Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 78 Bitten by a Snake

Chapter 78 Bitten by a Snake
Dahu took it subconsciously, then looked at Qingyun awkwardly, didn't eat, and looked like he had something to say.

"Is something wrong?" Qingyun asked knowingly.

The big tiger gritted his teeth and glanced at the things in the valley. For the sake of the family behind him, he abandoned his sense of shame and asked cautiously, "Well, can we come in and dig some potatoes? We don't dig a lot, just a few per person. ."

Afraid of the boy's rejection, Dahu was sweating profusely, and he didn't dare to look at Qingyun, only staring at her from the corner of his eye.

Qingyun looked at him expressionlessly, and saw that the tiger was about to retreat, and then said: "Okay, that piece is for you, and you can take it away."

Qingyun divided the area for them, half of them belonged to them, and the other half belonged to Dahu.

The big tiger looked at the large piece of yam, his eyes lit up, and his mouth kept saying thanks, "Thank you, thank you, brother, if you have anything to do in the future, as long as you give a servant, go up the mountain and go down the fire, the brothers will do it. ."

"You're welcome. It's not easy to go out. It's a help if you can. Besides, this thing is not mine. Let your people come in!"

Qingyun was talking about the scene, if it weren't for her few people, she couldn't swallow so much, she would have occupied it a long time ago.Don't say that this thing is not hers, ask her fist to answer.

Dahu thanked Qingyun again, and walked briskly to tell everyone the good news.

As soon as Qingyun and the others finished eating, they saw a large group of people coming in, and they all glanced at her when they passed by Qingyun.

Qingyun felt inexplicable, looked up and swept over the group of people, saw her looking over, and everyone smiled back at her.

Qingyun blinked, not understanding what was wrong with this group of people, took the bamboo stalks and put the sweet potatoes on the ground, picked up the bamboo slices and continued to plan them.

Qingyun's side is digging potatoes, and the people on Dahu's side are also thinking of making a fortune in silence, and they each find something to dig.

"There are snakes!"

Suddenly, someone screamed on the big tiger's side, and then it quickly became lively, and the timid people ran to the open space.

Qingyun looked up and saw that it was a little boy who was bitten, about eleven or twelve years old, her mother hugged him and cried "wow wow", and the people around looked at her pitifully and made some bad ideas.

Dahu persuaded her there, and glanced at Qingyun, guessing that persuading her not to cry, the effect was not ideal.

The woman was crying, it was miserable anyway.

It's not too far from the main road here, if it is heard, it will be troublesome to attract more people.

Qingyun thought for a while, then walked over to Orchid and asked, "Orchid, can your medicine smelt snake venom?"

"Not Zhu Yeqing, five-step snake, ordinary snake venom will do." Lan Hua said, "It's best to catch the snake that bit him!"

Qingyun nodded, this group of people were hungry, and they were crazy when they saw the yam, who would have thought that there were snakes hidden under the vines?

"Old man, Uncle Li, don't be busy digging for now. You smoke the grass and see if there are any snakes hiding. Orchid, take your medicine and come with me."

Qingyun frowned, she really didn't want to pay attention to this kind of thing, so she didn't like too many people, trouble!

Lan Hua glanced at her father and saw that her father had no objection, then took the medicine jar and followed the young master there.


When Dahu saw Qingyun coming, he rubbed his hands embarrassedly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, wondering what the young man was doing here?
Thinking they were too noisy, came over to chase them away?I still come here to watch the fun. If it's okay to watch the fun, I'm afraid of coming to chase people away.

Then I saw the girl behind Qingyun.

 Starting tomorrow, the daily update is 2000. Are you happy or surprised? !
(End of this chapter)

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