Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 797 How to Settle Jiang and Han

Chapter 797 How to Place Jiang and Han
Qingyun's daily life is very plain and simple, the yamen has Xinfutai to manage Suzhou, small matters do not need to be resolved by Qingyun, major matters are resolved by Bai Yanheng.

There was also nothing that required her to be busy at the barracks.

The soldiers and horses were almost taken away by Hei Xiong and the others. There were not many soldiers and horses in the barracks. There were hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses with lieutenants training, and Qing Yun didn't need to handle military affairs.

There are no soldiers and horses, and food, supplies, etc. are managed by special people. Before sending troops, all the supplies that should be given to the army are given, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

A few days later, when she went to inspect the barracks, she found that Tian Duoliang Qisha and the others had no ghosts. They had left the camp half a month earlier, and they didn't know where they went wandering.

The reasons have been found out, the recruits just practice in the barracks, and the practice will not be effective, they must go out to practice, just like Qi Shan, they will see blood.

Wherever there are bandits, rebels, bandits, go there.

No matter where you go, tell Qingyun not to worry.

She's so worried!
Shrimp bastard!
One by one, they left her to go out to be chic, leaving her alone in Suzhou, and none of them had a conscience, because she spoiled them so much in vain.

The days are too ordinary, so ordinary that it is a bit boring, Qingyun can only pick up the book to read again.

Reading in the morning, calligraphy in the afternoon, and kung fu in the evening.

Occasionally go to the military camp to patrol, plant the fields with my brothers, stroll in the street in the evening, squat on the street corner with the old men and gossip, gossip with the parents and the west, or go to the teahouse to listen to people's stories.

In the past, storytellers used to tell about the anecdotes of the scholar’s ​​boudoir, but now most of the stories are about who fought with whom, how many soldiers and horses died, etc., and the people fled everywhere.

Or the land reform in Suzhou, compared with other places, how much favors the people have received, the generals are wise and powerful, all the officials below are good officials, etc.

Qingyun listened with gusto, interspersed with occasional jokes, she was just like the common people, slapping the table and laughing, without any image.

This kind of leisurely life is what Qingyun likes, and she soon enjoys it.

"General, the family members of Han and Jiang have been rescued. They have just arrived in the city and are temporarily placed in the inn. How do you plan to accommodate Jiang and Han?"

This day, as soon as Qingyun entered the mansion after hearing the story, Bai Yanheng immediately came over to arrest him without even taking a seat.

After such a long time, Qingyun's emotions have dissipated, and it's time to get down to business.

"How else can I arrange it? According to what was agreed at the beginning, I am not the one who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, unloads mills and kills donkeys. Give them what should be given to them. At least they have provided two mines. There are not many vacant houses in the city. A family Sending them one is a reward for them.

General Jiang, Hanfu and Taiwan are quite capable. Suzhou City is well managed, so it's a pity to just abandon it.Do you have any good suggestions? "

Qingyun looked at Bai Yanheng, to be honest, Qingyun admired the two of them quite a lot, according to her temper, she killed them early.

Bai Yanheng had expected it a long time ago.

"After the previous war, more than [-] surrendered soldiers were captured. Some of them were seriously injured and disarmed and returned to their hometowns to farm. About [-] to [-] soldiers and horses remained, stranded in the city defense camp. Since the general wants to use Jiang General, why not let him command these soldiers and horses."

If Bai Yanheng didn't mention it, Qing Yun almost forgot about these people.

After careful consideration, I think this plan is good.

Those soldiers and horses, Tian Duoliang Liang Heixiong and the others looked down on them, and would rather recruit recruits for training than accept them.

There are two reasons.

First, General Jiang is not dead, he is still alive. I heard that General Jiang has a high reputation among these soldiers. These soldiers surrendered, but it does not mean that they have no ideas in their hearts.

If you accept it hastily, it will be disadvantageous.Veterans were all killed out of the sea of ​​blood following Lord Qing, and they were determined, unless Master Qing was gone one day, they might defect to the enemy.

It's hard to say that the recruits who have just been recruited are all from the Northland. Many of them have relatives at home.

So I have to guard against it.

Second, let’s not talk about the physical strength of these captive soldiers, let alone their willpower, but after losing a battle, they all look like dead parents, decadent, where is their morale?Not ferocious enough, not suitable for their army.

"Okay, that's it. Those soldiers and horses are handed over to General Jiang. General Jiang has a place to go. Where do you plan to put Mr. Han?"

Qingyun felt that he could not treat one more favorably than the other, he had to arrange both of them together, or neither of them.

Xinfutai has already taken office, can't Xinfutai come down and let the surname Han go up?
Is this what people do?

Regardless of whether the person was recommended by Bai Yanheng, to be honest, Xinfutai did a good job. After he took office, Suzhou managed everything in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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