Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 835: Take advantage of him first

Wan Xiaoli, Jiang Hai and the others, who had been curious for most of the day, immediately found a few enemy flags to study after the war. Knowing that Master Qing was also curious, they got one for him.

Qingyun looked over and over, the principle is not difficult.

It's just two pieces of cloth, sewed on the upper, lower and right sides respectively. The left side of the cloth is sewn shut. Then, when it is turned over and sewn, a finger-width space is left for threading the flagpole. The cloth end is also sewn inside so that it does not affect the movement of the flagpole.

At the lower end of the flagpole, a small mechanism with a rope is made. When the flag needs to be changed, just pull the rope up and down, and the flag can be turned inside out and changed.

The principle is indeed simple and is clear at a glance.It is estimated that no one has used their brains on military flags since ancient times. Leng Buding was shocked when he saw such a bizarre aspect.

Wan Xiaoli, Jiang Hai and others took down the enemy's flag and took action.

Qingyun leaned forward slightly on his horse, raised the captured general's chin with his riding whip, and asked with a smile: "Hey, let me ask you, who came up with that flag of yours? If you don't look carefully, you won't find it."

The captured vanguard general was still a little confused as to why he was in such a miserable situation. When the army set off, he swore to the general that he would not tear a hole in the Northland.

As a result, the army was annihilated by the enemy before it reached Huanlang Mountain.

He glanced at the cleaned battlefield and saw that the enemy soldiers were even pulling off the uniforms on the dead, and his face twitched.

Is the Northland so poor that it can't even afford military uniforms?
Then I thought about my own situation and became confused.

If the enemy forces interrogated him for information under coercion, would he tell it or not?
Do you want to die heroically for the sake of loyalty?Or betray the general and the others for their own lives?

"What are you asking? Why don't you answer quickly?" The soldier standing guard next to him saw that the prisoner dared not answer Qing Ye's words, so he kicked him.

Hearing that the question was not about military secrets, the vanguard general secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There was no need to worry.

"I thought of this method."

The vanguard general of this attack was not him, but his superior.The general came back from the general's office and summoned his lieutenants for discussion.

Everyone knows that in this war, everyone is going to die.The other lieutenants either had strong backgrounds or were close confidants of the general. He was the only one who had no background, and the general didn't take him seriously. In the end, the task fell to him.

He has no right to refuse.

He didn't want to die, so he thought about how to survive.A mere 20-strong army fighting against a million-strong army in the North would lead to a dead end.

A head-on battle would lead to death, and it didn't work, so he thought about other ways and thought of the games he played when he was a child, so he applied it to the army. Unexpectedly, the first time he used it, someone would see through it.

The vanguard general gritted his teeth and wanted to be clear about it, and asked: "How did you find out? In order to make exactly the same military flag, four spies were lost. There are millions of troops in the North, and the general and deputy general must have hundreds of them." It’s impossible to know everyone.”

How did you find it?
Of course they are also fake.

Regardless of whether they are the Northern Army or Yuan Shaoxing's army, their purpose is to muddy the waters and attack whichever army they encounter.

Before Qingyun could speak, the soldier raised his hand and slapped him, and angrily said: "Who are you asking? What is your identity? Prisoner! Remember your identity, don't ask and don't see what you shouldn't ask. "

Qingyun glanced at the soldier with admiration. He was a clever man, but he found the soldier extremely beautiful and secretly straightened his posture.

Qingyun scratched his chin, glanced at the prisoner from the corner of his eye, and said, "I'm just curious, who came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be a rebel? Your general Yuan Shaoxing?"

Hearing the name of the general, the vanguard general broke into a cold sweat.Mother, how do they know that they are Yuan Shaoxing's army, and that the aristocratic families in the North are so powerful?
Isn't it that the general's old bottoms were all turned upside down by Beidi? No wonder they found out their identities as soon as they met. He probably even knew exactly what color underwear the general wore last night.

Qingyun was confused, so she asked him by the way. The prisoner's face turned pale and green, and there was a hint of fear. He didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly lost interest and waved his hand to be taken away.

The interrogation will be done by the people below.

After the prisoners were taken away, Qisha emerged and approached Qingyun. Wan Xiaoli, Jiang Hai and others saw this and rushed over immediately. They heard Qisha say:
"Master Qing, Yuan Shaoxing is pretending to be our army. He wants to muddy the waters in the North. This man is deep and cunning. He transfers his anger to us. On the one hand, he can reduce the strength of the North and remove their suspicion. On the other hand, It will be convenient for him to have the opportunity to form an alliance with the Northland in the future."

Very reasonable!
Wan Xiaoli, Jiang Hai and the others nodded.

