It was rumored outside that she was as tall and burly as a mountain, with eyes like a gong, a face like a yaksha, and a mouth like a blood basin. In short, she was a vicious person.

I don't know where this rumor came from to slander her.It is clear that she faces the wind like a tree, her face is like a crown of jade, she is handsome.

People are too good, but it is also a kind of trouble, and there are villains all over the place.

Everyone nodded, still a little self-aware.

Having said that, the general's appearance is too deceptive. If many of them hadn't seen the general in action, they would really think he was an ordinary scholar, let alone people outside who don't know the truth.

"The general's mansion is heavily guarded. It is indeed safe to huddle in the general's mansion. But if you think about it carefully, a weak scholar can come and go freely in the general's mansion. Even a fool knows that there is something wrong with this scholar.

I have thought about it carefully, rather than being suspected of my identity, it is better to say that I am a relative of some adult in the general's mansion, and it is better to be a nepotism, ignorant kid.

This kind of person is the best at pretending to be powerful, playing tricks on others, winking, and won't offend people who shouldn't be offended.Yanheng, what do you think? "

Bai Yanheng squinted at Qingyun, in order not to be trapped in the mansion, it was difficult for her to come up with such a way.

But if you think about it carefully, there is some reason, such an identity is indeed safe.

No one objected, and Qingyun's new identity was just released.From that day on, she stopped going through the main entrance and entered and exited through the corner gate.

Qingyun thought it would be safe for her to go out with such an identity, what kind of identity?

The younger brother of a concubine in a certain adult's house.

Bai Yanheng also thought that Qingyun should be safe.

But there are no absolutes in this world.

Since the great general ruled Suzhou, the night ban was pushed from the original Haishi to Zishi.

No, after Haishi, the streets are still lively and noisy, especially the West Street, where people come and go, and the stalls are next to each other, winding like two mountain roads, disappearing at the end of the street lights.

A certain house in the bustling section of West Street, the house is brightly lit, with beautiful gardens and exquisite bridges and corridors, but there is no sign of a servant.

The orange-yellow candlelight illuminates the interior of the house, bright and dark, shadowy and shadowy, as if nourishing the darkness.

Faint voices of conversation leaked from a certain room.

"Master, there is a lot of security there. Our people have been investigating for a few days. The guards seem to be loose, but they are actually tight inside and loose outside. And everyone is a good detective. It is difficult for our people to get close."

Several groups of people were sent there, and all they collected were well-known information, and the important ones were not found at all, and almost made passers-by Huaidi suspect them.

It's not that Suzhou and the others have never been here before. When they came here, they could inquire as much as they wanted. Suzhou is like a sieve, where there is no way to hide the news.

When General Jiang was still there, they could still lurk in the General's Mansion.

In just half a year, not only the city of Suzhou changed drastically, but the people in Suzhou also seemed to be reborn from the ashes.

The rebel army is so powerful, are the people with Suzhou so powerful?

The person hiding in the darkness didn't make a sound, he didn't know what he was thinking about, Xu Yi said: "There is no news about those two people?"

This is also one of their missions here.

It was explained above that the whereabouts of the two must be checked, let alone dead, if they are alive, they must be taken back.

"No. After many investigations, our people confirmed the news that they were dead. Many people saw with their own eyes that they died when the city was broken."

Thanks to 20190103213656977, 110921115305167 for the monthly ticket, okay?

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