Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 85 Don't Believe, She Can't Help

Chapter 85 Don't Believe, She Can't Help
It's not that she's stingy, they don't have much water, they have to save a little, except that children can drink water twice a day, and they take a sip a day.

Then continue on the road.

"Mr. Song, look at this day, is it raining?"

I don't know what Tian Duoliang was thinking about, so he wiped the sweat from his head and squeezed to Song Wenqian's side to ask about the rain.

Song Wenqian looked up at the vicious sun and said one word, "Hanging".

Tian Duoliang pondered for a while, but didn't understand it. He squeezed to Qingyun's side and asked, "Qingyun, what does Mr. Song mean?"

Qingyun gave him a white look, "How do I know, the old man is always talking about it. You ask him what he does, but he is not a fairy. Look at this day, people can be dried, and it is a strange thing when it rains. Let's go. , stop talking, save your saliva, aren't you thirsty?"

It was only after I was familiar with it that I realized that this kid was a talker, and I only heard him talk non-stop all the way.

"I'm thirsty, that's why I asked you to talk to distract my attention. I remember Mr. Storyteller told a story, what is it called to quench thirst. Looking for water to quench thirst." Tian Duoliang said confidently.

Qingyun rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Song Wenqian smiled. Since Tian Duoliang was added, the team is no longer dead.

In the evening of the second day, Qingyun felt that the bamboo louver was shaking a little, and immediately realized that the child in the bamboo louver woke up.

"Wake up? Do you feel any discomfort?" Qingyun picked a vacant seat, put down the bamboo lobster, and asked the child.

"It's good, brother, I can walk without having to carry it on my back." The child was about to crawl out as he spoke. If Qingyun hadn't grabbed the bamboo louver, the bamboo louver would have been turned over long ago.

The child's face was a little shy, he just slept, delayed the journey, and let the big brother carry it, he was excited and nervous.

Qing Yun rarely disliked his greasy head, rubbed it, and carried the child out.

Tian Duoliang very winkingly spread out the straw mat and let the child sit.The child refused to sit and wanted to jump a few times to prove that he was alive and kicking.

"Don't move around, you have suffered internal injuries, and the young master has carried you on his back for two days." Orchid scolded the child, "You are jumping around, if the internal injury is aggravated, no one can save you!"

Suddenly being reprimanded, the child became cautious, looked at Qingyun uneasily, and rubbed his toes against the ground.

"I'll take you to the toilet, you should hurry up and rest." Qingyun hugged the child, carrying a bamboo grove into the woods.

"Brother..." The child took the sweet potato, put it back in Qingyun's hand, and whispered, "I'm not hungry."

Qingyun peeled the sweet potato and stuffed it into the child, "Sister Orchid is also for your own good. You are injured in your stomach and you can't see it from the outside. It should be kicked by that black and thin monkey. These few days, you are getting old. Sit honestly in the bamboo grove and wait until you are well before walking."

"I listen to my brother," the child whispered, occasionally looking up at Qingyun and smiling.

"Eat quickly!" Qingyun turned fierce, afraid that the child might choked to death, and handed him the bamboo jar with water.

The child only took a sip and stopped drinking, and returned the bamboo jar to Qingyun. He also knew that they were running out of water, so he had to drink it sparingly.

Qingyun didn't force it, and put away the bamboo jar.The child ate two and couldn't eat any more.


"Yeah." The child patted his stomach, "I'm full."

Then the two went out of the woods, and the group continued on their way.

After driving forward for three days, I found that there was a fork on the right side of the main road, and there were also escaping teams on that road.

Compared with the refugees who looked like beggars on their side, the fugitives on that road were much better, dressed neatly and neatly than them, and were more energetic.

"There is also a fugitive over there? Why is the gap so big?"

Qingyun also saw the cart. Although it was a cart, it was a donkey pulling it.Seeing the donkey, Qingyun's eyes flashed green.

She wanted to eat meat, she wanted to eat like crazy.

"What's the matter? When I looked at you, I looked at them the same way you looked at them." Tian Duoliang glanced at him, but didn't respond.

"Don't look at the fact that they have a scooter, it's full of things, and you can tell me if you have anything to eat. It's just a good-looking face."

Qingyun sucked his teeth and Hanako. I wonder if there is any wine among those people?
"Old man, where does that road lead?" Qing Yun asked Song Wenqian beside him, but his eyes were fixed on the cart and the donkey.

She also wants to get a car and a donkey. It's more convenient to have a car and put things on top. It is much more comfortable for people to ride on a scooter than to walk on two legs.

"The road leads to Anyang. Several counties in the south of Anyang are close to Shifeng. There is also a drought there, which is estimated to be serious."

If it's not serious, there will be no escape.

Song Wenqian is the real geography, ask him to know everything.In Tian Duoliang's hometown, Qingyun also asked the old man, and the old man knew.

Anyang, Shi Feng?
Two new place names.

Song Wenqian knew that Qingyun didn't know, and explained it to her.

"Anyang is to the east of Longqing, and Shifeng is to the south of Longqing. We came all the way from Shifeng, and then we crossed from the junction of these three places."

Everyone was in a hurry, and it was inconvenient to draw them, so Song Wenqian drew three circles on the ground with his feet, and introduced the three palaces while pointing.

"Anyang is bigger than Shifeng. It is as big as two Yinqings, and it is more prosperous than Shifeng's Longqing. Many people who travel business like to go to Anyang to do business."

Song Wenqian said in a general way, Qingyun listened ignorantly, but she understood one sentence, Anyang came out, he was a countryman, and he was richer than others.

"Anyang is so prosperous, why didn't they flee to Anyang?" Qingyun didn't understand.

Look, there are not only one family with a car in the desert. She has seen two or three. There are not only elderly people, but also children in the car. There are quite a few children.As young as two or three years old, there are as many as ten years old.

There were carts, donkeys and oxen as the teams fleeing from the famine converged on both sides, and the main road seemed to be much more crowded.

"Then they have to escape." Song Wenqian said meaningfully.

These words have a lot of meaning, and it is not something that a little white can understand.

"What's your idea?" Tian Duoliang suddenly bumped into Qingyun, sneaked a glance over there, and winked with Qingyun.

"Fuck you, you think I am you! Young master, I am an upright person." Qingyun kicked him.

"Come on! Let's not pretend who we are with." Tian Duoliang didn't believe a word, and after spending a few days together, he could figure out who Qingyun was.

Say he is evil, you can save a child without blinking, and take it with you all the way, even if the child is sick and dying.

You say he is upright, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with uprightness. When he beat those refugees, his bloody appearance made the evil ghosts terrified.

In short, it is difficult to determine whether he is a good person or a bad person.As Mr. Song said, doing things depends on mood.

In a good mood, he is a good person; in a bad mood, he is a devil.

Qingyun's lips twitched, she really didn't have a bad idea, but if people didn't believe her, she couldn't do anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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