Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 782 Soldiers and horses are limited, are the world's surnames limited?

Chapter 782 Soldiers and horses are limited, are the people in the world limited?
Bai Yanheng: "."

Hearing Qing Yun's serious nonsense, Bai Yanheng's expression remained calm.General Jiang Han Futai and the two men guarded Suzhou City's real purpose, they knew it well, but Qingyun praised him sincerely, which is also remarkable.

General Jiang: "."

Hanfu TV: "."

If it wasn't for the two of them that the leader of the rebel army praised, he would have known what kind of virtues they had, and would have thought that they were the clean-sleeved, honest and honest people he praised.

Under the oppression of the direct descendants of the aristocratic family, guarding Suzhou City for more than ten years, it can be seen that the two people have deep scheming like the sea.Facing the praise of the rebel leader, the two looked as usual.

"Good birds choose trees to live in. Although I am not a sycamore tree and cannot attract phoenixes, I am still a thriving tree, which is much stronger than fallen branches and dead wood.

But today's world is chaotic, wars start a prairie fire, and the common people live in dire straits.Aristocratic families from all over the world enclose land and become kings one after another, monopolizing the political power.Today it’s not me who beats you, tomorrow it’s you who beats me, winner and loser, that’s how the world is, if it’s not me, it will be someone else.You think about it carefully, this general is a man of talent. "

Qingyun's mouth was dry for most of the day, the soldiers did not prepare tea, Qingyun was about to leave, he didn't want to say anything, but it seemed deliberate if he talked too much.

They are all smart people who know how to choose.

With the current trend, even if she let them go back to Huaizhou, lost Suzhou City, and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, Huaizhou would not let them go, and the family members of Zhu Lian had to follow them suffer.

There is still a way out after following her.

Bai Yanheng glanced deeply at the two of them, and followed Qingyun away.

Jiang's general Han Futai was in a state of thought. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the young man who was walking out. Seeing that the boy's figure was about to disappear around the corner, Han Futai suddenly raised his head and said:
"Today's world is divided into four parts, with General Shan in the east, Duke Zhou in the south, Marshal Qian in the west, and the Aristocratic Alliance in the north. There are four to five million soldiers and horses. You alone have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. Why do you think you have a share in this world? Just relying on you to lay down a Suzhou City?"

The area in the north is vast, with four continents and thirteen counties in total, one county has more than a dozen prefectures, and one prefecture has as few as ten counties and as many as twenty or thirty counties.

Suzhou City is not considered the best city in the Northland, and it is more than enough than the top. If it were not for the two mines, the descendants of the Jiang and Han families would never have come here to practice.

Qingyun paused and said without turning his head: "No reason. If I can lay down one Suzhou, I can lay down two Suzhou, three Suzhou, or even dozens of such Suzhou. You are fighting for power and profit, and expanding your territory is for the sake of Selfish desires, I follow the will of the people. With limited soldiers and horses, are there limited people in this world?"

This wave of coercion...

General Jiang Han Futai didn't respond yet, but the brothers looked at Qingyun, as if she was emitting a holy light behind her, and they just knelt down to worship.

Qingyun's head is full of black lines.


Don't look at what she said to be tall, and give their army the name of "justice". To put it bluntly, they just want to live.

If it wasn't for Qian Qizhi's persecution by that old turtle, she would still be the county magistrate of Xianyu in Qishan, fishing leisurely, why would she leave her hometown and go to the north to seek a living.

Her old man and cheap parents are still hanging out under the eyes of that old turtle Qian Qizhi, who knows the pain in her heart?
Qingyun and Bai Yanheng left, but the shock in the hearts of General Jiang and Han Futai was hard to calm down for a long time.

 Thanks to Dahaijiaozi, and the monthly ticket voted by the snow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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