Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 857 Accepting the Ring Wolf Pass

This is a matter of attitude. It is understandable that she would think so!

If she were the general of Huanlang Pass, and a million troops suddenly arrived, and the military flags they hung were not from a certain family, she would still have to close the city gate to keep them out.

Who knows whether the person coming is an enemy or a friend?
Don't think that those coming from the interior of the Northland are friendly troops. There are too many fake ones these days. Who knows if they are fake enemy troops?
In addition to the aristocratic families, there are also rebels in the North.

"Shout, the post has been sent in. The city gate has always been closed, not us." The person who replied was Tian Duoliang. He did this. The post was for General Yun and should be out soon.

Millions of troops were staying outside the city. The patrolling soldiers had already reported such a big movement to General Luo, General Yun and others.

Soon a few young generals came and looked out from the city wall. Oh my god, there was an overwhelming army. I couldn't see the tail. I don't know how many soldiers and horses there were. It was estimated that there were at least a million troops.

That military flag didn't seem to belong to a noble family. They had never seen a military flag like this from any noble family.

Enemy troops?
It doesn't look like it. The enemy army can't come from the interior of the Northland.

Rebels... rebels are even more impossible. If the rebels want to come to Huanlang Pass, they must pass through Taiyang.I thought that Taiyang must be captured and Huaizhou taken away.

Don't be kidding, Taiyang has an army of 300 million. If the rebels want to capture Taiyang, it is impossible, except in dreams.

I kept guessing and couldn't figure it out, so I had to ask.

"Which of your soldiers and horses do you have? Where do they come from? I haven't seen you before? Are there reinforcements?"

Qingyun raised his eyebrows at Tian Duoliang, and then ordered Jiang Hongli and Han Fenglin to come out.The three of them rode forward, Tian Duoliang had a naive smile on his face, and he could be as honest as he wanted.

"Yes, we are reinforcements! How did you know! We are from Taiyang. The family master received your letter for help and sent a few of us to support here. We all came from below. We have just been promoted as junior soldiers, so it is normal for the generals not to recognize us, but General Yun knows us."

Tian Duoliang said "We are here" with a strong Northern accent, which confirmed that he was from the Northern Territory.

The stickers that Tian Duoliang handed over were given by the Yun family head. After praying for rain, the Yun family head came to see General Shangguan with full sincerity. The Yun family gave a dozen of the stickers in case they were needed.

In addition to the Yun family's post, the Jiang family and the Han family also gave it to them with full sincerity. Mr. Qing refused to accept it several times, but the Jiang family and the Han family were very enthusiastic and insisted on giving it. If the general refused to accept it, he was looking down on them.

What can Qingyun do?
She loves her people like her own children, and her people also love her.Under the basic premise of not hurting both families, they accepted their sincerity with great kindness, and the public treasury could not keep it in the private treasury.

The atmosphere was so harmonious: the military and civilians were like one family!
No, stickers are used here at Huan Lang Pass.

Of course, Qingyun not only brought the post, she also brought almost all the soldiers and horses of the aristocratic family. The Jiang family and the Han family each left one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and the Yun family left fifty thousand. They were not here to enjoy the blessings. They wanted to guard Huaizhou with Hong Xingwu. Eliminate banditry everywhere.

Other aristocratic families did not have this privilege and were dragged to Huanlang Pass by Qingyun.

"In addition to us, the Jiang family and the Han family have sent troops here. Look! Do you know this one? General Han Feng Lin Han of the Han family, does this look familiar? General Jiang from the Jiang family..."

Tian Duoliang pointed to the two people beside him and introduced them. It was Jiang Hongli's turn to skip the names to avoid any accidents.Then he pointed at the generals behind him and said, "There are generals from the Yun family and generals from the Luo family behind. There are many, so I won't tell you one by one."

The generals on the city wall took a careful look at the crowd. Not to mention, there were quite a few familiar faces inside.

After confirming that one of our own had arrived, several generals immediately greeted him with smiles.

"Generals, I have just been offended. Your duties are beyond compare. I hope you generals will be considerate. Open the city gate immediately!"

After clasping fists to apologize, he led the people down to welcome the army into the city.


When the general at Huan Lang Pass interrogated Qing Yun and their identities, General Yun received a message from the Yun family and wondered, who is this?

If you want to meet your family, if you need a message, just give him his name.Curious, he opened the post. When he saw the content in the post, he was so shocked that he stood up in shock.

"General, what happened?" the military advisor next to him asked, glancing secretly at the post.I haven't seen him lose his temper like this since Taiyang fell.

