Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 82 1 Straightaway, Impossible

Chapter 82 It's Impossible

Unexpectedly, within three months, there was a drought.Penniless, where there is a entanglement back to Jiangnan, he had to flee with people.

Thinking too much brings tears.

"What's wrong with that young master, you want to kill him?"

Qingyun guessed that it was probably for women.Not to mention the ancient times, now there are many people who fight for the sake of women.

"One of my brothers has a fiancée. I heard that she is beautiful. The village flower of Shiliba Village went to the town to go to the market. The young master of a big family took a fancy to him and grabbed it back on the street to be a concubine."

Qingyun clicked his tongue, "It's not a good thing for a woman to be too beautiful. It's good for a man to be able to hold on to it, but he doesn't have the ability..."

What happened to stealing your woman?You're lucky if you didn't kill it.

"Can your brother hold back?" A green hat is not something ordinary people can wear.

"Definitely can't bear it! In our town, he is also a respectable person. The woman was forced, and even the bloody one couldn't take this breath, so he had to fight back. No, call the brothers, kill them, and beat them with red eyes. Well, I didn't pay attention to kill that young master."

If people are dead, how could the big man let them go, not to mention spending a lot of money to ask people to hunt them down, but also to let the government want them.

Qingyun looked at him speechlessly. No one else killed anyone, but he killed him and was used as a gunman.Patting him on the shoulder comforted him.

"Don't talk about me, what about you? You are a young master and you still want to escape? Your family has money and food, so why don't you flee to Jiangnan?"

The eighteenth generation of Tian Duoliang's ancestor, who was almost completely planed, turned to ask about Qingyunlai.

"Me? I don't have anything to say. I was kicked out. The big family is like that. The relationship between the characters is very complicated. I can't tell for a month."

She is an outsider, how can she know the situation of the original owner's house.Don't talk nonsense, if you meet one day, wouldn't it be a slap in the face.

Whether Tian Duoliang believes it or not is up to him.

Tian Duoliang was skeptical.Qingyun kicked out a sentence, the family is complicated, enough to open his mind.

Nodding clearly, he heard Mr. Storyteller in the restaurant. The big family is like a wolf's den, killing people without blood. Anyway, they are not the low-level people who understand.

"No wonder you don't look like a young master. You work faster than me. I have seen young masters in our town walking like the goose raised in the village. The person who speaks can lift his chin to the sky, and never looks at people directly."

"Miss and young masters from the rich family are like that." Qingyun's face was calm, he was born with gold and jade in his mouth, and you were a hooligan. You have a fart friendship. If you don't look up at the sky, do you still look at you!
"Brothers, where are you going? You can't keep running away from the famine!" Tian Duoliang asked. He had a destination, so he had a good plan.

"Don't call me brothers and sisters, call me Qingyun in the future! It's impossible to keep fleeing, there must be a purpose. Let's go forward first, and when you arrive at Longqing Mansion, see the situation and then plan."

Qingyun didn't mention where she was going, and she gathered halfway along the way. Who knows how long she would be able to get together, maybe it would be possible for her to disperse at Longqing Mansion.

Tian Duoliang thought it was okay, all the refugees who fled here went to Longqing Mansion.Everyone goes there, it means that the place is okay.

"I heard that the Longqing Mansion is good, but when we get there, I don't know how the officials will arrange it? Don't think about it in the city, you need to pay for food and accommodation. It's better to go to the country, as long as you work hard and don't starve to death. I hope you can arrange for us to go to the country. a little place."

Qingyun smiled, "Yes, I hope to be assigned to a village with a good atmosphere in the countryside, and the life will not be too sad."

"Qingyun, you are different from us. You are the young master. You can go back to be your young master after overcoming this difficulty. We can only survive by farming honestly."

Qingyun bared her teeth, is she more difficult?It's just that she can't say it.

"It's useless to think so much. It's still worth talking about whether you can go to Longqing Mansion. Don't be lazy and dig quickly. You can't rest until this piece is finished."

You thought sweet potatoes were so delicious.

"I took a look and found that this piece has been completely dug out. It won't take two or three days to complete it. If it's all dug out, we won't be able to carry so much!"

Tian Duoliang looked at Qingyun, this group of people really had shit luck.On the other side of the main road, there are tens of thousands of people fleeing the famine, and no one has found such a large potato valley.

Save a child, rescue food... Tsk tsk, this luck, really no one.

"Let's plan it out. If you can't take it with you and eat it, you can eat as much as you want."

She doesn't know how much other people can eat, she can eat enough anyway.

The two stopped chatting, rolled up their sleeves and immersed themselves in their work. When it was dark, a large area was cleared. There were many heaps of sweet potatoes, and a few bamboo shoots were full and there were many, many left.

The old man Li set a fire and was already roasting yam, hungry with black eyes, he sat down and smashed the yam from the fire. He didn't care about the heat, he peeled off the skin and ate it. .

Tian Duoliang is similar to her.

The two ate one by one, very fast.The yam in the fire will soon bottom out.

There was not enough fire for one fire, so Song Wenqian and Old Man Li burned a few more fires.

"Eat slowly, no one will snatch you from you. What do you do in such a hurry to eat, be careful of choking." Seeing Qingyun gobbling it, Song Wenqian persuaded him to slow down.

Qingyun nodded, busy eating, unable to reply, saying that he knew, the speed was still so fast.

"How is the child? Has the fever subsided?" Qingyun slowed down when he was three points full, and then looked at the orchid.

"No, but it's not as hot in the daytime at night, and it's cooler in the mountains, which is slightly better than the daytime." Orchid was sad, "It would be nice if there was wine, and the wine can also cool down."

These words are also in vain. If there is no water, who will bring wine?
Qingyun remembered this in her heart, and she will go on her way tomorrow to see if those who are in good conditions have brought wine, and she will exchange yam for it.

There was also a fire on Dahu's side, and the relationship with many people was much more lively than Qingyun's side, cheering and laughing.

Tian Duoliang ate [-] or [-] pieces, and his stomach was so round that he couldn't eat any more, so he fell back and lay on the ground to see Qingyun still eating.

"Brother, you have such a good appetite!" Watching Qingyun eat twenty or thirty more, Tian Duoliang was surprised at the beginning, and now he is very calm watching him eat.

"It's alright!" Qingyun calmly picked up another one, "There are so many sweet potatoes that I can't take away, so it's a waste if I don't eat them."

Taking advantage of the fact that she has something to eat now, she eats well, and it only takes two meals, and then she has to go hungry again.

big eater!

Tian Duoliang glanced at Qingyun's stomach, where did all the sweet potatoes go?My stomach didn't go up at all!

Song Wenqian and the others ate six or seven. When they were full, they helped Qingyun bake the sweet potatoes, and they had to bake them for a few days and take them on the road.

Orchid and Aunt Li went to take care of the children again.

Song Wenqian didn't embarrass Qingyun, Qingyun opened his belly and ate until about ten o'clock in the evening, when he was finally full, like Tian Duoliang, he fell back and lay on the ground lazily to digest.

 Tomorrow 1-3, two changes a day, 4000 words, are you surprised?Are you not happy?
  So, collect, vote, come fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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