Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 81 There is a Conscience

Chapter 81 There is a Conscience
Old Man Li and the others didn't fall asleep. It was too hot to fall asleep. Unlike the young master, he could fall asleep no matter how hot it was.

Hearing Qingyun's voice, he immediately opened his eyes and asked, "Master, what's wrong with the child?"

"I have a fever." Qingyun was also worried. What was just a little happy, he immediately caused another trouble for you.

"Orchid, can your plaster reduce fever?"

As soon as Qingyun finished asking, Song Wenqian slapped melon seeds on the head again, "Can the medicine be eaten casually? He is not traumatized."

It's not that Orchid said that her plaster can cure colds and fevers!
Qingyun touched his nose and said nothing.

The child hummed uncomfortably, grabbed with both hands, grabbed Qingyun's robe, and clenched it tightly.As soon as Qingyun pulled his hand away, the child immediately sobbed softly, which made people feel sad.

He didn't even dare to cry loudly, which shows how much suffering the child has suffered and how much he has suffered.

Orchid opened her mouth several times and wanted to say, "Master, let him hold it!" Thinking that the child was brought in by her, she couldn't say the words that came out of her mouth.

"Orchid, find a towel and pour some water to cool the child. If you burn it like this, everyone will be burned." Song Wenqian explained Orchid, and Orchid looked at Qingyun again, waiting for Qingyun to speak.

"Go!" Qingyun waved his hand. There was not much water in the bamboo pot. After cooling the child, there might not be any water left.

Orchid went to find cloth.

Qingyun leaned against the tree, looked at the sky, thought nothing, and then cursed in his heart, "Fuck the ancients."

"Old man, I thought about it. There are a lot of sweet potatoes here, and I can't dig them all at once. You stay here for a few days, and I'll go back to fetch water."

At her speed, five days and six nights were enough for one round trip.

When the young man heard that there was water, he raised his head with a "shabu" and stared at Qingyun with bright eyes.

Song Wenqian shook his head, "It's too late, we've been walking for about half a month, you're walking fast, and it takes ten days to travel during the day and night."

Song Wenqian paused and continued: "We're not the only group here. If you want to go, you'll have to bring some people over there. They can't compare with you, it will take at least half a month. Can afford to wait, children can't wait that long. It's hard to say whether there's water there after so long."

Qingyun scratched his head, so worried that he wanted to drag God down and beat him.

This day is over.

Right now the most correct way is to leave the child and save yourself.

But Qingyun couldn't be ruthless. Who let her meddle in her own business, save the child, save the child, and let the child stick to it.

Let her leave the child now... Looking at the child holding her robe, it seems that she can't pass the test of conscience.

It seems like it's her responsibility to save a child for a poor mother?
For the first time, Qingyun knew that she still had a conscience.Wasn't it thrown into the river long ago and washed away in a flood of water!
"What do you say?" Qingyun turned to ask the old man.

"There is Huanggu Mountain a hundred miles away. I heard that there is a cottage on that mountain. If you travel fast, you can walk there in seven or eight days and visit the cottage." Song Wenqian thought for a while and said.

Qingyun thinks about it, it is much better than going back to fetch water alone.

"Just go to the cottage." Qingyun made a decision, took out the dagger in his boot, and cut off the robe in the child's hand.The child was still holding the cloth in his hand, and he didn't cry. Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the bamboo knife to plan the potatoes.

"Old man, take a break."

Song Wenqian didn't try to be brave, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, and he was so old that he couldn't stand the toss.

Orchid grabbed the cloth and carefully blocked the opening of the bamboo pot. After wetting the cloth, she carefully wiped the child's face and armpits, and then took off the child's outer robe.

Aunt Li also came over and fanned the child.

The young man went with Qingyun, looked back at a few people, ran to Qingyun and asked, "Brother, where is the water you just said?"

"In the deep mountains and the old forest, luckily met. If you want to go, I can tell you, not far, just half a month's journey, I will send you a few bamboo pots for free, and I will bring you water." Qingyun looked at him with a smile.

"Forget it," the young man smiled, taking a break from the abacus that he went back to draw water.What Old Man Song said makes sense. More than half a month has passed, who knows if there is still water?

The old forest in the deep mountains!
No one leads the way, but I can't get out.He could tell that the old man surnamed Song was a formidable person, and he even knew there was a cottage more than 100 miles away.

"Brother, where are you from? What will I call you in the future?" Qingyun was bored and asked for something to say.Of course, also to find out his details.

"I'm from Tianjia Village. My name is Tian Duoliang. My parents hope that our family will be named Tian Duoliang because Tian Duo has more food. Just call me Daliang in the future." Town, and his great achievements in the town.

"...Brother, I'm not afraid of your jokes, the girls in our town are crying and shouting to marry me. I think I have no father or mother, and I don't even have a thatched hut. If you marry a girl, wouldn't it hurt the girl? We can't do things that are immoral." He said it as if he was righteous.

Qingyun didn't know where the town Tian Duoliang said, let alone which direction Tianjiacun was, so he took the time to ask the old man.

If Tian Duoliang made up a place name to deceive her, she wouldn't know!So ask the old man!The old man should know.

"Isn't there a wasteland in your place?" Qing Yun said.

"Brother, you're amazing!" Tian Duoliang glanced at Qingyun in surprise, and asked curiously, "How do you know we're not in trouble there?"


"You said that your father named you, Tian Duoliang, who wants more crops and more crops. Where is Dayongchao, where there are more crops and more crops, it can't be Jiangnan! That place is good, with beautiful scenery and outstanding people, but it's not because there are more crops in Tian Duo. !" Qingyun was fooling around.

Tian Duoliang looked at him with admiration. He was the young master of a wealthy family. He could guess where he came from just from a name.

"It's from Jiangnan."

"Good Jiangnan is not waiting, what are you doing here? Escape is fun?" The brain was caught by tofu!

Tian Duoliang wiped his face, looked at Qingyun with inexplicably complicated eyes, and said, "Do you think I want to? If you don't escape here, your life will be lost."

"So serious? What have you done?" Qingyun ignited a raging fire of gossip, "Robbing civilian girls on the street?"

Tian Daliang rolled his eyes at him.

"I didn't do anything, I just killed the young master of a large family in our town, and then I was wanted. Several nearby counties are covered with my portrait. I can't stay in my hometown, and I can't implicate the brothers who followed me to death. Just run outside."

Tian Duoliang said with great arrogance, and the sadness in his heart.In fact, he was betrayed by his friends. If he hadn't escaped fast, he would have become a garlic head hanging from the county wall.

He couldn't swallow the sound, and in the middle of the night, he climbed the wall and walked into the house of his friend, he beat him half-crippled, looted his money, and ran here to hide. .

 Thanks to 160607225447373 for the reward, alright.

  Collection, recommendation, move
(End of this chapter)

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