Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 76 Tigers also take naps

Chapter 76 Tigers also take naps

"Do you remember where we went?" Qing Yun asked the child in front of Lin Zi.

The child nodded, looked at the surrounding bushes carefully, pointed to the broken twig not far away, and said, "Go down from there, I will mark every ten steps, and you can find the yam after the mark."

The mark of a child is to break a twig and leave it on the spot. His little finger is as big as his little finger, and he can't break it no matter how big it is.

"You are smart."

Qingyun glanced at the child in surprise, walked in from the broken bush, Song Wenqian followed, followed by Old Man Li's family.

The child's eyes lit up again, praised by the elder brother, and then pointed to the broken branch of another tree and said, "Brother, over there."

As soon as Qingyun and the others entered the forest, the group of tails immediately rushed in.

The young man touched his chin and followed into the woods.I don't know what so many people are doing with the teenagers. It's unlikely that Zhulou would rob the teenager. These twenty or so people are not enough for a teenager to beat up.

In the woods, only the sound of children guiding the way and the rustling of people passing through the bushes could be heard.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I came to the place where the child said.It is a valley, and at Taniguchi, you can see that the valley is covered with potato vines.

Qingyun's eyes flashed, this piece was all dug out, and there was still a lot left when the bamboo was full.

Qingyun put down the child, walked in, randomly picked a stalk and slashed it with a dagger, revealing the big yam below with a grin.

Li Laohan's family didn't need to say hello to Qingyun, they dug up with freshly baked tools.

The group was very busy.

At this time, the group of tails behind them also saw the sweet potato vines in the valley, all of which were farming. There were a few who didn't know this thing, their eyes glowed green, and they were about to rush up and were stopped by the rational person.

If you don't stop it, you can't. When the evil star in front was hitting someone, he saw it, and the stick is still in his hand!
"Big tiger?" The blocked person looked at him inexplicably.

"Don't die?"

The man named Dahu told the crowd about the brutality of the young man. The group finally calmed down and asked him, "What do you say?"

The young man who followed behind finally knew the purpose of this group of people, leaning against the tree lazily and watching them discuss.

Dahu thought about it for a while, and said, "We can't hide from him what we're following. He didn't drive us away, he just acquiesced. In this way, I'll go say hello."

This is what Big Tiger can think of.

The others had no opinion and watched Dahu walk past, they could only wait for the result.

The young man thought for a while, crossed the group of people, and headed towards the valley. Everyone looked at him, didn't know him, and no one stopped him.

"What do you plan to do with the group of people behind?"

Song Wenqian planed next to Qingyun. The tool was a small hoe made of bamboo by old man Li. The ground was too hard to dig, and it was fine to plan this kind of loose ground.

"It's not good to eat alone!"

Qingyun looked at the slap-sized yam, so happy that his eyes narrowed into gaps.

"Are you going to separate?" Song Wenqian squinted at Qingyun, he didn't see that this kid still had fraternity feelings.

"There are too few of us. It's too ostentatious to carry a bamboo loin on our backs. We always go to the toilet together. We must doubt it if we go to the toilet more often. Look, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, I can't keep it alone. Tigers always take a nap. It's better to go out and distract others."

So when she asked the child, the voice control could be heard by people nearby.

"It is indeed a solution." Song Wenqian visually observed that the valley is quite large, and some of them are distributed, and there are many more.

(End of this chapter)

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