"He's here!" General Yun muttered to himself.

"Who is here? The master of the family?" the military advisor asked, extremely curious.

The raised voice of the military advisor finally brought General Yun back to his senses. He was not ordinary brave and came to Huanlang Pass in person.

You must know that there are no soldiers or horses of his in Huanlang Pass. It would be easy for them to take him hostage.

I wonder if the overlord of the North is confident because he has something to rely on, or is he really daring?

"Don't ask anymore. Tell the lieutenants to come over and come with me to greet people at the city gate."

General Yun and a group of his cronies hurried to the city gate to greet the new overlord of the North - General Shangguan.

As soon as we arrived at the city gate, we saw this scene. Several generals from Huanlang Pass opened the city gate to welcome the army outside to enter the city.

Someone was trying to show their courtesy before him, so it's worth it...

General Yun came over in a daze, and his pace was a little faster, even as fast as flying. He rushed over and squeezed the generals behind him, and greeted them with a smile:

"Several generals are here. Yun Yitian, a humble servant of the Yun family, has been waiting for the generals for a long time."

General Yun glanced at the people in front of him. Han Fenglin, Jiang Hongli and the Yun family were all acquaintances. Except for these few, the other faces were very handsome, and they were obviously that person's subordinates.

When his eyes glanced at a certain scholar in the team, his pupils shrank slightly.This is the general—the newly appointed overlord of the North, Shangguan Qingyun, the former rebel leader.

The letter from the head of the family was specially forced to pass. Don't take it lightly. Although this Shangguan overlord looks weak, he is not a good person. His methods are particularly vicious. He robbed many families and killed 10,000+ soldiers who disobeyed him. …

It is said that this person is the reincarnation of a real dragon. The head of the family saw it with his own eyes. Not only did he see it, but the people of Taiyang also saw it with his own eyes.I heard that it was raining all over Huaizhou, and it was the overlord who prayed for the rain.

"General Yun!"

The soldiers who came from the young generals really knew General Yun, and after greeting General Yun, they left wisely. They were from small aristocratic families and could not afford to offend General Yun.

Huanlang Pass could not hold so many soldiers and horses, so half went into the city and the other half stayed outside to station.

With so many soldiers and horses entering the city, General Luo naturally knew about it. He learned that General Yun went to the city gate to greet them. After thinking about it, the lieutenants didn't call any of them and took a few guards to the city gate, not wanting to meet them halfway.

General Yun was startled when he saw General Luo coming. General Luo had a high self-esteem and was arrogant. With his temperament, he would not come even if he received the news.Who would have thought that something in his brain was wrong, and it just happened.

The corner of his eye swept over Jiang Hongli... He was really afraid of what might happen.

Originally, General Luo would not come. It was not the fall of Taiyang that made him uneasy.Just as reinforcements arrived, he came to inquire about Taiyang's situation.General Luo glanced around, looking for the Luo family. He couldn't find the Luo family, but an unexpected person appeared here.

General Yun was about to go up and stop General Luo, and find an excuse to fool him, when he saw General Luo pointing at Jiang Hongli and saying sternly:

"Why are you here? Didn't you say you were dead? Huh, everyone in the world says that your Jiang family is a strong general and the patron saint of the North. I really want them to see that the patron saint they admire is actually a People who are greedy for life and afraid of death fake death to avoid responsibility.

You are a disgrace to the Chiang family and to the generals in the North. We are ashamed to be with you.If you still have any self-respect, you should die to apologize! "

The Luo and Jiang families have been at odds with each other for hundreds of years, and they fight each other whenever they meet, regardless of the occasion.

However, the Jiang family never agreed with this, and it was the Luo family who started the trouble unilaterally.No, no one knew about Jiang Hongli's loss of Suzhou, so he seized on the opponent's fatal point and struck hard.

Jiang Hongli: "..."

He even hid in the black bear and could still be seen by the Luo family... In Master Qing's words, General Luo loved him so deeply!

"Who is this person? Like a mad dog, he bites people when he catches him?" Qingyun asked Han Fenglin curiously, but he didn't know anyone here.

Han Fenglin almost laughed, but endured it before saying, "He is General Luo, Luo Pingzhi, the nephew of the head of the Luo family."

Qingyun had an expression of sudden realization and said meaningfully: "People from the Luo family, no wonder!"

Everyone was practicing martial arts. No matter how quiet Qingyun spoke, everyone heard him at such a close distance.

Being called a mad dog, even in public, I lost all my dignity.

