Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 802 This Move Looks Familiar

Chapter 802 This Move Looks Familiar
Qin Sicheng

At this time, a general ran into the general's mansion in a panic.

"General, general, it's not good, it's not good, the rebels are coming! The vanguard generals sent to stop them are all killed." The general who reported the letter remembered the scene at that time and cried mournfully.

Seventy to eighty thousand soldiers and horses were all dead.
He didn't feel sorry for the [-] or [-] soldiers and horses, and it wasn't his soldiers who died. What he panicked about was another thing.

The rebels are so brutal!

Can their army be stopped?

Should he send his family members away quietly first?

The general's expression changed drastically, his eyes swept across the generals present, and he remained silent.

All the generals in the hall heard his words, all of them had ugly faces, a trace of panic flashed in their eyes, and couldn't help cursing angrily:

"Trash, [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, all of them are elite soldiers, with excellent weapons, or a surprise attack. They were wiped out by the rebels, and there was no news. What are you doing?"

"How did the rebels know that we were going to sneak attack? Can the rebels still predict? Did someone leak the news?" As he spoke, suspicious eyes swept over everyone.


The general who was wronged was furious, "Which general here has not been born and died with the general for decades, and is loyal. Didn't your words chill everyone's hearts?"

"That is, we are loyal to the general, so don't say such things. The rebels are as treacherous as foxes, and they must have sent spies to sneak into the city to find out the news."

"General, give your subordinates 15 soldiers and horses, and the humble officer is willing to lead troops to stop the rebels."

Suddenly, a general came out to ask for orders. His actions compared those generals who said they were willing to go through fire and water for the general, who were more unwilling than anyone else, to scum.

The general saw the expressions of the generals, raised his hand to stop him, then looked at the general who reported the news, and said calmly, "Tell me carefully, what's going on?"

"According to the report of the spies, there is a large army of ours, which arrived at the border one step ahead of the vanguard generals, and attacked the rebel camp that night, killing 10,000+ soldiers and horses of the rebels.

That large army was elusive, retreated immediately after the successful sneak attack, and disappeared without a trace. The rebels didn't even find a shadow, and they couldn't find that large army. They came straight to our city, and met the vanguard general and the others halfway.

The vanguard army was unlucky, and they were on their way in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, the rebels were also on their way in the middle of the night.The rebels are all despicable and shameless bastards. After discovering the vanguard army, they did not call for battle, but secretly ambushed in the woods.

The vanguard army had no defense at all, and as a result, the entire army was wiped out. The rebels killed the vanguard army and continued to come towards our city.

After the spies detected the information, they sent it back immediately. "

"Which bastard did it? If they hadn't sneaked up on the rebels, how could the vanguard army have been wiped out? How could the rebels have come to attack our city?" Before the general could speak, a general below jumped out and slapped the table and roared.

This general yelled out the hearts of most generals.

No one cared about the life and death of the army that suddenly appeared. Instead, they blamed them for the retaliation of the rebels, and they all speculated which heartless bastard did it, and found out and questioned them.

This is the best scapegoat!

"It's lawless and lawless. General, we must find them out. If this army didn't act without authorization, it would have brought disaster to our Qin Sifu. If all the subordinates follow him, it's better That's great! That's not a mess!"

"Shut up!" The general was annoyed by their quarrel.

"Can arguing lead to results? The rebel army is about to attack, and you are still here to shirk your responsibility. Now is not the time to pursue the responsibility of that army. Let the whole army prepare for battle, and all soldiers and horses will immediately enter the battle preparation. Get ready."

The general also hates it, no one knows who that army belongs to, and there is no one to hate.

What happened in Qinsi Mansion was not an accidental incident. The same incident happened in Nanfen Mansion and nearby prefectural cities.

When Qingyun received the spy's information, he was completely dazed for ten seconds, squinting at Bai Yanheng next to him.

"Don't you think it's weird? One time can be called a coincidence, two times can also be called a coincidence, three times, four times and five times can't be a coincidence, right? There are so many coincidences in the world."

Bai Yanheng flipped through the copy in his hand, and said calmly, "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others are quite fast!
Qingyun snorted coldly, does she have a fool's face?
"General Tian and the others didn't send a letter to explain the cause of the incident. They are not to blame for this matter. When we occupy Suzhou, the general should know how the government in the north will treat us."

Qingyun is still humming.

Well, she knew it.

"This trial is just the beginning. It's strange that General Tian and the others don't fight back. The officials in the Northland think we are easy to bully. Once they label us as 'bully' and 'weak', will the nearby cities come to us? Seize the territory? Will the army from the North attack Suzhou?"

Needless to say, if there is a piece of fat in her mouth, she wants to swallow it too.

"Once someone opens this hole, the army from the prefecture city comes to attack today, and the army from the prefecture city comes to attack tomorrow, even if you have 500 million soldiers, you will be exhausted.

Besides, war always consumes soldiers and horses.World War I consumed 10,000+ soldiers and horses, and after more than a dozen battles, millions of troops were consumed.If things go on like this, all your soldiers and horses will be dragged to death by them. "

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, well, she was persuaded by Bai Yanheng, but she always felt uncomfortable in her heart!

Qingyun waved the information, and said: "That's unreasonable! The Nanfen Mansion of Qin Si Mansion provoked first, and it is reasonable to say that these two cities are next to Suzhou, and there is a sense of crisis. It is reasonable to act first. Liangcheng, Yangpu City, Hui'an City, those cities don't rely on Suzhou, and they have no one to provoke! Who is the provocateur for?"

Bai Yanheng was expressionless, hehe in his heart, don't you know the virtues of the people below you?
Tian Duoliang, Black Bear and the others, do they have a bottom line?They still need someone to provoke?They are always the ones who provoke others, okay?
Bai Yanheng didn't bother to break up with her, in Qingyun's words, she was lame, and she thought she was a good person.

No one paid attention, Qingyun touched his nose in embarrassment, read the information again, looked at it, did the information look more and more familiar?
Hey, this move? !

Qingyun blinked and blinked, and suddenly regained consciousness, she remembered, no wonder there was a familiar feeling.Didn't she just use this trick when she cheated the barbarians back then!
With such a violent temper, she threw away the information in her hand.

"Hey, Yan Heng, if it wasn't the fault of their bastards, three-year-olds wouldn't believe it. Do you still remember..."

(End of this chapter)

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