Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 807 No One Believes She Is A General

Still, Jiao Yuguang couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him: "General, Master Bai means that those people are here for you."

"Come at me? Why are you coming at me?" Qingyun frowned, narrowed his eyes and thought carefully, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and he asked in surprise: "They came to kill me? Why?"

Qingyun spread his hands together, with a particularly innocent expression.

She is not a bad person, she has never killed innocent people indiscriminately, and she has never bullied the weak, so why should she be killed?
What about Tianli?
Jiao Yuguang opened his mouth, obviously hesitant to speak, looked at Lord Bai, and then at the general, suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and didn't want to say anything.

At this moment, he could feel how difficult it is for Master Bai!

The other staff members just shook their heads, what should they do or what should they do, the general has Mr. Bai to worry about, they just need to do their own thing well.

Qingyun was still pondering the pros and cons of it, how could he care about other people's expressions, pondered over and over again, but couldn't figure out the trick, so he turned his head to look at Bai Yanheng.

"Why did they kill me?"

"The four continents of the Northland are the territory of the four great families. You have occupied two continents and robbed half of their territory. Why do you think you came to kill you?" Bai Yanheng said.

Qingyun blinked, blinked again, suddenly slapped the table and said: "I understand!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at him, thinking in unison: It's too difficult, the general has figured it out.

Bai Yanheng glanced at her, maybe, probably, probably, Qingyun's understanding may be different from everyone's understanding.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and said lazily: "I never thought that I would be on the assassination list one day. Isn't it those big shots to assassinate! Marshal, prime minister, emperor. Nobody like you... So, now I'm a character too! Right?"

Everyone who asked the last sentence seemed a little embarrassed.

When Jiao Yuguang and his staff heard his words, they collectively blacked out.

Is this the point?
Being assassinated, is that all you think of?
What 'is a character'?
Dare to feel that you, an old man, don't have a good understanding of your current status.

It's not just 'a person', in the eyes of the Northland family, you are a big tycoon, a big bandit, who robbed half of their territory, threatened their wealth and life, if you don't assassinate you, who will you assassinate?
The first one on the assassination list is you, the bounty offered by your old man is a few blocks away from others.

Bai Yanheng's expression was indifferent, obviously he had expected it long ago.

Qingyun didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly he slapped his palm and said: "No, why did they assassinate me? Didn't they just occupy two states, what a big deal, I didn't occupy the entire continent.

How many years have they occupied the four northern states? Did I say anything?Am I jealous?I didn't even think about assassinating them? "

Everyone unanimously ignored him, hehe.

"It's not enough to occupy two states, what a big deal", it's a big deal.

Qingyun realized that those people from the city came to kill her, no wonder Bai Yanheng didn't let her go out.

Qingyun glanced at the people who were working hard, feeling bored, turned around to harass Bai Yanheng again.

"It's not realistic not to go out," Qingyun glanced up and down at himself, and said, "I walked around in front of them today, and no one knew me. I thought about my image, saying that I am a scholar so that it is possible, If you say I am a general, no one will believe you."

Thanks to 110921115305167, 1597789794238976000, Mochen 350, 854***206, QY voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

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