Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 856 It doesn’t end well

When Na Guanyun left, he left a message and he was waiting at Huanlang Pass.

This group of despicable people in Beidi not only refused to acknowledge the existence of Guan Yun, but also tried to force them to hand over Qisha.

Don’t they themselves know if there is anyone named Qisha in the army?A real man dares to act and be responsible. If he doesn't have it, he doesn't have it. He has to drag out a person who has no one and frame him and spread rumors.

Bah, they look down on the generals of the North and the army of the North.

Beidi scolded Yuan Jiajun for not being able to defeat the Huanlang Pass, so he framed them and caused such despicable villains to behave. Beidi was ashamed of them.

When the two sides were scolding fiercely, there was a "rumbling" thunder in the clear sky.

Why is there thunder?
Such a vision made everyone take a break and subconsciously look up at the sky.The Northland has been experiencing drought for more than half a year. There is not even a spring thunder, let alone a bolt from the blue, as if someone stabbed a thunder pond in the sky.

It's thundering, is it going to rain?

Just when the people in the North were thinking this, they heard the "rumbling" thunder in the sky, and with a "boom", thunder struck Yuan Shaoxing in the army without warning...


"General, are you okay?"

"Oops, the general was struck by lightning..."

Yuan Shaoxing couldn't hear or see anything. He cursed in his heart: What a thief, and then passed out.

As soon as Yuan Shaoxing fainted, Yuan's army immediately became confused and immediately beat drums and called for troops to retreat.

The army in the North was stunned and shocked beyond belief when they saw such a dramatic scene. When they returned, the generals were still in a daze.

How could something so outrageous happen?
General Yun, who came to his senses first, coughed and said seriously: "Did you see it? Heaven's punishment! Not everyone can covet the Northland. Anyone who attacks our Northland will suffer heaven's punishment. Yuan Shaoxing is an example."

Regardless of whether it was the truth or not, that's what he thought.

General Luo also reacted and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, General Yun is absolutely right. Anyone who attacks Beidi will be punished by heaven. Yuan Shaoxing will be punished by heaven."

After several battles with Yuan Shaoxing, they did not gain any advantage and lost hundreds of thousands of troops. The soldiers and horses were much worse than Yuan Shaoxing's army, and the reinforcements were nowhere to be seen, and people began to feel restless.

As long as the news about Yuan Shaoxing's punishment from heaven spreads, if he makes good use of it, it can offset the restlessness of the army and attack the Yuan family army.

"General, general, it's not good, it's not good..."

Xiaobing, who had just received the news from Taiyang, accidentally glanced at the message above, turned pale with fright, and shouted all the way.

"You general, I'm very good. What the hell are you calling me?" General Luo grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it at him. His good mood was gone and he wanted to kick him to death.

"General, Taiyang is gone, Huaizhou is gone, and the Northland has been occupied by rebels, ugh..."

Xiaobing cried with snot all over his face. His whole family was in Taiyang. Now Taiyang was occupied by the rebels, and his family was gone.

"What did you say? Impossible!"

General Luo was shocked, not believing that Taiyang had been lost, so he grabbed the note and read the message on it, but the soldier who peeked at the message escaped unharmed.

Intercepting military intelligence without permission is a capital offense!
"How is it possible? How is it possible? Our four families have almost three million soldiers and horses together, and all the aristocratic families in Taiyang have almost four to five million soldiers and horses. How many soldiers and horses do the rebels have? How could they fall? What do they do for food?"

General Luo was panicked and frightened. He had nowhere to vent his evil fire and smashed the table.

A bunch of rubbish, 300 million soldiers and horses, can't stop the rebels with a million soldiers.How to defend Huaizhou?When the rebels came, did they just abandon the city?
The notes that carrier pigeons can send are limited, they only mention the fall of Taiyang, and there is no other news.It's useless for General Luo to be anxious to death.

Taiyang said it had an army of 300 million, but in reality there were not that many.This data is from before there were rebels in the Northland. Half of the soldiers and horses belonged to the Jiang family and the Han family. The Luo Jiayun family actually only had 80 soldiers and the remaining 70 soldiers and horses were from other families.

Since riots broke out in various places in the Northland, the family mobilized troops and sent soldiers and horses to various places to suppress the rebels. The situation was very unfavorable.

Fight one battle and lose the other. A battle consumes a part of the troops and horses. It seems that the loss of troops and horses in each battle is not much. Looking at the entire battle situation, the troops and horses consumed add up to a large number.

When Tian Duoliang and Black Bear attacked Huaizhou, Huaizhou only had 200 million soldiers and horses. When they attacked Taiyang, they had less than 80 million soldiers and horses, about [-] million.

Why did the Jiang family and the Han family surrender so quickly?It's because they saw the truth clearly and preserved their troops as much as possible.