"It can be seen from this that Yuan Shaoxing has some understanding of the situation in the North. The North must have sent many spies to take a look at those military flags. This person is good at seizing opportunities to attack, and he is even better at killing people with a borrowed knife." Wan Xiaoli road.

They were the ones who were borrowed.

After the analysis, several people looked at Qingyun.

"About Yuan Shaoxing, from the information collected by Crazy Wolf, he is a descendant of a declining family. He was in the market before the troubled times and only rose up after the troubled times.

The princes from all over the Central Plains competed for hegemony. He and his troops survived battle after battle and became the overlord of one party. He was a rare general.

He comes from a commonplace background and does not have the stubbornness and rigidity of an aristocratic family. He is flexible, knows how to adapt to changes, does not pay attention to rules and regulations, and his behavior is more like Tian Duoliang.To put it bluntly, I just like not to take the usual path. "

What he said...Qi Sha and the others didn't know how to respond to him. Do you have an idea of ​​Qing Ye's own virtues?

It's embarrassing to say that Yuan Shaoxing didn't take the ordinary path, but Yuan Shaoxing was far behind him.

I understand, Yuan Shaoxing was the instigator of pretending to be their army.

"Don't worry about Yuan Shaoxing or what conspiracy he has. Let's continue to act as planned."

Qingyun jumped off his horse and started cleaning the battlefield with his brothers. Suddenly he had an idea: Yuan Shaoxing is such a weakling, he couldn't be colluding with them, right?

Qingyun also just thought of it. If she were in Yuan Shaoxing's position, she would be prepared.

If Bei Di can form an alliance, attack her first. If Bei Di can't form an alliance, then collude with her to attack Bei Di. Anyway, it's just to win over one by one and beat them one by one. It won't be too late to wait until Bei Di is finished.

Yaya is a bastard, Yuan Shaoxing is a bastard, much more sinister than her.

It's a good plan.

Qingyun's eyes flashed, maybe she could give it a try.

She waved to Qi Sha Wan Xiao Li Jiang Hai and others to come over, mentioned Yuan Shaoxing's purpose, and then expressed her opinion.

"Master Qing, if I hadn't attacked you, it would have been absolutely impossible for us to form an alliance with Beidi."

Qisha did not agree with this idea. They had occupied three states in the North, and only one Huaizhou was left. The Beidi family wanted to cut up Master Qing's flesh to eat, so how could they form an alliance with them.

The Beidi family would rather form an alliance with Yuan Shaoxing than form an alliance with them.

Wan Xiaoli, Jiang Hai, and the others also disagreed. It was possible for Yuan Shaoxing, but it was absolutely impossible for them. Fortunately, Master Qing could imagine that people were almost killed by them at the door. He still thought of having someone come to welcome them to the door. How shameless!
They just thought about this in their hearts and never dared to say it out loud.

Qingyun rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Are you stupid? You can't turn your brain! If you form an alliance with Beidi, you definitely can't mention who we are. You know that the Beidi family hates us, so why bother mentioning it? My name, you want the Beidi family to cut you in pieces." Qisha didn't dare to say anything anymore, he giggled.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "Let's change the idea. Yuan Shaoxing can pretend to be us, and we can also pretend to be him to form an alliance with Beidi. If we don't tell, who knows?
Yuan Shaoxing dares to say that we are pretending?

We can turn it around and accuse him of being a fake, and the evidence is there. "

The evidence is the captured vanguard general and military flag.

"We can divide our forces into four groups.

Tian Duoliang and the others continued to sneak away from the Jiang army, and Pojun and the others attacked the north and dispersed their forces.We represent Yuan Shaoxing all the way to form an alliance with Beidi, and we represent Beidi all the way to form an alliance with Yuan Shaoxing. A sneak attack from within is much easier than a frontal attack.

It's better to let them eat dog and let us reap the benefits. "

Damn Yaya, Yuan Shaoxing wanted to take advantage of her, so she took advantage of him first.

Seven kills: "."

Wan Xiaoli: "."

Jiang Hai: "."

The biggest loss is Mr. Qing.

Yuan Shaoxing stole the chicken but lost the rice. You said that you would not stay in the Central Plains, but you had to come to the North to compete with Mr. Qing for territory. He didn’t know that the North had long been Mr. Qing’s territory. To steal the meat from Mr. Qing’s mouth, Looking for death!
"Master Qing is wise!"

Qi Sha Wan Xiao Li Jiang Hai and others looked at him in great awe while flattering him.Once again, I raised Master Qing's vigilance by [-]% in my heart. I must never touch Master Qing's bottom line!
Qingyun clapped his hands, "Very good, it's settled. Immediately send a message to Tian Duoliang to break the army and cooperate with our plan. The army puts on their military uniforms, kill ten thousand petty officials seven times, you take 50 troops to Huanlang Mountain, I Jiang Hai went to Annan County to meet Yuan Shaoxing."

