Chapter 77

"Aren't you afraid that if you don't have enough things, it won't be enough? What if there are only a few plants?"

If you haven't seen something, you dare to recruit so many people. If you don't have something, you won't have to fight.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows with a smirk, "If you don't have it, you won't have it. It's not that I asked them to come, but they want to come with them. Joke, if there is nothing, I have to compensate them for something?"

Looking at Qingyun's violent temper, even "Lao Tzu" came out.

Regardless of whether there are yam or not, these people are shields. At most, let them dig a few plants. Next time they eat, they will have an excuse not to.

Song Wenqian also wanted to understand Qingyun's plan, this kid is a little broken.

The child didn't understand what the old grandfather and the big brother said. He was diligent. He took the bamboo hoe and picked a thick vine from the big brother. .

Qingyun took advantage of her strength, and she plowed quickly. Soon a piece of land was emptied near her, and a pile of sweet potatoes was piled on the ground, all of which looked delightful.

With this bunch of fresh ones, the cooked yams in the bamboo grove got in the way.This time, the yam is big, and it will definitely be crushed if you put it in. It is better to eat it. After you are full, you will have the strength to work, and you will pack a lot.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Li, you come here. Children, you come too."

Qingyun poured out all the sweet potatoes, Old Man Li came over with his daughter-in-law, the child heard Qingyun's greeting, looked back, saw the big brother waving at him, came over and sat down at Qingyun's feet .

"Brother, I dug a lot of yams." The child excitedly asked for credit, which was much faster than digging with branches.

"You're amazing!" Qingyun glanced at the three sweet potatoes that the child had cut out, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he boasted insincerely.

The child immediately smiled.

"Master, you have something to tell me." Old Man Li didn't know what Qingyun asked them to do. Even children knew how to behave, so he had to behave.

"As you can see, there are a lot of yam in the valley, and we won't be able to dig them all in a while. It takes strength to dig yam. I'm hungry, but I don't have the strength, so how can I dig it out. Some people will come in a while, so let's eat quickly and be full. If you dig a little more, you don’t need to save, it’s open to eat today.”

Qing Yun first picked up the sweet potato to eat, and finally was able to eat a full meal, which was not easy.

The child picked one up, thought about it and handed it to Song Wenqian, "Grandpa, here it is for you."

Song Wen moved happily, took it over, and rubbed the boy's head, "You can eat it too, don't worry about Grandpa, Grandpa will take it himself."

Old man Li looked at the sweet potatoes in the valley, and felt relieved. He grabbed a few women's hands, and a few women's hands, before finally eating them.

The big tiger and the young man came here at this time. The young man was not surprised when he saw them eating, and looked like he knew it earlier.

Dahu secretly swallowed his saliva, and even he was startled by the sound of "gudong".

Qingyun looked at the two of them, and then looked at the sweet potatoes on the ground, and asked in a rare and generous way, "How about two?"

There are many mountains and potatoes in the valley. If you are outside, do you think she is not generous?

The young man paused, walked over, squatted next to Song Wenqian, said "thank you", and looked at Qingyun.

"help yourself."

Qingyun twitched her mouth, she was really just being polite, she didn't expect this person to be thicker than her.Qingyun looked at him dissatisfied and motioned for the young man to take something to eat by himself.

With Qingyun's consent, the young man was not polite, grabbed the yam and took a bite, then devoured it, and even the child was stunned by the murderous appearance.

Glancing at the other man, Qingyun took two and threw them to him, "Next."

(End of this chapter)

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