Qingyun went to Taiyang, and killed another group of disobedient aristocratic families and their soldiers, and exiled a group to go mining. The Taiyang family's soldiers and horses were only about 50 million.

Among them, the Jiang family and the Han family each accounted for 50, the Yun family 20, the Luo family [-], and the rest belonged to other aristocratic families.

The 150 soldiers and horses are not even half of Qingyun's army. Taiyang can't be defended like a ghost!
It can only be said that the people of the Luo family, from the head of the family to the generals below, all have high self-esteem and cannot see the situation clearly.

General Yun was also shocked when he heard that Taiyang had been lost. He went to get the note on the table without caring about his taboos. He saw a soldier wearing his own uniform running towards him crying, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand. Letter paper, watching him burst into tears.

"General, I received a letter from my family. Taiyang is gone, Huaizhou is gone too. It was occupied by the rebels. We have no home. My family members are gone too..."

General Yun: "..."

Great, no need to go get it.

Regardless of whether it was rude or not, he took the family letter from Xiao Bing's hand, quickly read it and threw it to him. He said disgustedly: "Why are you crying? Your family is not dead, so why are you crying? Wait until they are dead before you come back. It’s not too late to howl. You said you’ve grown so big and your brain has been in vain. Can I still write to you after you die?”

Damn, he was scared to death.They were so startled that they almost scared their souls out of their minds.

Xiao Bing only saw that Taiyang was gone and was occupied by the rebels. He thought that his father, mother, brothers and sisters were gone and he was completely helpless. He could not care about what was written at the end of the letter.

As soon as the general reminded him and the soldier thought about it, he immediately stopped crying and continued to read the letter.

General Yun narrowed his eyes for a while. He didn't know what news General Luo received that made him so angry. It was probably not a good thing, otherwise General Luo wouldn't be so angry.

Except for the fact that Taiyang was occupied by the rebels, the rest of the letters his people received from home were all praising the rebels.

So, who is telling the truth?

Speaking of which, why has he not received any news from the family head when all the soldiers in the military camp have received letters from their families?Their Yun family is no better than a soldier now?
"General, a secret message from the Taiyang Yun family."

Just as General Yun finished muttering, the staff over there came over with a note. The secret letter from the head of the Yun family came just in time.The secret letter was not sent by a carrier pigeon. The head of the Yun family sent someone, who traveled day and night and worked hard to deliver it. It was a very thick letter, and after opening it, there were five or six pieces.

After unfolding the letter and reading it, General Yun fell silent.

Fortunately, Yuan Shaoxing was struck by lightning, and the news of the fall of Taiyang or the loss of Huaizhou spread. There was no need for Yuan Shaoxing to fight, and the army collapsed from within.


"Master Qing, while you were praying for rain, our people arrested a dozen spies. They mingled with the crowd and spread rumors about you everywhere, saying that you were a disaster star and instigating and inciting the people to resist."

Po Jun wiped the blood from his hands. After the spy was caught, he interrogated him personally.

"They've all been recruited. The Luo family leader arranged for someone to do it. How will the Luo family deal with it?"

"By the way, Mr. Qing, except for the Jiang family, the Han family, and several aristocratic families without troops stationed in Huanlang Pass, they did not pass on the news. All the aristocratic families with troops stationed in Huanlang Pass used carrier pigeons to pass the news. The brothers all checked before releasing.

The head of the Yun family didn't use a carrier pigeon, he sent someone to deliver it, and the brothers also checked it, and there was nothing written that shouldn't be written.

This person was aware of current affairs. He praised Master Qing as a good general and brought up the subject of their submission to the Yun family. He willingly told them that the Yun family would keep an eye on the Luo family. Once he discovered the Luo family, he would take control first and wait. Let Master Qing go and deal with it later.

On the other hand, the head of the Luo family was a bit unclear. He only mentioned that we should capture Taiyang and occupy Huaizhou, but nothing more.This old fox is cunning and insidious. He was afraid that we would intercept his letter, so he didn't dare to mention it more in the letter, lest we doubt him.Is there any other secret hand? I haven't found it yet. "

After Taiyang was captured, Qisha immediately sent people to monitor all the aristocratic families. All messages sent by the aristocratic families were intercepted and only those without any problems were sent out.

All traffic with problems will be intercepted, waiting for Mr. Qing to solve them all at once when he enters the city.

Qingyun likes people like the head of the Yun family, who understands current affairs and is very far-sighted.

"The Luo family is indeed a problem. One-third of the Huanlang Pass consists of the Luo family's army, one-third of the Yun family's army, and the remaining one-third of the soldiers and horses are from other families. They did not attack our people.

