Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 758 Don't be afraid, we are teachers of justice

Chapter 758 Don't be afraid, we are teachers of justice

Before Mrs. Futai finished cursing, Qingyun waved his hand, and immediately a soldier ran over to take off his shoes, and then took off his socks to stuff her mouth.

Mrs. Futai was so shocked at that time, with an unbelievable look, she passed out at that time.

Everyone: "."

Everyone who watched this scene trembled, and felt disgusted just looking at it.

Qingyun is very satisfied with the effect, she won't bother with a woman, there is no more noise in her ears, and she is in a better mood.

"I'm very reasonable. I don't usually kill innocent people. Most of you know why Futai was killed. If you don't know something, it doesn't matter. I will tell you. Commander, come and tell them."

Qingyun glanced at Bai Yanheng who was in the corner, and then ignored him after giving the order. Hong Xingwu next to him immediately handed over the grapes, Qingyun glanced at him, picked it up and ate it.

Hong Xingwu heaved a sigh of relief, what happened just now is over.

The dignitaries below trembled. They heard that under unusual circumstances, he would kill innocent people.

Bai Yanheng walked up to the balcony, and dug out a dossier from nowhere. After opening it, he glanced at the people below him, announcing the crimes of Gaoan Futai one by one, and traced back to him. During the period, they corrupted the law and so on.

They don't know about many crimes, but there are traces to follow.

The dignitaries and high-ranking officials who were listening below turned pale and pale. This group of people investigated in such detail that they went to a certain place, a certain day and a certain time, who they met, what they said, and the furnishings in the house at that time.

It is conceivable that their details must have been turned upside down.

".To sum up, the crimes committed by the Gao'an Mansion over the years are too numerous to record, so they were sentenced to death and all the family property was confiscated. The general is kind and does not implicate innocent family members. He is kind enough to turn the former Gao'an Mansion family members into civilians. , move out of this mansion immediately. Ma'am, being a mother is strong, and live a good life with your children in the future."

The former Futai lady who had just woken up heard the words of these thieves and passed out gorgeously again.

Deceiving too much!

The complexions of the dignitaries below are no longer pale, they are no longer ashen, and there are no beads of sweat on their heads, as if the rainwater has been washed once, and it is rushing down.

Bai Yanheng closed the file, and with a wave of his hand, some soldiers brought up several baskets and placed them at the front of the balcony, so that everyone below could see them clearly.

"The files here are all present. What you have done is innocent. You know it in your own mind, so you don't point it out one by one on the spot. The general has a kind heart, and he can't bear to kill. I hope you can do it yourself."

With the lessons learned from the former Gao'an Futai, do you still need to choose if you want money or die?
Master Qing moved to the court to work, and the banquet became a public venue for criminal trials. Those who were honest and frank, who volunteered to contribute their family property, walked out of the house unscathed.

Those who resist strictness, those who are cunning and cunning, and those who play tricks, must be served with severe punishment.The skin was torn apart, the blood was dripping, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, the scene was quite bloody.

The battle outside the city was very fierce. The second army of 10,000+ faced the Gaoan fourth army of 10,000+. Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong's various tactics emerged one after another, so that the two sides could be even.

Qingyun's genius made a stroke, Gao An's generals and the mansion were all dead, and they hung high on the city gate. Seeing this scene, the army's morale was shaken and their morale was low.

At this time, there are still people standing on the city wall, shouting at Gao'an's army. The content is nothing more than the crimes committed by Gao'an's government over the years, such as oppressing the people, extorting miscellaneous taxes, covering up the children of the powerful, robbing and killing people, and robbing the people's land. ,wait.

The battle outside the city was soon over.

When all the dignitaries come out of the General's Mansion, yes, the former Gao'an Mansion's mansion is now Qingyun's Great General's Mansion. After they come out, Gao'an City has already changed.

In terms of the speed of house raids, no army can compare to Qingyun's army, it is as fast as lightning, so to speak.

The dignitaries here have just contributed [-]% of their family fortunes, and the army over there hastily accepted the things on the paper one by one, not allowing even one hair to be taken away.

When they got home, the shopkeepers of Zhuangzi in various shops and restaurants were waiting, all of them looked sad, and those who didn't know thought the master was dead.A group of officers and soldiers broke into the shop they were in charge of, and asked the shopkeeper to leave without saying a word, but of course he could stay.

Lost the shop, how can the master spare them?No, all of them are lifeless.

The result was beyond the expectation of these shopkeepers. The master didn't blame him, but told them to go back and have a good rest, and talk about it later.

They were quite frightened today, and they didn't have the energy to deal with the business of the shop, and they were still alive, thanks to the blessings of various bodhisattvas.

After these dignitaries calmed down their fears, thinking of the price they had paid, they were so distressed that they called Qingyun 'bandit', 'robber', 'Zhuzi' and 'bad bastard' in the room.

Shit teacher of justice, if all teachers of justice are like him, will they still have a way out?He still has the face to scold Master Futai for being greedy, Master Futai is not half as cruel as him!
However, they couldn't do this general, so they could only bear it aggrievedly. If they could do it well, they would definitely make him regret coming to this world.

You said to unite all the powerful and powerful to boycott him?
Whoops, you think they don't want to, they can change anyone, just the bandits.

They could see it clearly with their own eyes. Those officers and soldiers who were interrogating, when they heard that they were willing to hand over [-]% of their family property, their regretful expressions...

Can't think deeply!

Thinking hard!
There is a second question, what will happen if you don't pay?
The eyes of all the officers and soldiers there at that time were shining brightly, it was too scary.And gently asked that person if he refused to pay?Advise him to think about it carefully, and it is okay not to pay.

You've seen a tiger tell a rabbit that it doesn't eat meat, and a ghost tell people that he doesn't take his life with a smile. That scene...

A group of ferocious officers and soldiers, like the Yaksha in hell, with hideous faces, smile and tell you that he has no malicious intentions...

Who has experienced it knows.


The sudden war made the people of Gao'an City uneasy. Every household closed their doors and windows tightly, but they still couldn't stop the sound of fighting outside the city.

The masters of Futai don't care about the lives of the people.

When the people were suffering, the yamen's arresting yamen servants, beating gongs and drums, shouted from the end of the street to the street, announcing the end of the war, the safety of Gao'an City, and the death of the Gao'an Mansion Tai master, and read the former Gao'an mansion Notices will be posted on the list board in front of the yamen for various crimes committed in Taiwan.

Yamen servants quickly spread the propaganda back and forth, publicizing that they are the army of justice, how many corrupt officials their generals have killed, how many rebel bandits they have wiped out, and so on.

 Thank you Xizhi 577409191, 160608144541041, the monthly ticket voted by Mingrizuifenfang, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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