Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 757 Master Qing, we are here to pick you up

Everyone who was scolded as an accomplice trembled, and their faces turned paler when they saw the bandit's knife pointing at them.

Shit army of justice, they are bandits, demons!

"You bastards, it was you who killed my husband, you will die badly, woo woo woo"

Ever since seeing her husband die in her aunt's house, Mrs. Futai suddenly stood up and yelled at the group of people.

The ladies who were squatting with her turned pale with fright when they heard her swearing words, they grabbed the hands of the Futai lady, pulled her down and held her down with all their strength, and covered her mouth .

She wanted to die not to pull them.

The group of people looked at the Futai lady coldly, but they didn't respond, and asked someone to clear a clean place on the balcony, and then several people carried a gorgeous grand master's chair and placed it in the middle.

That magnificent grand master's chair is familiar to many people. If you look carefully, it may not belong to Mr. Futai.

Everyone looked at their actions strangely, feeling baffled, wondering what tricks the culprits were playing.

Just when everyone was wondering what the gangsters were doing, dozens of gangsters with red-tasseled guns walked towards the male guest, and divided into two lines as they walked, clearing a path, standing face to face solemnly, and at the same time He raised the red-tasseled gun and slammed it down. There was a loud "bang" and everyone trembled.

The scene was dead silent.

Then, everyone looked at the bandit leader and walked up to a noble young master, regretting that the scholar was going to be unlucky. Now and here, seeing that someone was going to be unlucky, everyone was glad that the unlucky one would not be himself, and looked at Others are unlucky and gloat.

Everyone was horrified to find that they were all squatting, but the noble young man was sitting, which made them all cowardly, cowardly, greedy for life and afraid of death.

Everyone: "..."

What is the use of backbone at this time?Save your life!

Damn, he's dead!
Everyone was secretly poking fun, staring at their eyes, waiting to see the miserable end of that noble young master.

Liang Rusu's face was pale, he looked at the gangsters who were coming, and then at the young official who was sitting peacefully, as soon as he gritted his silver teeth, he was about to stand up in front of him, but was held back by Lin Zijie.

Unfortunately, it backfired!
Then something happened that shocked everyone's jaws, and they saw the leader kneeling on one knee, bowing his head, and shouted in awe: "Master Qing! The humble servants are here to pick you up!"

The sound of 'Qing Ye' was so loud that everyone heard it!

Then the soldiers in the two rows raised their red-tasseled guns and smashed them on the ground again, shouting majestically: "Master Qing, my subordinates are here to pick you up!"

Qingyun: "."

The black line at the end of Qingyun, such a secondary disease, who came up with the idea?

With the fan in Qingyun's hand, he nodded to Hong Xingwu's head, and smiled, this pretending...she likes it!

Hong Xingwu lowered his head even lower. What can he do? This is all brainstormed by the brothers. It must leave a shocking scene for the dignitaries in Gao'an, solemn and solemn, and also act as a deterrent.

What do you say?
Tian Duoliang and the others said that in Master Qing's words, there must be a sense of ritual!
He lost the bet, so he came to Gao'an City.

Damn, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others are so cunning and cunning, they just bullied him as an honest man.

The people who came back to their senses were dumbfounded and looked at the noble young master with disbelieving expressions. After a long time of messing around, this young master belonged to them!
Looking at the situation, he is still a big man.

The dude squatting at Qingyun's feet stared at this scene dumbfounded, the shock in his heart was overwhelming!
The person who calls them brothers and sisters is a big hero!The condition under the eyes is very bad. I don't know what's going on, but they have a proud sense of honor!
Qingyun got up and glanced at everyone, and walked towards the grand teacher's chair on the balcony, step by step, there was obviously no sound of footsteps, but everyone felt the sound of "step" and "step" echoing in their ears, as if this person was not heading towards the balcony Instead of leaving the Taishi chair, he walked towards the dragon chair.


How could they have such ridiculous ideas!
Qing Yun walked to the Grand Master's chair and stopped. When everyone didn't know what he was going to do, he suddenly turned around and looked at the people below with an indifferent expression, giving them the feeling that he was watching the world with disdain.

Qingyun sat down slowly, looking at the people below, a heavy and depressive atmosphere lingered in everyone's hearts.

Liang Yusu, who was squatting below, looked at the incomparably noble person above, feeling very unreal.

Ever since he agreed to join Guan Yun and the others, Lin Zijie's heart was full of ups and downs, and he couldn't get it right.All he knew was what Guan Yun and the others let him know. He didn't know how much strength Guan Yun and the others had. If he stepped into a pit, there would be no place for him to die.

Seeing this now, Lin Zijie felt relieved, the people he followed were stronger than he imagined.

After 3 minutes of being serious, Qingyun leaned back on the grand master's chair relaxedly, turned his feet and overlapped them on the armrests of the grand master's chair.

She is good-looking, no matter what she does.

"I used to hear people say that Gao'an is prosperous and prosperous, no worse than Yuzhou in the south. People call it Xiaoyuzhou. I didn't believe it. After I came to Gao'an, I realized that people in the world are not exaggerating at all, especially the rich and powerful. Relatives and relatives can't compare."

When the dignitaries in the underground heard what he said, they all broke out in a cold sweat, their hearts twitched, and it's not going to get better today!
"I planned to capture Gao'an Futai and kill others to scare the monkeys, but I didn't expect our master Futai to die in..." Qingyun tutted twice, you should think carefully about what it means.

"It made my plan aborted. Fortunately, there is still a general around, and killing him is the same. I have already investigated your details. If you want to survive, it depends on whether you are worthy or not.

Speaking of which, Mr. Futai died simply, and he suffered a lot less crimes. As for the shitty things he did, it would be cheaper for him to cut him into pieces.

Come here, send the body of our lord Futai and the head of the general to the city gate, and let Gao'an's army see that their master is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed! "


Hong Xingwu immediately ordered to go down, and soon saw several soldiers carrying the corpse of the mansion and the head of the general towards the door.

Futai Madam heard that this group of gangsters would not let her husband's body go unnoticed, she got the strength to break free from the person who suppressed her, and yelled at Qingyun: "You bastard, you must die! You You will go to eighteen layers of hell, and you will be torn apart by the evil spirits of hell forever."

This remark was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and it angered all the soldiers, all of them looked at her coldly, without any warmth.

"He is so cold-blooded and ruthless that he doesn't even let the dead body go. If you follow such a person, you won't end well..."

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