Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 866 I won’t blame you if I regret it.

Chapter 866 I won’t blame you if I regret it.

No, I was almost taken into a ditch.

The Yuan Jiajun and the treacherous villain Guan Qingyun are mortal enemies. They are fighting to the death. Where is the friendship? Bullshit treachery?

A general couldn't see Yuan Shaoxing being slandered and cursed: "Shangguan Qingyun, you are a loser. Why don't you go out there and slander people and slander the general? You are a bullshit treacherous person on the battlefield. Why don't you come down and fight alone with me!"

I really thought that their generals had simple minds and well-developed limbs, so they couldn't see the enemy's provoking methods, huh!

They just don’t fall for it!

See? He jumped out to challenge Shangguan Qingyun, just in time to cut off the general's words and ask him to calm down, while the military advisors and generals tried to persuade him...

Yuan Shaoxing: "..."

To be able to become a powerful hero, one's character and character are naturally extraordinary than those of ordinary people, and mere aggressive tactics are of no use to him. He was very calm, but the generals were aroused by the opponent's provocation.

Besides, he has a shitty reputation. Don’t think he doesn’t know it. People in the North call him a traitor, a bandit, and a rebel, and they want to beat him to death with a stick.

After being unable to attack Huanlang Pass for a long time, his morale gradually declined. Coupled with the daily consumption of military rations by the army, and the rumors that he was struck by lightning, one after another, none of them was good.

If Huanlang Pass is no longer able to be captured, once ammunition and food are exhausted, and morale is low, the entire army will be doomed. There will be no need for enemy troops to attack, and the Yuan family's army will be trapped here.

Even if he retreats to the Central Plains now, it is too late, and the army cannot survive the long journey. There is no other way except to attack Huanlang Pass all the way to the end.

Yuan Shaoxing secretly resented: That bastard Shangguan Qingyun mistaken him!

Now, he can only sink his boat. This is the only chance for the army.

Yuan Shaoxing raised his hand to signal the military advisors and generals to be quiet, and then analyzed their current situation with the generals. Regardless of gambling or not, this battle must be fought. If you lose, it is estimated that the entire army will be killed. If you win, you will get a dilapidated Huanlang Pass. When the Northland army retreats, they will not leave any supplies for them. Shangguan Qingyun will definitely do this kind of evil and smoking thing. Gotta come out.

If he were defeated, he would do the same thing. Didn't he leave supplies for the enemy to rest and recuperate, so that he could attack them again after the enemy had rested?


Qingyun turned a deaf ear to Yuan Shaoxing's general's provocation and didn't hear it. He saw them gathering together, probably discussing.

Whether Yuan Shaoxing bets or not, it won't affect Qingyun. This battle will be fought anyway. There are two ways to fight, either openly or secretly.

Qingyun didn't take it seriously. Tian Duoliang and Black Bear Pojun killed seven of them. The generals couldn't bear to hear others saying that Qingye was not good at all. They felt very unhappy and didn't know what Qingye had planned. The generals suppressed their evil fire and kept silent, so as not to worry about it. Having ruined Master Qing's plan, everyone stared at the general with their eyes wide open.

Very good, take note of the general's face, and deal with him later when the war begins, and let him know why the flowers are so red.

Bai Yanheng next to him called the black bear and gave some instructions. The black bear nodded and then squeezed to the front from behind.

Qingyun was thinking about what to say next to better provoke the anger of Yuan Shaoxing and the others, when he heard Black Bear's loud voice next to him.

"General Yuan, just listen to your military advisor and calm down. This is no child's play. Even if you regret it, we won't blame you. Don't worry."

Thanks to Yan Mingyu, for reading, Qingji in the last week of the month, 13600815236, Ni Xiaoxiao, 110921115305167,. Tou, Fuyao, Xia Xue, The Fairy Who Raised an Orange Cat, Ice Snow Love Song, Sunny Day, Suiju, Acc_AC, Maple Leaves and Red Plums, A Thousand Years of Forgetfulness, Liu Dazhong’s little fan girl, online 25 hours a day, the blood is cold and the hatred is thick , the heat is equally lovely, the years should not be wasted, 4 times the LPR, looking at the old days in the distance, congratulations to Haruka Kaki, I am great at the water group, too high to sit and forget, the seal, the broken bridge and the injustice, 20200720133013696, 20191103180329471, 20171025163207867, 110921115305167 , April Cloud , the monthly vote cast by Jingjing (Yu Shanfang), okay?

Thanks Maple Leaf Red Plum, Ann_AC for the reward, okay?

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