Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 786 Fighter Planes Are Important

Chapter 786 Fighter Planes Are Important

"Those dogs live a life of their own. They look down on who they are. They are plotting behind their backs. What kind of heroes are they? Looking at the foreign power, they are actually cowards. Master Qing, why don't I bring a large army to suppress the situation and scare them to the ground." Zhou said. Xiao Xidao.

"That's a good idea. Xiaoxi will take the army to the Qinsi mansion, and I will take the army to the Nanfen mansion. I will take care of these two mansions in order to keep them in good order, so as not to embarrass Lord Qing." Deng Qun said.

Wan Xiaoli, who was one step behind, was very distressed. Why couldn't he be one step faster and shout before Deng Qun, or else the job would have fallen on him.

Of course, those who are still booing still have to boo. If it doesn't work this time, what if he grabs the opportunity next time?
"I can be responsible for the escort and storage of materials so as not to delay the battle on the front line."

Qingyun: "."

Very good, everything is clearly arranged.

"Do you want me to beat the drums and horns for you to boost morale?"

"Okay! Okay!" All the generals responded in unison.

Qingyun immediately darkened his face, pointed at them and yelled, "What a fart! The army has been running around for a long time. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were sacrificed in the war just now. The army doesn't need to rest? Don't the recruits need to train? Look for yourself, take a good look , the sacrifices are all recruits.”

On the table next to Qingyun was the data of the soldiers and horses who died in the war. As soon as she hammered the table, those files were glanced at.

Tian Duoliang and the others were generals who touched their noses and said nothing. They felt guilty, there must be some, but it is impossible to say how much.

That's it. They came out of Li County, fought all the way, recruited troops and advanced all the way. If they want to train soldiers like Qi Shan, it is impossible to train them to be strong and strong.

Time waits for no one!

They can only run in while fighting, which is considered as training. The fittest will survive, and those who survive will be strong soldiers and strong generals.

Besides, how can a war not kill people.

Qingyun doesn't care what they think, he scolds whenever he should:

"One Suzhou city, let you float up, thinking that you are invincible in the world? How many Suzhou cities are there in this world? How many famous generals are there? They are all fools, wait for them to fight? If Suzhou is not prepared , and the old man's secret weapon, can it take down Su Zhou?"

Indeed, without trebuchets and secret weapons, it would be whimsical to want to take down Suzhou.

Therefore, the generals were scolded so badly that they could only shrink their necks and say nothing.

"How many times have I said that you must keep calm as a general. What you bear is not your own life, but the lives of tens of thousands of people. When you are provoked, your blood boils with a few words, and you lose your mind. up.

So capable, why not go to heaven?

Come, come, who wants to lead troops?Don't say I'm unreasonable, I will give you fifty troops each, and each of you will take down the surrounding prefectures. I will dominate the Northland just around the corner.Which of you will come first? "

Even 'Lao Tzu' came out, it can be seen that Master Qing is really angry, and the generals are even more afraid to stand out, whoever takes the lead will be Master Qing's punching bag.

Wherever Qingyun's eyes glanced, he avoided his gaze.

"What are you still doing here? Waiting for me to invite you? Don't recruits need to practice? Why don't you get out?" Qingyun growled.

Not to mention one by one restless, short-sighted and far-sighted, they all got together as soon as they came back, pretending that she didn't know what the hell they were up to.

"Master Qing, you seriously think about it. Really, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. The opportunity is very important." Before he was about to step out of the door, Tian Duoliang turned his head and emphasized that he was not afraid of death.

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(End of this chapter)

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