Nothing can happen at Huanlang Pass right now. That little thief Yuan Shaoxing is watching. The head of the Luo family also knows the powerful relationship. I need the Luo family army so that the old bastard can have nothing to fear.The Luo family is still unable to move, so let them stay for a while. "

Qingyun hates being threatened the most, so it doesn't matter if he can't move for the moment. After they take over the Huanlang Pass, they can settle it all at once.

She most likes to settle accounts after autumn.


Po Jun felt unhappy because he felt wronged when they were wronged. He couldn't bear it when Master Qing was wronged.According to his previous temperament, if he dared to throw dirty water on Master Qing, he would have to slaughter the entire Luo family.

Old man Luo is nothing, how can he be more valuable than the prince?The prince of the Dayong Dynasty wanted to kill Master Qing, but it just clicked.

Seeing Po Jun's long cold face, Qingyun had a headache. He kicked him and warned him: "Don't mess with me! Did the wind blow my soldiers, horses, money and food? There is no need to sacrifice brothers to take over Huanlang Pass." Isn't it good? If I find out that you are doing something treacherous, I will pluck out your skin."

Po Jun cried out in pain, and said with a playful smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Qing, I have an overall view of the situation and will never act recklessly."

When the reckoning comes later, he will give the Luo family a good reckoning.Right now, Qingye's great cause is more important.

“Sending letters is not only done by pigeons and messengers, but also by escort agencies, casinos, pawnshops, banks and other shops.

As you all know, my family is a merchant. My parents hope that I will pursue an official career. They never tell me about the family business, and I don't care about those things.One time, the old man and my father were discussing something, and I overheard it.

You may not know that these shops have the business of delivering letters for people, but the price is ridiculously expensive. Except for a few dignitaries, ordinary people are not even qualified to know.As long as they could afford the money, they would try their best to send letters from the Han Dynasty next door.

Following this line of thinking, we sent people to check whether any of the Luo family members or servants had contact with these shops. "

"Yes!" Qisha accepted the order.

Escort bureaus are responsible for escorting escorts, and it is normal to occasionally deliver messages for others. Escort bureaus are not cheap, and ordinary people cannot afford them.However, if it is a special letter, it is not a matter of money.

For example: the survival of the family.

Qisha didn't think about the escort agency for a moment. If Qing Ye didn't mention it, he really didn't know that banks, casinos, and pawn shops also delivered letters for people.

It seemed like he had to check it out.It's a nice rainy day. It's easy to do anything and there won't be any movement.

Qingyun thought about it and said: "The families with problems, those with soldiers and horses at Huanlang Pass, will all be under surveillance. We will deal with them after we take down Huanlang Pass. Those without soldiers and horses will all use money to redeem their lives. If you ask for money, don't give up." Those who are destined to die must be liquidated."

Qingyun is not used to being ignorant of current affairs. She has no habit of raising white-eyed wolves or enemies for herself.


After five days of heavy rain, it gradually became smaller. The rivers dried up, waves rolled, and rapids rushed.The ponds and reservoirs exposed to the mud are also full, and the dry crops have regained their vitality in the rain and are trying to grow.

It had been raining for several days, but it couldn't stop some people from cheering in the rain. They didn't care even though they were soaked, and laughed like fools.

It looks like the rain won't stop for a while, and it will probably continue to rain for about ten days.Qingyun was worried about the battle situation at Huanlang Pass, and Tian Duoliang and the others were also worried. None of the brothers could sit still and ran to Qingyun to ask for departure.

Early the next morning, the army marched out in the light rain. Hong Xingwu and the other generals were sent ten miles outside the city, but they still couldn't bear to go back to the city. They looked at Tian Duoliang and others with envy and jealousy!
What's the point of defending the city? It's fun to follow Master Qing to expand the territory!
The corners of Qingyun's eyes twitched, but she didn't speak. Are Hong Xingwu and the others planning to send them to Huanlang Pass?

"Go back! Taiyang is left to you. Guard Taiyang and Huaizhou for me."

Qingyun waved his hand to drive them away, but Hong Xingwu and the others stayed where they were and watched the army go.


"Master Qing, the ring wolf is locked up." Qisha, who was beside the carriage, knocked on the carriage to remind the people inside.

Qingyun opened the curtain, looked at the three characters "Huan Lang Pass" on the city wall and smiled, then jumped out of the carriage and stretched his waist.

That’s it!

It was no wonder that they traveled day and night, the horses almost died, and the people were even more tired!
It's still raining in Taiyang, but the sun is shining brightly here in Huanlangguan. It's just noon now. When the sun is at its most intense, people in the sun are about to smoke.

"Did you call the door?" Qingyun asked. Seeing the closed city gate, he asked again: "Was the city gate originally closed, or did it close after seeing us coming?"

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