General Luo's eyes turned cold, and with a swish, he rushed towards the pretty boy in the crowd, heading towards him.

Very cool!

Where did the little brat come from, thinking that with the support of the Jiang family, he wouldn't dare to touch him?The Luo family is not afraid of the Jiang family. What's so scary about a person who escapes from battle and fakes his own death?

Seeing that General Luo was going to find trouble with the General, General Yun's scalp was numb, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He could only go up and prepare to stop him from committing suicide.

"General Luo, General Luo, calm down first..."

"Go away!"

Seeing the kindness of working together, he was kind-hearted. General Luo didn't appreciate it, so let it go. He scolded him angrily and pushed him. General Yun even laughed angrily and didn't bother to care about his life or death.

Qingyun walked up to General Yun, patted his chest and said: "Good intentions may not necessarily be rewarded, it depends on the person. He is the person in charge of the Luo family in Huanlang Guan, right!?"

General Yun: "..."

How could he answer this question easily?General Yun was very torn and helpless. If you tell me, he will definitely get a bad reputation for being unloyal. Don't tell me. This is the overlord of the North and his boss. If the other party puts small shoes on him in the future...

General Yun was silent, but Qingyun really smiled. She cheated casually and used a trump card, waving her hand: "Catch him!"

If she wants to take over Huanlang Pass, the biggest obstacle is the Luo family.On the way, they discussed many ways to capture the generals of the Luo family faction without alerting the enemy.

When she was at the gate of the city, she was still thinking about whether to hold a reception banquet in the evening to lure General Luo over.

As the old saying goes: plans change faster than plans.

It takes no effort to get it!
what's the situation?
General Yun's eyes widened in shock, and he thought he had heard wrongly. Just as he was about to risk his life to ask, he heard General Luo's death-defying voice again.

General Luo thought he heard wrongly?He asked in shock: "What did you say? You want to arrest me?"

General Luo couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, "You kid is talking arrogantly...Who do you think you are? Where are you? This is Huanlang Pass, my territory..."

Qingyun rolled his eyes and waved his hand. Tian Duoliang and Jiang Hongli on both sides of General Luo immediately grabbed an arm each, and the brother next to him silently pulled off the rope from his waist and handed it over.

Everything happened so fast. When General Yun came to his senses, General Luo had been tied into a rice dumpling with a cloth stuffed in his mouth.

This one-step technique is as smooth as if you have done it regularly...


Qingyun raised his hand to interrupt him and said casually: "General Yun, you should know better than me. If I want to completely take over the entire Huanlang Pass, who is the biggest obstacle.

This general came all the way to Huanlang Pass to defend against enemies, not to make friends.

Just outside the pass is Yuan Shaoxing's 300 million army, eyeing the Huanlang Pass. Do you think General Luo can command these millions of troops?

You don't feel sorry for your Yun family army, but I still feel sorry for my soldiers and horses.My soldiers and horses are not used as cannon fodder for his Luo family!

When I don't want to defend myself against an enemy, I also have to be prepared for him to stab me in the back.Don't say he's not that kind of person, ask yourself if you believe it? "

General Yun: "..."

General Luo is determined to retaliate, and he can indeed do such a thing, not to mention that the general has offended him.

"Where are the generals of the Luo family located? No one knows the place better than you. General Yun, don't worry about such trivial matters. Your head has already told you to listen to me in everything.

Let's talk, don't waste time, it's important to seize the opportunity.Don't worry, I'm not a murderer, and I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Please invite them to come and sit, and I will send them back when the matter is done.

Use your brain, if I kill everyone, who will lead my army?

It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. At worst, it's the same thing if you find someone else to ask. In such a big Huanlang Pass, there are always people who can't stand General Luo. It just takes a little time, and it won't make any difference to me. "

It seems to make sense... After thinking about it, General Yun finally compromised.

Qingyun nodded at the two Pojun Qishas in the crowd and motioned for them to come over. As soon as General Yun told them the address, they each picked a dozen elites and quickly ran into the alley and disappeared.

After solving the biggest obstacle blocking the road around Langguan, Qingyun felt much better. He smiled and chatted with General Yun about the daily life, talking about the excitement of Taiyang City, gossiping about whose family's love affairs, etc. As we chatted, we naturally started talking about the wolf ring.

For example: Who is responsible for patrolling the city on weekdays?
General Yun struggled for a few moments, and then simply gave up the struggle.

Thank you Maple Leaf Red Plum, I will forget the reward for thousands of years, okay?

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