Qingyun Balabala talked about how he cheated the barbarians at the beginning, and the more he talked, the more he felt that it was the case.The tactics are exactly the same, but the enemy has been changed from barbarians to people from the Northland.

If it was said that Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong were not responsible for these few battles, ghosts would not believe it.

Bai Yanheng smiled. He already knew that this matter would not be hidden for long, and Tian Duoliang and the others knew it well, and were ready for punishment.

Leaving Qingyun other things aside, she is quite sensitive in terms of force or matters related to force, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a genius.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear Breaking the Army and Seven Kills, they were most influenced by her. It is not so much the art of war taught by Mr. Song, as it is taught by Qingyun.

The big and small battles they experienced with Qingyun, Qingyun's unique style, especially crooked ways, have been integrated into their bones and blood through the accumulation of time, and there is a sense of evil in tactics.

The moves are not old, as long as they work.

No one stipulated that the tactics used by Qingyun should not be used by others.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Qingyun herself. If she is not straight on the upper beam, how can she be straight on the lower beam?
"When they come back, you can find out if you ask yourself." Bai Yanheng said.

The entanglements between their brothers were resolved by themselves, and he didn't get involved, so as not to cause trouble inside and out.

It's too late for Qingyun to know the truth now. Tian Duoliang and the others don't know when they will come back. No one can say for sure what happened on the battlefield.

"Are you all right?"

Bai Yanheng couldn't see her leisurely look, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink tea, and she still had time to talk about other things here, so he hugged a bunch of files and handed them to her.

Qing Yun said with a sneer: "No, that me..."

"I still have something to do," I held back under Bai Yanheng's cold gaze.The cumbersome official duties exhausted Qingyun's thoughts, how could he remember Tian Duoliang and Heixiong's affairs.

After spending a whole day working in the yamen, he rubbed his dizzy head and left after dark.

The Futai and the staff, watching the general being directed around by Mr. Bai, did not dare to protest. While sympathizing with his experience, they watched the play, gloating at the same time feeling secretly refreshed.

Such behavior is not a gentleman's style!
Oops, so tangled!
Seeing the information sent back by Qingyun, where Tian Duoliang and the others fought today, where Qisha they captured tomorrow, which city the black bears attacked the day after tomorrow, and which city the Po Army captured the day after tomorrow, she gritted her teeth.

As soon as these bastards were released, they released a group of wolves out of their cages, running wild and enclosing territory. How could they remember coming back?

Apart from being envious and jealous, Qing Yun has nothing to do with them, she pretends she didn't hear when she called them back, and they won't come back until they enjoy themselves beating them to death, unless she personally arrests them.

Qingyun wanted to go, but Bai Yanheng wouldn't let him go!She had to go to the yamen every day to do some work. If she didn't go, Bai Yanheng would personally come to arrest her. If she dared to run away, he would strike and quit.

Qingyun with black lines all over his head: "..."

Do you think she dared to sneak away!
Damn it, she's a general, she's so aggrieved to death!
No, Qingyun flicked his hands and went for a walk on the street after finishing clicking. He went to a tea house to sit, drink tea, listen to stories, and listen to gossip on the street.

The tofu nao stand on the corner tastes the most authentic, and Qing Yun likes it very much, and the bun shop next to the tofu nao stall is also delicious, and she goes to take care of it every other day.

As soon as Qingyun sat down, the uncle at the tofu stall greeted him immediately.

"Brother Yun is here, I haven't seen you for a few days, is it the same as before?"

"Same." He turned his head and shouted towards the steamed bun shop next to him, "Master Zhang, here are ten cages of meat buns."

Turning around, he continued: "I have something to do at home and I can't go away. I have nothing to go out today. The business is good today, and there are more people than before! There are also many people on the street. It's strange, and I didn't go to the market. Why are there so many people? !"

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