Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 867 The battlefield is not suitable for you

Chapter 867 The battlefield is not suitable for you

After Black Bear persuaded Yuan Shaoxing, he turned around and went to persuade the generals again, his honest face full of sincerity.

"Fellow generals, you have to talk to General Yuan carefully. General Yuan is not the only one who has nothing to do with his hands. There are so many shameless people in the world. Who said anything?

Besides, a man can bend and stretch, but it's just a small bet. If he makes a mistake, he just makes a mistake. What's the big deal? You can't kill anyone, right! "

Qingyun didn't know what Yuan Shaoxing's generals were thinking. Anyway, she could smell the smell of tea. People with a little self-esteem might not be able to stand it.

Of course, her being so thick-skinned is just like turning a deaf ear.

Black Bear tried to persuade him, but the effect was overwhelming. Yuan Shaoxing's generals were so angry that they spat and cursed at Qingyun and the others. The eighteen generations of their ancestors greeted them again, but there was nothing new at all. Qingyun and the others They all have expressions that show no pain or itch.

The generals who had previously advised Yuan Shaoxing to calm down turned around and advised the general to gamble. They should not be dishonest villains, let alone lose the momentum of their Yuan family army.

Yuan Shaoxing: "..."

The result was what he wanted, but he really couldn't feel happy.

"I am true to my word. Shangguan Qingyun, I made a bet with you. I bet myself and Yuan Jiajun on you. I challenged you to a duel and won. Huanlang Pass and the three nearby cities are mine. General Shangguan You are famous all over the world, and you are honest. The people of the Northland trust you, and I trust you to keep your promise."

This tall hat is worn...

Qingyun himself had no confidence in himself. If she hadn't been a little sure of him, he would have turned against him in an instant.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, and the others looked at the fool Yuan Shaoxing with indescribable expressions on their faces as they fought against the generals. They were deceived by Master Qing, so they had such naive thoughts.

If you don't believe it, ask the aristocratic families in the North how they scolded Master Qing behind their backs.

It would be wrong to say that Mr. Qing is dishonest and unethical. He treats the people in his jurisdiction with integrity and keeps his promises.

To the enemy, the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves. One word: ruthless!

Two words: Vicious!

Qingyun smiled very sincerely: "General Yuan, don't worry, I am true to my word and have made a bet with you."

After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand and waved, and the war drums beat "dong dong dong" instantly.

The war drums were also roaring on Yuan Shaoxing's side.

"Black Bear, lend me your weapon."

Black Bear is the strongest among the generals. The weapon he uses is a copper rod weighing two hundred pounds. It is a powerful weapon on the battlefield. Few people can withstand his full blow.

Black Bear threw the copper stick in his hand, and after Qingyun caught it, he immediately jumped off the city wall. At this time, her beloved horse Chaiyue galloped from the city gate, and Qingyun happened to land on the horse.

Generals such as Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun and others led the army to rush out from the city gate, and the armies of both sides quickly formed a battle array.

Qingyun gave a "whisper" while picking up the reins of the horse, and the galloping Chai Yue raised his hoofs and neighed, then stopped.

Yuan Shaoxing beat horses from Yuan's army.

The two coaches looked at each other from a distance in front of the army, and then rushed towards each other on horseback. They were more than 20 meters apart. They slowed down their horses in a tacit understanding, looked at each other with sharp eyes, and assessed the opponent's combat strength.

"The battlefield is ruthless, and the sword has no eyes. It's too late for General Shangguan to regret it now. I heard that the general is a scholar. Scholars should stay in the academy. The battlefield is not suitable for you." Yuan Shaoxing said.

Thank you Yiwang Qianqian, 20230728375_ce for your monthly vote, okay?

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