Chapter 798
"Don't worry, General, Mr. Han has other arrangements for his humble position, just wait for a few days." Bai Yanheng said.

Su Zhou didn't have a suitable official position to place him, General Jiang stayed here, Master Han had to go elsewhere.When Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong come back, they will arrange a lot of places.

Qingyun glanced at him, but didn't get to the bottom of it, just said: "I'm very relieved when you handle things, remember to talk to Mr. Han, if you don't know, you may think we are dishonest people."


After settling the matter between Jiang and Han, Qing Yun thought that she had nothing to do with her and was about to leave when she saw Bai Yanheng holding a large pile of files and putting them on the table next to her.

"Where is the general going? These backlogs of files need to be dealt with urgently by you. Many new officials are not familiar with them. If you don't stay in the yamen, the people below think you don't want to see the new officials."

Qingyun: "."

In the past, every time she conquered a city, she did support those officials in the yamen. It wasn't Daliang Heixiong and his group of prickly heads, who were unruly and unruly, and ordinary people really couldn't suppress them.

You reason with them, and they reason with you.If you talk about fists with them, you hit their hands.

Besides, it's not that the civil servant is out of his mind and went to talk to the barbarian about fists, but he was smart enough to find her head.

She was also annoyed by wiping Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, and the others twice every three days, so she just stayed in the yamen for a while.

Later, most of the government offices were recommended by Bai Yanheng. If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, but look at Bai Yanheng's facial tissue, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, and the others will not make things difficult. Besides, she has also worked in the Yamen.
Qingyun scratched his chin, thinking about it carefully, it seems that after Suzhou's mansion took office, she didn't seem to have been in the yamen, it was not because she saw his outstanding ability, so she let him go without worry.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, it's not good for her to delegate power to them!
What should be explained still needs to be explained.

"Nonsense! Xie Futai is very capable. Look at how long it has taken Suzhou to be governed from top to bottom in a smooth and obedient manner. I value him and trust him, so I hand over Suzhou's affairs to him." Take care of him.

But you are right, Daliang and the others are indeed not a thing.I'm not one to favor one another.In this way, I have been working with Mr. Xie in the yamen for the past few days. "

Qingyun has reason to suspect that Xie Futai is taking revenge on her, so let her do the big things, and leave the trivial things to her.
For example, this case: scrambling for a daughter-in-law.

The Zhang family has a daughter, fifteen years old, who is a village flower in eight villages ten miles away. People who come to ask for marriage have stepped on the threshold.

The Wang family said that their family had already engaged the Zhang family, and the Zhang family had also accepted the dowry. The date was set, and when the daughter-in-law came over, the Wang family took out the dowry slip.

As a result, the Li family came out and said that it was their Li family who had hired the Zhang family, and the Li family still had evidence, and they had brought out the character of the Wang family girl and the betrothal gift slip.

The public says that the public is right, and the woman says that the old woman is reasonable. The Li and Wang families have evidence.

Anyway, it's a mess.

After reading it, Qingyun also felt confused. She is not good at this kind of thing?Shouldn't such cases be tried by the county magistrate below?
Qingyun was so worried that she skipped a bowl of rice, and didn't know how to get rid of this matter, when she heard Liang Rusu's voice looking for her from outside, it was simply her angel.

It came just in time.

Qing Yun threw down the case file, and couldn't wait to go out, turned around and said to Xie Futai: "General Liang found this place, there must be something urgent, I will go back as soon as I go."

 Thanks for the monthly ticket voted by 20190530010641784, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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