Chapter 83

After resting for a while, he got up and took the initiative to find Song Wenqian to learn today's task.Don't take the initiative!
Be lazy once, triple the task tomorrow.She was lazy once, and the tragic lesson was put in front of her bloody.

The old man wanted her to be lazy, and Qingyun forced himself not to be lazy, and would never give the old man a chance to punish him.

When Tian Duoliang heard the sound, he got up and looked curiously. He saw Qingyun holding a branch and drawing with the old man on the ground. Then he asked Old Man Li, "Uncle Li, what are they doing?"

"Nothing, the young master is reading! Mr. Song is very good, and he has been teaching the young master to read all the way."

Tian Duoliang thought about it, got up, walked over and squatted next to the two of them.

Neither of the two teaching people looked at him. He listened to it for a while, and felt like listening to a book from heaven.

Look at Qingyun, then look at Mr. Song, and look at the immortal-like characters. After reading it for a long time, I feel dizzy and go back in a daze.

That world is not something someone like him can integrate into.

"It's all in this field, and I'm still in the mood to study. My brother is not an ordinary person!" Tian Duoliang was lying on his special straw mat, with Erlang's legs crossed and a grass in his mouth, looking at the sky full of people. The stars sighed.

"What I hate the most is reading and literacy."

"Master, like you, doesn't like reading and literacy," Old Man Li next to him heard what he said, and remembered that Young Master was irritated by Mr. Song, and then he was about to go crazy, and he had to endure it, it was funny.

"Oh?" Tian Duoliang rolled over, glanced over there, and asked old man Li for gossip, "I don't think he hates reading! He studies very seriously!"

"Young master is afraid of being punished by Mr. Song and has to learn. You will find out later." Old Man Li gave him an inscrutable look and didn't say much.

It's so boring to say such a thing, you have to see it for yourself.

Tian Duoliang twitched, "Mr. Song is not Qingyun's Mr., how can he force him to learn? I don't think Qingyun is the kind of obedient person."

Old man Li still smiled inscrutable, Tian Duoliang felt bored, turned over and lay down again.

After Qingyun finished learning today's task, he shook his numb arm from practicing calligraphy, and went to see the child. Seeing that he was not as uncomfortable as during the day, he touched the child's head and then his own head, as if he was falling. a little.

"Orchid, Aunt Li, you are tired after taking care of him all day. Go to sleep, I will watch him."

"I'm not tired. It's not work to see what the child is tired of. Young master, you're tired after digging potatoes for a day. Go to sleep! Don't worry, the child will be watched by me."

Aunt Li urged Qingyun to go to bed. If they were tired, only the young master was tired. He took them with a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and he did all the heavy work alone.

If he was tired, everyone would be screwed.

Qingyun glanced, saw Aunt Li telling the truth, turned around and left, "Then I'm going to sleep, call me if something happens."


"Mr. Song, do you want to be called Young Master?" Old Man Li asked Song Wenqian.

Song Wenqian glanced at Qingyun, who was sleeping like a pig, "Don't call him, he's tired, let him sleep more."

He turned his head and said to Tian Duoliang, "Duoliang, go and see what's going on over there. It's not easy to go out. You can help me."

It's okay to have multiple people, but no, you don't have to do everything yourself.

Tian Duoliang wanted to go a long time ago, but he just joined in and was embarrassed to slip away, so he could only endure it.Hearing Old Man Song speak, he jumped up and said, "I'll go take a look" and rushed over.

"Get up, something happened!"

Qingyun slept soundly, and was shaken by Song Wenqian to wake up. Qingyun didn't open his eyes, he got up and shouted, "What's the matter?

Song Wenqian twitched his mouth and turned his head back, "Something happened over there, Tian Duoliang has already gone to check the situation, don't sleep, wait for Tian Duoliang to come back, you can listen too."

Qingyun nodded, but didn't hear a word. As soon as the old man finished speaking, he fell back to sleep, making her sleepy.

Seeing that he was asleep again, Song Wenqian took a stick to beat him, Qing Yun jumped up in pain, and howled at him, "Old man, what are you doing? It's not dawn yet?"

Come on, is there any humanity?Go to sleep and hit with a stick.It hurts her!
"Wake up!" Song Wenqian dropped the stick, "There's something wrong over there, go and see."

Qingyun rubbed his throbbing arm, bared his teeth and grinned and went over there. Before he got close, he heard the sound of crying and was upset.

There is no peace for these people.

Seeing Tian Duoliang huddled in the crowd, Qingyun didn't look for Dahu, but squeezed directly beside him, patted him on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

Tian Duoliang looked back and saw that it was him, winked, and then motioned Qingyun to follow him.As Qingyun walked out, she turned to look at the crying man. It was a woman who was crying, and a man lay on the ground beside her.

"What's the situation?" After leaving there, Qingyun asked again.

"Choke to death." Tian Duoliang said.

"Choke to death?" Qingyun's eyes widened in shock and couldn't help confirming again, "Choke to death from eating potatoes?"

Seeing Qingyun's shock, Tian Daliang laughed. When he heard it, he was even more shocked than Qingyun.

"Are you surprised?"

Qingyun nodded, really surprised, it was the first time she saw someone who choked to death.What kind of ferocity do you have to eat to choke someone to death.

"It was the woman's man who died? Her man choked to death, and she didn't find it?"

A normal person would have to cough when choked, but when a man coughs, she can't hear her. How far can she sleep to death!

"It's not her man. She heard the man coughing and thought he was sick and didn't care. It was another person who found out that something was wrong with the man, only to know that he had choked to death and had potatoes in his mouth. The woman was frightened. just cry."

Qingyun twitched, not knowing what to say!

After eating, you can't gobble it down, and if you choked to death, it will make people laugh.

"What happened over there?" Song Wenqian asked when he saw the two returning.

Li Laohan's family of three also looked at the two of them.

"Duoliang, tell them. I'm sleepy, go to bed first, don't call me if you have nothing to do." Qingyun asked Tian Duoliang to say, and she walked back to her special straw mat, lay down and fell asleep soon. .

Tian Duoliang explained the matter in detail, and when he heard that he choked to death from eating sweet potatoes, everyone was speechless for a while, and even felt a deep sadness.

Everyone is fleeing from the famine, and the feeling of hunger is deeply felt.Choking to death is nothing, there are people who eat dirt and feces when they are starving, and they even die.

Looking at Qingyun, who was heartless and snoring in sleep, he didn't know whether to scold him for being cool, or to envy and hate him.

Qingyun slept until dawn, and got up after the sun drenched his buttocks.Turning to look, Song Wenqian, Li old man Tian Duoliang and the others were digging potatoes, Aunt Li was burning fire, and Orchid was taking care of the children.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, babies
(End of this chapter)

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