they were all paid.

Lord Qing dared not collect taxes, and the people did not dare to take them secretly, for fear that the bandits would find out that there was a lack of taxes and kill the people.What if there is no tax?What to eat and what to wear?
Even the shop is owned by bandits, so if you go there, you will die.How to do?They can only open up wasteland and farm land by themselves, grow cotton and weave cloth to make clothes.

The current generals in the army are all those who followed Master Qing in the early days.If our army is people who cannot survive, or refugees or refugees who fled, the only condition for joining the army is to have enough food and clothing.

From that time on, no matter where Master Qing went, he led an army to reclaim land and grow food.Why can't soldiers farm the land?We are all common people, we all eat from the soil, why not plant them?
Farm the land by yourself, and eat the harvested grain by yourself. If you are full, you can raise pigs if you want to eat meat. There is no shortage of military rations in the army, and the army can eat enough, why not grow it?Is face more important than human life?Just for the so-called face, let everyone go hungry? "

Yes, why not?
"In the eyes of Lord Qing, nothing is more important than the lives of the people, including our army. Because of this, every soldier in the army is loyal to Lord Qing.

Many refugees came to join the army when they heard that our army could have enough to eat. Master Qing didn’t want to recruit soldiers. What did he do for a county magistrate to raise so many soldiers? Besides, he didn’t have any money, they were all filled by his family.

The refugees stayed at the barracks and refused to leave. They came to help when the army opened up wasteland. They didn't drink a grain of rice or a sip of water all day. They followed the army to open up wasteland until dark. Master Qing couldn't bear it when he saw it, so he accepted it the next day. , but also to resettle the soldiers' families, and give them land to build villages and seeds.

The refugee people only saw that joining the army can have enough food?Who has seen how difficult and miserable Master Qing is?Tens of thousands of troops, where does the food come from?Where does the military pay come from? "

Yang Huai'en is really eloquent, and the brainwashing is very successful. The image of Qingyun is in their hearts, rising and rising, and then rising.

While feeling sorry for Lord Qing for suffering so much, they lamented that he is a good official. They have been searching for so many years, isn't it just for such a good official?
Yang Huai'en specifically mentioned the iron rules of Master Qing.

"...In Master Qing's heart, we officials are not as important as the common people in Master Qing's heart. After you become officials, you must never bully the common people, molesting women and robbing the daughters of the people. Once you are found out, you will be killed without mercy!

The gods can't save you even if they come!
There was once a rich man who robbed a girl on the street, and was sued by the girl's parents to the yamen, and the common people on the street saw it.

After Qing Ye verified the facts, he ordered the arresters to arrest him quickly, but there was no trial, and he beheaded at the entrance of the vegetable market. It was useless for the adults of Futai and the princess of the state to plead with him personally, so kill him! "

All the officials broke out in a cold sweat, and touched the head on their neck, feeling lingering fear, and at the same time secretly warned themselves, never violate the iron law of the general.

"As long as you do things in a peaceful manner, don't engage in unjust, false or wrongly decided cases, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't disregard people's lives, and don't violate Qing Ye's iron law, even if you are doing nothing in office, you can still wear the Wusha hat on your head securely.

Master Qing loves talents very much. If someone is loved by the people during his official career, and his performance is particularly outstanding, then your official career will be bright, and no one knows where he will go in the future. "

Yang Huai'en uses the skill of both grace and power properly.

You Shizheng

All the bonfire frames on the training ground were lit at the same time, crackling, and the blazing flames danced in the night, just like the mood of the soldiers, passionate and enthusiastic.

Eating like flowing water, carts of chicken, duck, fish, vegetables and fruits were brought to the table.

There is a half-meter-high platform in the center of the training ground, on which there is also a campfire stand, which is half a meter higher than all the campfire stands.

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