Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 836: Plainly playing dirty tricks

Tian Duoliang smacked his lips, but he said it lightly, but Jiang Jiajun opposite was stunned by the news and panicked!
There was a traitor in the Jiang family who defected to the rebels. How much contempt did they receive?How many grievances have you suffered?On those days, no one from the Chiang family dared to go out for fear of being embarrassed by the people in the North.

In order to give an explanation to the Beidi family, their Jiang family army chased the rebels throughout Beidi and suppressed them, regardless of the consequences of losing troops and generals. Regardless of money, what was the result?
But the Luo and Yun families colluded with that outsider Yuan Shaoxing behind their backs?what is this?Treat their Jiang Jiajun as a fool?
When it comes to sinners, the Luo and Yun families are the sinners in the North.

The rebels are absolutely bad. One thing cannot be denied. The rebels are all from the North.No matter how powerful Yuan Shaoxing is, it cannot change his identity as a foreign invader.

Jiang Jiajun turned to look at the general. Is what the rebels said true?Did Luo Jiajun and Yun Jiajun collude with Yuan Shaoxing?
Jiang Jiajun asked the general for confirmation, hoping that the rebels were telling lies and hoping that it was true.In this way, everyone has a handle, and no one can blame anyone.

If we really want to talk about it, the traitors of the Jiang family are still Northerners, and their meat still rots in their own pot.

If the news is true, the Luo Yun family are the real traitors!

Hong Xingwu glanced at the Jiang Jiajun opposite, and shouted in a loud voice: "Can't you? That Yuan Shaoxing man, I heard someone say that the hero of the Central Plains, the overlord of one side, is as famous as Marshal Qian in the northwest, Duke Zhou in the southwest, and General Shan in the east , a well-known figure. If it were him, we would be in trouble, who can beat him!"

Tian Duoliang gave Hong Xingwu a thumbs up, good brothers, they just have a tacit understanding.

Kun rubbed his neck and shouted: "That's him! Yuan Shaoxing came to the North because he disliked the small area of ​​the Central Plains and couldn't accommodate his army."

Hong Xingwu frowned, with a sad look on his face, "According to what you said, he has set his sights on Beidi? That's not possible! We in Beidi don't welcome outsiders. From the establishment of the Dayong Dynasty to its demise for thousands of years, Beidi has always been It belongs to us Northerners."

"Isn't that the truth! The Renluo Yun family doesn't think so. They would rather take advantage of the foreigner Yuan Shaoxing than fall into the hands of us northerners.

It makes sense that he doesn’t want to fall into our hands, he has a grudge against us!But even their own people are not willing to take advantage of it, so we can’t understand it!The Jiang family and the Han family have no grudges against them, right? "

"Don't tell me that I didn't notice this! Oh, how do you know that they are not willing to take advantage of the Jiang family and the Han family? Who among us Northerners doesn't know that the four of them are in the same spirit! Don't talk nonsense!"

The two of them were singing a double act, back and forth, clearly and clearly.

The Jiang Jiajun knew clearly that they were sowing discord and could not be swayed. They hated the rebels on the opposite side and pierced their hearts with every word. It was really difficult not to sway.

Are you suspicious even without looking at the general?
What the rebels said makes sense!If you can't take advantage of the rebels, why can't you take advantage of the Jiang family and the Han family?The aristocratic family has the same spirit and knows the roots, is it no better than that Yuan Shaoxing who doesn’t know where he came from?
The Jiang family and the Han family are up, how rare is it that they can still care about the life and death of the Luo family and the Yun family?
"How do I know? Do you need to say something that is obvious? The only passage from the Central Plains to the North is Huanlang Mountain. I heard that the people guarding Huanlang Mountain are the Luo Family Army and the Yun Family Army. None of the Jiang Family Army and Han Family Army are here. You Think about it, think about it carefully, think about it carefully..."

Tian Duoliang's meaningful expression is thought-provoking!
Jiang Hongli: "..."

He finally knew why he lost. He and Lao Han lost because they were not shameless enough.Back in Suzhou, if he and Lao Han had been a little more shameless.
Jiang Jiajun, who was opposite him, was already a little shaken and in a daze. He accidentally followed the other person's train of thought. When his train of thought was relaxed, he thought more.

When you don't think in that direction, there are no problems. Once you think in that direction, no matter how you think about it, there are doubts, and there are problems everywhere.

There is a traitor in the Jiang family, so it is understandable that the Jiang family's army will not be allowed to enter Huanlang Mountain.Why didn't Han Jiajun let in?There is definite news that the boy from the Han family is indeed dead.

Don't think too much. If you think too much, your heart will feel cold.

Why?What else can I do?Of course, Han Jiajun is here, so it’s not convenient for them to collude with Yuan Shaoxing!
No wonder the two families kept an eye on the Jiang family and the Han family, just for fear that they would discover the dirty things they were doing secretly.

Whose family has not produced a few unscrupulous descendants, lost Gao'an, and has not seen their Luo Jiayun family answer to Beidi?
Why are they excluding the Jiang family and the Han family... "Why are they excluding the Jiang family and the Han family?"

When Jiang Jiajun heard the rebels on the opposite side asking, he immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Tian Duoliang rolled his eyes, "You're stupid! With the aristocratic family surrendering, Yuan Shaoxing is almost certain to occupy the North. When he becomes the overlord of the North, with his arrogance and domineering, he cannot clear out the local forces in the North!
How many people do you think the tycoon Yuan Shaoxing can accommodate?

If you don’t purge it, keep it as an ancestor’s offering?

If he wants to completely control the North, he must at least kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, and kill a few more by the way.Who do you think this chicken is?

The Luo Yun family is smart and has a long-term vision, so they must leave a way out for themselves.The two of them are not chickens, so they can only let others be chickens! "

Jiang Jiajun nodded secretly, isn't that the reason?

Even the rebels can see things clearly, why can't they understand that the Jiang family and the Han family are the 'chickens'.

The general of the Jiang Jiajun wanted to reprimand loudly and not listen to the rebels' incitement, but he could not find a reason to refute, because the rebels were reasonable!

Even the generals of the Jiang family were shaken!
The Luo Yun family gave up the Northland, but they still clung to their last belief. Is it still meaningful?

Even though he knew it was untrustworthy, he still wrote to the general for verification. If it was fake, it would be a worry in vain. If it was true, he would at least remind the general to be wary of the Luo Yun family and make preparations in advance.

Jiang Hongli: "..."

Jiang Hongli had no expression on his face, but sighed in his heart, the Jiang family army was finished.

The morale of the army is unstable, which is a taboo in the army.

If he didn't know the truth of the matter, even he would have believed it, let alone Jiang Jiajun who didn't know the truth.

He had always thought that people like Tian Duoliang were illiterate, behaved like ruffians, and had no general spirit at all, which made people look down upon them.

The capture of Suzhou in the first place was just a matter of luck, and the methods were not fair and aboveboard, which was despicable.If the two sides truly fought openly and honestly, he would definitely not lose that battle.

Only now did he realize that because he lived in a corner and because of his prejudice, he was short-sighted and could not see the truth clearly.

Look at how smooth this scheming is. It's clearly laid out on the table. Do you believe it or not?

Hong Xingwu shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity for the Jiang family and the Han family. An iron-clad general and a clean and scholarly family were taken advantage of by the Luo Jiayun family and became a stepping stone for them to climb up."

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