Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 87 Not a Bandit

Chapter 87 Not a Bandit

After the orchid sprinkled the powder, he checked the child and said, "The injury has not gotten worse, but the fever has not subsided."

Qingyun's straw mat was next to the child. Hearing Lanhua's words, he glanced at the team, and then at the child, thinking about how to approach the group of people.

The two teams were close together, and the sky was not dark. When the team over there saw Qingyun, everyone had a straw mat, and there was a girl who sprinkled powder and so on, and they all looked at them in shock.

What are these people doing?
Then I smelled the smell of medicine, and some of the clever ones guessed it, and ran to react to the matter with their leader.

"Did you go to the toilet?" Qing Yun sat up and howled.

Tian Duoliang was hungry and waited for this sentence. Qingyun's voice fell and he immediately raised his hand, and the others did not respond.

Song Wenqian was so tired that he just wanted to rest and didn't want to eat.

Qingyun glanced at the old man lying down and said, "Daliang, take Uncle Li and the others to the toilet. I'll stay and watch things."

Old man Li glanced at Qingyun, and led his daughter-in-law and Tian Daliang into the nearby forest.

Qingyun leaned against the tree pole, holding on to the grass, and slipped to the team over there.

The team over there was also vigilant. The elderly and children got off the scooter and did not walk away. They just sat and rested on the ground under the scooter, and the package was tucked under the buttocks.

The children are also well-behaved, do not make noise, do not cry, do not make trouble, and are in the arms of adults or old people.The young and strong men left a few patrols, and the others sat and rested.

On the edge of the woods at the outermost part of the open space, a few men were digging holes in the ground. After they had finished digging, a few women came over to work. They didn't know what they were doing, and they didn't see the fire or smell the fragrance.

Qingyun guessed that they were cooking and eating, Qingyun rolled his eyes and looked up at the galaxy in the sky.


Several principals of the team over there discussed things, and then glanced at Qingyun.

"Third brother, those few are so close to our team, will they make up our minds? Do you want to..." The old eight took a small bite, and chewed the buns that were as hard as a stone, slowly Yes, just swallow it.Then he gestured to his neck and muttered.

"Don't mess around," the fifth glared at him and said, "This place doesn't belong to us, so how can we keep people from sleeping? They are old and young, and they are not a threat to us."

"The fifth is right, don't kill people without any hesitation, we are not bandits and robbers. We couldn't do anything before. The rogues grabbed our heads. If we didn't resist, we would die and be forced. They didn't rob us, but Just follow us. You can see that they are old and young, sick and disabled, they deliberately find a big team to follow, they can take shelter and save someone from attacking them." The third said after analysis.

"I was frightened, that's why..." The old man scratched his head embarrassedly, subconsciously wanting to start first, cutting the grass and rooting.

"A few of them entered the forest, fifth, you arrange for two clever people to go in and have a look. We have no intention of harming others, but we must be careful not to be harmed by others. If they are behind the scenes, we don't need to keep them. hand."

The third child's expression was extremely cold when he said this.

The old five nodded, went to the team and ordered two people, and got into the woods from their end.

Tian Duoliang and Old Man Li walked in for two or three miles, picked a thick bush and squatted down, each holding a few sweet potatoes to eat.

Tian Duoliang was starving, so he rubbed the potato skin casually and ate it up, looking around vigilantly as he ate.

"Eat, it's alright, the young master is staring outside." Old man Li was quite confident in Qingyun.

Tian Duoliang twitched his mouth, then nodded, expressing his belief in his words, but he did not let his guard down.

No matter how powerful Qingyun is, there is only one person. There are many capable people in this world, so be careful.

Besides, Qingyun is not here now, if something happens, he can't make it in time.

"Uncle is right, Qingyun is really powerful." Tian Duoliang echoed his words, and his sharp eyes suddenly stared at the grass somewhere behind him.

"What's wrong?" Orchid saw him suddenly turn around, stretched her neck and looked into the woods, but she didn't see anything.

"It's nothing, let's eat! I thought there were rabbits, and I thought I could eat meat at night!" Tian Duoliang giggled, his eyebrows raised and loosened, and he glanced at the area suspiciously.

Did he hear it wrong?

Old man Li also looked at Lin Zi, but there was nothing, and said, "Eat quickly, go out after eating, I'm not worried about the young master being outside alone."

Several people were silent, and speeded up their eating.

Not long after, the two people who entered the forest returned, the younger one returned to the team, and the older one went straight to the third.

"Isn't anyone finding out?" the fifth man said.

"No, I've been hunting for decades, and I've been squatting in the bear's den for a few days and nights, and I've been able to let a few cubs find out."

The fifth man smiled, "Uncle's ability, I believe, is top-notch in our county. What's going on inside?"

The man wiped his face, crouched between the fifth and the third, looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Don't look at how old and young these people are, there are only a few of them, but they are not small. You absolutely can't think of it, What did we see?"

The man grinned, and the third and fifth were surprised by what he said, "How do you say it?"

"We touched it and saw that they were eating from the bamboo bushes. It was dark and far away in the woods, so I couldn't see what they were eating. It seemed that they were about to be peeled, which might be sweet potatoes or field potatoes."

When they heard that it was food, several people swallowed hard.

The third and fifth brothers looked at each other tacitly, and both guessed each other's thoughts.

These people brought more than one bamboo lobster!

"The third," the fifth looked at him.

The third one shook his head, "They can keep those things, do you think they can be simple people? Don't risk your life."

In case they guessed right, there is something in the bamboo grove.These people carried bamboo stalks on their backs and swaggered through the market under the eyes of the hungry refugees. So far, no incident has happened, which shows how cruel and ruthless these people are.

After being mentioned by the third child, the fifth child paused for a moment before trying to understand. While secretly frightened, he became more alert.

"I think about it, the third is right, this group is not easy." The fifth was annoyed, and was almost blinded by greed, harming their team.

The old man scratched his head, wondering what the two of them were dumbfounded about.I don't understand, I don't want to think, brainstorming is not his strong point, he is responsible for hands-on, and brainstorming is left to the third and fifth.

Although the man didn't say a word, he admired the third child in his heart. It was not a loss that he was their leader, but what he saw was different.

"That young man is not simple." The man glanced at the young man over there, "I have carefully observed that the group of people is dominated by that young man."

The man left after speaking.

The third and the fifth squatted on the ground and thought for a long time, and the fifth said, "The third, you said we would exchange things with them, do you think they can exchange it?"

(End of this chapter)

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