Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 783 Somewhat Sure to Repel the Rebels

Chapter 783 Somewhat Sure to Repel the Rebels
After seeing him in the dungeon that day, there has been no movement, Qingyun will not wait, and the soldiers will be ready to go out of the city to search the mountains after ordering.

People who don't know the current affairs can cut it off and forget it. One person occupies a cell, leaving no room for other prisoners, and vacating it just solves this problem.

At this moment, Bai Yanheng came, handed Qingyun a piece of paper, and said: "We have already recruited, here is the address."

Qingyun: "."

"Figured out?!"

Qingyun looked at the paper, then at the army, feeling very tired, the army has been rectified and ready to go immediately, but it turned out to be a waste of time.

In the end, Qingyun still failed to go, so Hong Xingwu led his troops to go, but Qingyun was so envious.

When Qingyun and the others were busy mining, dividing the fields, and rectifying the law and order in Suzhou City, the government offices and generals of Qinsi Mansion and Nanfen Mansion next door urgently summoned everyone to hold a meeting overnight to discuss matters in Suzhou City.

A group of generals and the adults of the government office gathered in the lobby, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense and depressing. The bandits and rebels were next door, and they couldn't sleep or eat. No one could guarantee that the rebels would come over?

In less than half a month, Suzhou City was breached by the rebels, losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. According to the news from the spies, the whereabouts of the main general, General Jiang, and the master Futai are unknown. It is not known whether they were killed or disappeared. Anyway, life and death It's just unknown.

"General, my lord, you have an idea!"

You don't say anything, what's the matter?If you don't say anything, can you pretend you don't know about Suzhou City?Things have to be resolved!
According to the latest news from the spies, the rebels are doing something to distribute the land to the people, and they are good at winning people's hearts, but they have suffered a lot from the gentry in the city.

Not to mention that the rebel division is unknown, and it is not a glorious thing to bear the name of the rebel army, so why don't they know how to keep a low profile.

Yes, the world is in chaos now, those with a little bit of influence, those with some soldiers in their hands, are not acting in the name of righteous men.It's not like the bandits next door, they beat them without saying a word, without any warning signs.



Having said that, if you distribute the land, you should distribute the land, and do it quietly, can't you?It must be done vigorously, for fear that others will not know.The group of untouchables were happy, and finally got their wish.

Right now they have blocked the news, and the matter of land distribution has not been reported. Such a big matter cannot be concealed, and sooner or later there will be trouble.

Those untouchables dream of carve up the land of the gentry. No one has done this before. The untouchables are only wishful thinking in their hearts.

The longer the incident fermented, the harder it was suppressed, and the crazier it would be when it broke out.

It doesn't matter if they are far away. It won't affect them for a while. As the next door neighbor, Nanfen Mansion of Qin Si Mansion will be miserable. Once those untouchables break out, how can they be suppressed?

It is unrealistic to send troops to suppress. The untouchables are all in the countryside, so it is impossible to send troops to suppress each village and town, and there are not so many soldiers.

Besides, there are also rebels running around outside the Fucheng to make troubles. The untouchables are ignorant and incapable of causing trouble. It is those rebels who need to beware.

In case those rebels learned about Suzhou, seized this matter to provoke, and united with the untouchables to rebel, it would be of great disadvantage to them.

What made them even more afraid was Suzhou's bandit rebels. If Suzhou City couldn't satisfy their desires and attacked Qin Sifu again, how sure were they of being able to repel the rebels?

 Thank you Yueyue Wanwan for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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