After driving away Tian Duoliang and the others who were restless, Qingyun turned his head and saw Bai Yanheng's intriguing expression, and then blinked at him innocently.

"Look at what I do, and if you have any ideas, just say it!" Qing Yun put on a wise posture that she is very open-minded and can listen to any suggestions.

"What's your opinion on Qin Si Nanfen and the two prefectures?" Bai Yanheng asked.

Mr. Song taught Qingyun very well, Qingyun used to be very easy to understand, and she had all her thoughts on her face, but now don't look at her fooling around, even he doesn't know what is really going on in her heart.

Fortunately, the original intention has not changed, other is not important.

Having said that, Qingyun just has the idea of ​​passive sabotage, and the generals under her will not agree.That group of people don't respect heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, or the monarch, but Qingyun. They will do anything to push her away at all costs.

Of course, he would not agree.

Bai Yanheng's thoughts Qingyun didn't know, Qingyun propped his face with one hand, and lightly tapped the table with his fingers.

What can she think?
You still have to catch your breath when you hang yourself!

Just after laying down Suzhou, everything was waiting for prosperity, she turned around and went to attack Nanfen Mansion of Qin Si Mansion, she didn't have such big ambitions.I just want to manage Suzhou City well, walk around her territory when I have nothing to do, and then watch the fire from the other side and sit and watch the game of the world's heroes fighting for hegemony.

She is so pure-hearted, the monks in the temple are not as pure-hearted as her, and the Qinsi Mansion Nanfen Mansion next door is still restless, so she must be forced to beat her.

Isn't it good to manage their own cities?

Can't the well water not violate the river water?

Bai Yanheng didn't dare to say that he knew Qingyun very well, he knew about seventy percent of it, he felt Qingyun's pulse, and what he said hit Qingyun's weakness directly.

"I can guess what the general is thinking. Under the current situation, it is impossible for the general to live a leisurely life like in Qishan.

Suzhou is not Gao'an. Losing Gao'an, the gentry in Huaizhou can feel no pain. Losing a Suzhou, Suzhou used to be Huaizhou, the hinterland of the Northland.

How can you allow others to snore on the couch? Do you think the gentry in Huaizhou will allow you to occupy the mountain and become king under their noses?

Leaving aside the attitude of the gentry, two mines were lost, one of which was a gold mine.

Do you think Jiang and Han will let you go?

Their direct descendant, General Jiang, is still the most outstanding general of the Jiang family, the general who may take over half of the military power in the North in the future, and his life and death are unknown now. "

It made sense, but she couldn't refute it.

Qingyun scratched his chin, after all, he still wanted to hit him.

Qing Yun glanced at him, the difference between an educated person and an illiterate is here.Tian Duoliang and the others were just screaming and beating, which just made people feel unmotivated.

When Bai Yanheng said this, every word made sense without saying anything. It was comfortable to hear and at the same time gave people a sense of urgency. It seemed that if he didn't hurry up, he would suffer a big loss.

Qing Yun thought about it, and said uncertainly: "Isn't it?! I only occupied one city. Look at who, it occupies three cities."

According to the information I just read, there are countless rebels in the Northland, and there are several major forces like them attacking the city and conquering the land. A small general from the government colluded with the government servants, killed the general and directly turned against the government, and then occupied three cities in a row.

Look at what other people do, they are much more arrogant than her.

The corners of Bai Yanheng's mouth twitched, why not?
You fought all the way from Li County, how many cities you occupied along the way, don't you have any points in mind?

No matter how arrogant those rebels are, they are not as arrogant as you!
Legend has it that the ancient king who occupied three prefectural cities and proclaimed himself king, the three cities are the frontiers of the Northland, desolate and barren, it would be a pity to abandon them.

Look at you again, you are so arrogant.

You killed the last prince of the royal family of the Dayong Dynasty. This is a secret, and it cannot be rumored.

The dragon flag was hoisted, and the army had reached Suzhou. In front of Suzhou was Huaizhou, the center of political power in the North.The tip of the knife is pointing at the faces of the nobles in the north, don't you think so?
Besides, who said you only occupied one city?

Isn't Gao An?
Tian Duoliang's black bear broke through the army and killed them seven times. He swept around under the pretext of suppressing bandits, and occupied several cities. Are those not prefectural cities?Don't you know how big your territory is?If you didn't fight it yourself, is it not your territory?
If the gentry don't beat you, who will you beat?
Thank you ss7010130 for the monthly ticket, okay?

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