Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 80 I'm Not Yourself

Chapter 80 I'm Not Yourself

Old man Li was stunned for a moment, then realized that the young man had mistaken his meaning, shook his head and said, "We are not the servants of the young master, nor is Mr. Song."

"Then why do you call him Young Master?" The young man didn't understand. It wasn't that the servants were called Young Masters, or that these people were born with the life of a servant.

"We were rescued by the young master on the road to escape, just like that dog." Old man Li glanced at the child next to Qingyun, and the young man saw it too.

"Mr. Song also fled halfway and escaped with the young master. Later, they encountered the bandits. In order to cover his escape, the guards of the young master fought with the bandits. We don't know whether he is dead or alive. Now the young master is the only one left."

The young man clicked his tongue, and there were guards when he went out. This status was not an ordinary wealthy family.

Thinking that there was a rich young master squatting beside him, he was in trouble, and now he fled like him, and my heart was very comfortable.

He took the bamboo knife, then walked to Qingyun's side, and bought the power to plan.Not buying power is not enough, he wants to stay.

Qingyun gave him a sideways glance, and continued to work hard to shave potatoes. The more she shaves, the more full she will be, and she will be full of energy just thinking about it.

The young man glanced at Qingyun, and he didn't wait for the scene he wanted. After thinking about it, he moved over and was about two meters away from Qingyun, but he still didn't see the young man asking him.

The young man's patience was exhausted, and he threw a potato to Qingyun's feet. Qingyun looked up at him, poked the potato with the bamboo knife, and raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Hey, don't you ask me?" said the young man.

Qingyun frowned, "Ask what?"

The tone was very bad, I didn't see her busy!
Glancing at him up and down, he saw that he couldn't scrape the oil, and the question was a waste of saliva.

The young man twitched his mouth, looked left and right, then moved over again, and said cautiously, "Brother, are you still short of people here? I can work and fight. Of course, I'm not as good as you, and I can deal with a few gangsters and gangsters. Not to mention."

Qingyun glanced at him and continued to plan the yam.

The young man carefully observed the young man's face, and continued to sell himself while digging potatoes.

"Look, which powerful person did it himself, and it was all the followers below. You accept me, and in the future, those refugees and scumbags, I'm here, there's no need for you to do it yourself, it's too embarrassing for them. "

"You know how to fight?" Qingyun paused and looked back at the young man, looking unconvinced.

"Yes, back then, in our town, I was the invincible player in the world."

Not to brag, he has also climbed up from a small squat, and he has gained experience in fighting. Five or six people are not his opponents.

Qingyun touched his chin and pondered, his eyes fell on the young man.Their team is full of old, weak and sick, except for her, there is not a young and strong man.

If she has something to go away, this group of people will be eaten by wolves.

"Okay, I'll take you. Don't be lazy, hurry up and dig, you will eat the most today."

Became his own, Qingyun unceremoniously ordered him to work.Of course, she wasn't one of her own, so she wasn't polite to go anywhere.

"Old man, take a break." Qingyun shouted to Song Wenqian, then turned to the child here and said, "Child, you also go to the break."

Qingyun frowned, always calling people from children, as if people had no names.

This name is so disgusting.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Li, take a break." Qingyun shouted, wiped the sweat from his forehead, pulled out the straw mat and went to rest in the shade under the tree.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

In the end, except for the young man who was still digging potatoes, Qingyun and the others were all enjoying the shade under the tree.

Old man Li was still idle after taking a break. He cut a bunch of grass and came back to weave things. Qingyun glanced at it and guessed that he was weaving straw mats for the children and young people. He lay down and closed his eyes to sleep.

Song Wenqian grabbed the fan that tied the leaves and looked at the young man while fanning the wind.The young man told Qingyun to stay, and he listened beside him. This man looked honest, but he was much smoother than Qingyun.

"Child, you go and ask that big brother to come over for a break, it's too hot, be careful of heatstroke."

Song Wenqian patted the child's head, the child looked at Qingyun with his eyes closed, and then ran over to spread the word.The young man looked back at Song Wenqian, then came over with a bamboo knife, called out respectfully, "Mr. Song", then went to sit under the tree next to him, plucked a grass and put it in his mouth, glanced at his eyes and fell asleep soundly The young man lamented that the same people had different fates.

Old man Li called the child to him and handed the woven straw mat to the child, "Here is it for you."

"Mine? Thank you, Grandpa Li." The child took his straw mat and looked from side to side. He was so happy that he couldn't bear to put it down.

"What are you looking at, don't take it to sleep yet." Song Wenqian patted the child's head, and the child tried his best to press down his raised mouth, came to Qingyun with the straw mat, and carefully placed the straw mat with Qingyun's. , and then lay down carefully, smiling like a fishy cat, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"You have it too." Old man Li saw the young man looking at the straw mat in the child's hand, picked up the straw and weaved it again.

"Uncle Li, I have it too! How embarrassing that is." The young man heard that he had it too, and got up with a smile and came to the old man Li and squatted down, seeing the posture he knew he was waiting, but there was no embarrassment on his face.

Orchid glared at him, but saw the young man turn back and smile at her, Orchid choked, feeling a punch out of the cotton, very aggrieved.

Qingyun slept for an hour, woke up hot, and woke up to see that everyone was still sleeping.Song Wenqian hadn't slept, people said that he was old and slept less.

Seeing that Qingyun was asleep, Song Wenqian beckoned him to come over and start today's task.

Qingyun scratched her itchy head, and was about to get up when she felt the weight on her leg was terribly heavy, and when she looked down, the child was drooling on her lap.

Qingyun resisted lifting his leg to shake him off and pushed the child back to his straw mat. When his hand touched the child's head, he felt hot.

Qingyun frowned, put his hand back on the child's head, and said to Song Xianqian, "Old man, something is wrong with the child, seems to have a fever?!"

After Qingyun touched the child's head, he touched his own head again, feeling that he was too hot.

Song Wenqian came over, put his palm on the child's head, and said, "It's a fever."

Then he opened the child's eyelids to see, and then he touched his body up and down, from head to toe, and Qingyun's eyes twitched.

What's wrong with this?
"Old man, what are you doing?" The old man's habit of touching people's bodies is unacceptable.

Qingyun rolled his eyes halfway, and the old man slapped his head again.

"Just eating enough food doesn't lengthen your brain. Orchid doesn't mean that the child vomited blood when he was beaten. I just touched it again. The child's body has no broken bones, but the skin is traumatized, and he may have suffered internal injuries. He relaxes. , the disease started."

Song Wenqian was worried, there was still medicine for external injuries, and there was no way for internal injuries. He had to see a doctor before he could prescribe the right medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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