In the room, it was so quiet that even the sound of the candle flame beating could be heard, the atmosphere was extremely depressing, the reporter buried his head down again, and heard his faint voice after a while.


The person hiding in the darkness had a fluctuating tone, "It's not that easy to die. If other people might really die, the two of them would be dead even in Huaizhou. Forget it, everyone will be withdrawn, so there's no need to investigate."

No one cares about the truth. Losing Suzhou City, the rebel army became a climate and threatened the family in the Northland. The two of them are sinners through the ages.

Even if they hide in a corner and live, they will still die in the future. After all, their family members are still in Huaizhou!
The boss didn't blame him, the man with his head hooked heaved a sigh of relief, struggled for a while, and expressed his conjecture.

"Our people have been staring there for a while, and found a strange thing these days."

The people in the darkness didn't make a sound, they waited for a moment and continued to report.

"That place is difficult for outsiders to approach. There is a young man who can enter and leave. The spies saw that the guards never stopped him. The patrolling outside greeted him when they saw him, as if they knew him."

This news finally aroused the interest of the people hiding in the darkness.

"Oh?! Who is he? Why can he enter that place?"

When I suddenly heard such news, I subconsciously thought it was a conspiracy.After coming for so long, there is no news at all, and a hole suddenly appeared, and I can't do without thinking.

What if the other party is also fishing?

I heard that this kind of thing happened before, and the other party used their tricks and set up traps instead. I heard that the whole army was almost wiped out.

Therefore, if he is not careful, he will die.

Wouldn't someone who could become a hero not have a city mansion?

Obviously, the person who reported the news also guessed the boss's thoughts, and continued:
"His identity is still being investigated, and he didn't appear suddenly. After the rebels occupied Suzhou, he wandered around the city. The main activity area is concentrated in the downtown area. The vendors in the west market and east market all know him and know him. The family has some wealth.

Not very motivated, wandering here and there all day long, drinking tea and strolling around flower houses, walking around chickens and teasing dogs, all the gangsters on the street don't know him, worry about the relationship behind him, but none of them provoke him with a wink .

At the bottom, it can be regarded as a small person.

Lord, our people can't get close to it, so we might as well start with him.People like him have the most contact with subordinates, have no backbone, no bottom line, and are afraid of death. With a little trickery, eighteen generations of ancestors can be sold. "

The room suddenly became quiet, Xu Yi, a word came from the darkness.


Qingyun was the same as before, finished his work and went out for a walk, greeted the brothers at the door, threw beans into the sky, and opened his mouth to catch them.

Out of the street of the General's Mansion, Qingyun suddenly tilted his head and blinked his eyes. The beans didn't pick up, and fell to the ground. He cursed, then picked them up and threw them in his mouth, chewed them, and choked.

Qingyun clicked his tongue and scolded Bai Yanheng in his heart. She went out for a stroll every day and had nothing to do. Today is the day.
Continue to walk forward in a leisurely manner, and as soon as I arrived at West Street, I saw the noise at the intersection, and then the crowd fled in all directions, shouting 'Kill! '

But in the blink of an eye, the street was in chaos.

The fleeing crowd, the overturned stalls, were looking for hiding places everywhere. The shops on both sides reacted quickly, and the doors were closed in the blink of an eye.

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