Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 88 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 88 The Lion's Big Opening

Tian Duoliang and several people came back.

"Master, I'm watching them, do you want to go to the toilet?" Old man Li walked up to Qingyun and gathered up his courage to ask him.

"No, you go to sleep!" Qingyun said.

Seeing that he would not change his mind, Old Man Li pulled out the straw mat and let his daughter-in-law sleep first, then take over from the young master and take care of the children.

Tian Duoliang, who was lying on the straw mat, couldn't sleep after tossing and turning. After thinking about it, he got up and walked to Qingyun's side.

Qingyun looked at him suspiciously, "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel like I'm being stared at in the woods..." Tian Duoliang spat out the weeds in his mouth and glanced at the team over there.

I ate in the woods before, and I never felt like being stared at. When this team came...

Qingyun grinned, turned to look over there, and said intriguingly, "Who knows?!"

"I'll tell you, maybe I'm wrong! I went back to sleep." Tian Duoliang scratched his head, anyway, he told Qingyun, he went back to lie down and at the same time raised his vigilance - sleeping with a wooden stick.

After a good night's sleep, everyone felt refreshed, even Song Wenqian was refreshed.

Orchid checked the little fur boy, and it seemed that the person was not so hot.She was used to it. The little hairy child's fever came back and forth, which could burn people to death during the day, and then subsided again at night.

Fortunately, the little fur boy survived, and he didn't break it.He skillfully wiped off the sweat from the little furry boy, and put a dry cloth on his neck and back to absorb the sweat.

After she cleaned up, a group of people went to the toilet again in the woods.

The team over there saw all of them go through the woods.

"The third child, they have entered the woods again." The old eight touched the third child's arm and lifted his chin to the opposite site.

"The fifth, look at the team, the eighth, come with me." The third thought about it, pulled out two packages from the trolley, greeted the eighth, and the two also got into the woods.

"Who? Come out!"

When Qingyun was nibbling on sweet potatoes happily, he suddenly raised his head and drank, his sharp eyes staring at the zhangshu behind the bushes in front of him.

At the same time as Qingyun made a sound, Tian Duoliang swallowed what was in his mouth, picked up the wooden stick on the ground, and stared fiercely ahead.

Li Laohan's family swiftly put away the sweet potatoes on the ground, while Song Wenqian carried a bamboo stalk that was pretending to be a child, and quickly hid behind the big tree next to him with Li Laohan's family.

A series of movements, done very skillfully and quickly, it can be seen that there are many such operations on weekdays.

"We have no ill will."

The third and the old came out from behind the tree, raised their hands, and looked at the boy opposite.The teenager was very alert, and they were discovered as soon as they touched it.

The old man smiled foolishly at the few people. When he came, the youngest said that he should follow his instructions in all actions.

Qingyun glanced at the package in his hand, and carried the wooden stick in his hand on his shoulder, squinting at the two of them, and suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"No malice? Then what are you doing with us? Don't tell me, you just happened to touch this place?"

The eighth laughed dryly, not knowing what to say, so he could only look at the third.

The third child looked at the young man with calm eyes. The young man was not very old. He looked fifteen or sixteen years old. His body was dirty and his face was muddy, which could not hide his extraordinary temperament.

Like a young scholar in the village.

"It's not a coincidence, I came here to find you on purpose," said the third child.

"Looking for me?" Qingyun looked at him with a smile, "What are you looking for me for? Want to rob?"

Hearing Qing Yun's words, Tian Duoliang stared at them both viciously.The bottom of my heart is excited, and finally there is room for him to play.

"Want to rob? I asked the wooden stick in Grandpa's hand if he would answer? If you are sensible, throw the package over." Tian Duoliang's rogue nature was finally released.

Qingyun turned his head to look at him in astonishment, seeing him as a rogue who was blocking the road and robbing him.

"Little brother, you are mistaken, we are not here to rob." The third child was stunned, seeing that the person on the opposite side was about to call, he quickly explained: "We are here to exchange things with you."

When the old man saw that he was about to fight, he was also excited. He was about to rush over and was pulled by the young man, and warned him in a low voice, "Don't cause trouble for me!"

The eighth looked at the third, and immediately collapsed like a balloon.

"Change things?" Tian Duoliang looked at them suspiciously.

"Change things." The third child emphasized.

"What to change? You didn't come to rob? We have nothing to change, hurry up." Tian Duoliang chased people impatiently, and then looked at Qingyun. He wanted to grab a scooter, but he was blinded and performed. .

Qingyun bared her teeth, she strangely understood the meaning in Tian Daliang's eyes.

Having said that, is her desire for a car so obvious?
"What in exchange?" Qing Yun did not follow Tian Duoliang back, but stood in place and asked the person opposite.

Tian Duoliang looked back at Qingyun, then looked at the two people, and then turned back to Qingyun's side. Without waiting for the two people over there to explain, he played his little bastard's nature very well, and said arrogantly: "Bring the things here, let's take a look. look."

After the third child gave the old eight a glance, he came over with the package, about two meters away from Qingyun, and opened the package.

One package contains bottles and jars made of bamboo, I don't know what's in the jars, and the other package contains dried pickles.

"The salt in these bamboo tubes, the oil in these bamboo tubes, these are pickles and dried vegetables." The third child pointed to the package and said.

Hearing that there was salt and oil, Aunt Li ran out from behind the tree, of course holding her special kitchen knife in her hand.

"Master," Aunt Li's eyes fell on the bottles.

Qingyun understood what she meant, nothing else was needed, but salt was a must.If you don't eat salt for a long time, your body can't stand it.

The salt that the orchid brought was eaten when they were eating fish. After that, they didn't touch the salt, and the roasted potatoes were eaten in heaven.

"What do you want to change?" Qingyun asked knowingly, they had nothing but yam.

The point is, this thing just happens to save lives.

"Change your sweet potatoes." Before the third one could speak, the eighth said impatiently, staring at Zhulou and swallowing, "Yilou, no, half-loud is fine."

"Why don't you go grab it?" Orchid jumped out angrily, "Do you think that when it was still peaceful, salt, oil and pickles could be eaten? Sweet potatoes are life-saving things, Banlou, you really dare to speak up."

Qingyun's eyes twitched, never knowing that Orchid was still so sturdy, there was absolutely no room for her to play.

Aunt Li looked at Qingyun, and seeing that the young master was not angry, she hurriedly pulled her daughter down.What is she messing around with between men.

The old man was silent, he had already said not to bring these things, who would bring oil and salt when fleeing the famine?Nothing to cook.

But the third child has to take it, and the fifth and the others are willing, but he can't help it!

(End of this chapter)

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