Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 84 Can you change the name

Chapter 84 Can you change the name

"Young master, you're awake," Aunt Li said with a smile when she saw Qingyun awake, "It just happened that the sweet potatoes were cooked, come and eat."

"It's already this hour."

Qingyun looked up at the sky, the sun was about to climb into the sky, it was almost eleven or twelve, and he had slept long enough.After eating two, I went to plan the yam with a bamboo knife.

"Aunt Li has already roasted the yam, old man Uncle Li, go eat it. Now I'll come." Qingyun rolled up his sleeves to plan the yam.

Several people wiped the sweat from their heads, put away the bamboo knives, and walked back.

"Planning for a while, you also come back to eat." Song Wenqian was worried about him and explained before leaving.

"Understood." Qingyun didn't even lift his head in response, his hands planed very fast, and soon a pile of sweet potatoes was piled on the ground.When Tian Duoliang came over to call her, he stopped, shook off the mud on the bamboo knife, and went back.

"Let's go, or stay?" Song Wenqian asked when Qingyun was full.

Most of the sweet potatoes they distributed were still unplaned, and it would take two days to plan all of them.

"Brother, let's go after we finish digging. There is so much left in the land, it's a waste." Tian Duoliang said.

Li Laohan's family of three looked at her, waiting for her to make up her mind.

"Let's go, stay for two more days, you won't be able to eat that much, you can still go with these few bamboo shoots, but you can't take them all. If you have leftovers, you will leave them for later people. If you are lucky, maybe you will be able to. Discovering this valley is a blessing for everyone."

Qingyun wanted to stay. For her, it was a beautiful thing to be able to eat for two days.But kids can't wait!

"Duoliang, you go and ask Dahu, we are leaving, ask him if he wants to join us?"

Qing Yun knew in his heart that this was a question in vain.For those who escaped from the famine, it was difficult to find something to eat, and they would not leave until they finished eating.

"Okay!" Tian Duoliang ran to ask, Qingyun and the others packed up and found two more vines, about the size of their bamboo.

Look at the wisdom of the ancients, it should not be underestimated.Without bamboo, you can find other substitutes, which is a great IQ.

Tian Duoliang came back soon. Not only did he come back, but even the big tiger came with him. Seeing the people packing up, he was a little anxious.

"Brothers, are you leaving?" It was too sudden, and there was no preparation at all.

"Let's go now, are you going?" Qingyun nodded.

"I haven't finished digging the sweet potatoes..." Dahu was reluctant to bear those sweet potatoes in the valley, and the villagers were unwilling to leave, so they had to finish digging before leaving.

After escaping the famine, many people in the village starved to death, and those who survived were starving.It is rare to find something to eat, and you must finish it. Even if you die tomorrow, you will be full of ghosts.

Who knows if there will be such a good thing ahead?

"Can you stay for two days?" Dahu rubbed his hands together, very embarrassed, he also knew that this request was a bit reluctant.

"No, my brother has suffered a serious internal injury, and I need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. It is rare to find food, and it is only natural for you to stay, so don't be embarrassed. Brother, we are gone, the green mountains will not change and the green water will flow, the rivers and lakes will always flow. Goodbye, see you later."

After Qingyun disagreed, Dahu went back in a sullen mood.

Qingyun didn't have time to talk to him, and Dese threw out the words he had dreamed of for a long time.She came out with a bamboo stalk empty, put the child in carefully and sat down, then she carried the bamboo stalk on her back and raised another one.

Tian Duoliang is young and strong, just like Qingyun, carrying one in front and one behind.

"Are you ready?" Qingyun shouted.

"Okay." Several people answered in unison.

"set off!"

Qingyun made an imposing gesture of departure, taking the lead and Tian Duoliang behind.

The group went out of the valley, went on the road and continued to walk forward. Looking at the exhausted refugees on the road, in contrast, they found that they were happier and luckier.

And all of this was brought about by the boy in front, who looked weak but stronger than anyone else.

Qingyun remembered the wine thing, and looked at the team with belongings. Those people thought she wanted to grab something, and stared at her vigilantly.

Qingyun glanced at a few homes and found that the belongings brought by the refugees were all wrapped in quilts, and there was nothing she wanted. After being disappointed, she stopped staring at those people, which made the refugees relieved.

In the evening, Qingyun shouted, "Go to the thatched hut."

Became his own, Tian Duoliang confirmed his guess. When Qingyun called to go to the toilet, everyone went into the woods to eat sweet potatoes.

Tian Duoliang swallowed what was in his mouth and suggested, "Qingyun, can you change the name? We are here to eat, you say go to the toilet..." How embarrassing to respond!

"What's wrong with going to the toilet? You don't have to go to the toilet! The vulgar is the elegant, do you understand?" Qing Yun swallowed the yam in his hand in two mouthfuls, and took out another one to peel.

"No... when you think of that kind of thing, can you eat it?" When Tian Duoliang said this, his eyes slid over to the orchid.

"What can't you eat? Look at what's piled up in the road ditch, and what else can't be eaten. You don't think it's good to go to the toilet, so you should change it to shit." Speaking of eating, there is no taboo at all.

"Hey, I found out that you have a lot of fame, what kind of crazy ideas are you holding back! When you escape from the famine, you pay attention to your ass! My young master is not as famous as you. I love to eat, and I don't want to pull it down."

Qingyun was impatient with him, not to mention his stinky problems.

Tian Duoliang: "..."

Tian Duoliang now feels that he is no longer with Qingyun, and the tone of his voice is that of the aloof young master.

"Look at you, you can't listen to honest advice. I'm thinking of you. Mr. Song is a capable person. You open your mouth and go to the toilet and close your mouth. What a bad influence!"

Qingyun made a "cut", and suddenly raised his head to look directly at Tian Duoliang, "Then you underestimate the old man. Sitting on the corpse, he can eat it. The same is true for me."

Tian Duoliang touched his nose and didn't say a word. They were all ruthless people. He glanced at the fragrant orchid and said nothing.

The girl's family has no opinion, and neither does he.

After Qingyun finished eating, he looked at the child in the bamboo grove and said, "If the child is so dizzy, he won't be able to eat. Before we can find the doctor, he will starve to death."

It doesn't sound good, but it's the truth.

"Then what should I do?" Orchid couldn't do anything, and secretly hated why he didn't learn more at the beginning, and now he can help the young master.

"Let's see tomorrow, I haven't woken up tomorrow, try to wake him up." Qingyun said.

Can't eat, water can be poured in.

Qingyun pinched the child's chin, took out a small bamboo jar, and fed him some water. Although the child was dazed, he still knew the instinct to swallow.

"Take it easy, the bones are crushed for you."

Song Wenqian didn't know the seriousness of Qingyun, the child's chin was pinched by him, and the injury was further injured, and the boss was guilty.

"It's not important, I can't pry his mouth open." After a few mouthfuls, Qingyun put away the small bamboo jar.

(End of this chapter)

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