Qingyun took out her mask again. She hadn't worn it for a long time, and she wanted to use it again this time.

He pressed the golden mask to his face and waved his hand to let the army leave. Qisha then asked without fear of death: "What if they don't agree?"

Qingyun immediately kicked him and scolded him with a smile: "You kid, are you going to stir up trouble? If you don't agree to the alliance, go ahead with the original plan, which will make them fly into pieces. I can't form an alliance, and no one of them can even think about it." Form an alliance. Understand?”

Qisha and the others nodded, this time they all understood!

If you can collude, just collude; if you can't, just stir up trouble!They are all good at this!
As long as Master Qing doesn't give a death order and must collude with them.Wrong word: alliance!Yes, alliance!

Then several people gathered together and muttered for a long time, and finally even the enemy's corpses were cut into pieces, and the two groups were divided in half.

Of course, this idea was brought up by Qingyun. If you don't use it, it will be in vain. Whoever doesn't use it will use it in vain. There is no mercy for the enemy.

To surrender, you have to show sincerity!
What is sincerity?

Killing the enemy's soldiers and horses is the best sincerity.

Seven Kills of Ten Thousand Little Officials Jiang Hai and the others were once again glad that they had followed the right master, otherwise they would have died with their eyes open. They would have been killed by the enemy while alive, and their corpses would have been used by the enemy.

That's horrible!
At most, they can sympathize with the enemy, but no more. There is no such thing as being soft-hearted. If they are soft-hearted, their corpses will be used.

It doesn't matter if they say they are cats crying and mice pretending to be compassionate.

Therefore, it is better not to sympathize with the enemy. If they want to avoid this tragic end, they will have to do this when they encounter the enemy in the future. The more brutal and ruthless they are, the more they can survive to the end.

This land was left to Qisha and the others, and Qingyun and the others would find a suitable land and make arrangements.

The two groups of people are doing their own thing.

"How pitiful!"

Tian Duoliang looked at the sky above his head and suddenly let out a sigh. He didn't know whether this 'poor person' was Jiang Hongli or the Jiang Jiajun opposite?
Perhaps, both.

Jiang Hongli's face was expressionless, and he was indifferent to Jiang Jiajun's expression that he wanted to eat him alive.This is the path he chose, and no matter what the outcome, he will have to bear it.

It was just a few scoldings. Perhaps, in the past, he would have cared about it. He had seen Generals and Generals scolding him expressionlessly. Compared with these people, the Jiang family army was far behind in this regard.

You can scold me as much as you want, but you won't lose a piece of meat.Just a few words that came and went, nothing new at all, and he was worried for them.

The aristocratic family pays attention to face and is easy to suffer losses. They like to do things secretly and keep their appearance low, and they must have a straight face.

The generals are not particular about being polite when they should be polite. They roll up their sleeves and scold shrews when they should. They do anything that a noble family can't lose face for.


What it is?
As long as they can win the battle, they will do it even if they are asked to run around naked.

In such an environment, under the influence of his ears and eyes, his face became thicker and thicker day by day.

Seeing that it was a show, Tian Duoliang sighed with regret, and then asked a question from his soul: "Hey, I wonder what Qingye is doing?"

It's wrong to keep sneaking around Jiang Jiajun like this, it's so boring!

Look at Master Qing, he has changed his mind again. Qisha and the others should be happy to be able to make a big fuss again.

Yuan Shaoxing also suffered from bad luck for eight lifetimes. He encountered the disaster of Master Qing. If Master Qing hadn't taken a liking to Beidi, he might have fallen into his hands.

"That guy from Po Jun hasn't captured Huaizhou yet! Can he do it? No, let's replace him! I've been wandering around for so long that I'm so idle that I've grown hairy."

No one paid him any attention.

Tian Duoliang sighed again, and then shouted to Hong Xingwu in front: "Old Hong, tell the Jiang Jiajun opposite, why are you chasing us so hard? The Beidi family is ostracizing them, and they wish that the Jiang Jiajun would kill them all.

What's the point of just fighting with us? After all, we are all from the North. If the North falls in our hands, it will be in the hands of our own people. "

It was said that he was shouting at Hong Xingwu, but his voice was so loud that General Jiang on the opposite side could hear him.

Jiang Jiajun's people just rolled their eyes, who are you and your own people?Who has ever seen a thief drive out his master and occupy his territory, then claim that everyone is his own?
Dog day!
Why don't you go back to the mountain?Give them your territory and they will recognize you as their own.

"Luo, the Yun family is going to form an alliance with Yuan Shaoxing. They are outsiders. Don't you know? He is a wolf cub who eats meat without spitting out the bones. He swallows the skin, bones and blood. If you form an alliance with him, Beidi What's the difference between giving up and leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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