Chapter 89

The third brother frowned, the team had not enough rice, so for cooking these days, he only grabbed a handful of rice, put some pickles and dried vegetables in it, and the rest was all water.Everyone is hungry to drink pickled rice soup.

It’s good that the days are short, but if things go on like this, everyone can’t stand it.The next step may be to kill a donkey or an ox to save lives.Without the scooter, the elderly and children will be unable to move an inch. How many will survive?
So we must use all means to exchange the price for food, and this group of people has it.

Qingyun was silent for a few seconds, then the stick pointed at the two packages and said, "These things are not enough."

"what would you like?"

There is hope, the third child immediately raised his head and asked, this group of people is the juvenile, the juvenile agreed, and it is useless for others to have opinions.

He had just heard the woman call the boy "Master" with his own ears.

After Qingyun agreed to change things, Orchid immediately became silent, and Aunt Li and Old Man Li had no objection.

Tian Dara didn't have any problem with eating free food.

Not to mention Song Wenqian, as long as Qingyun makes a decision, he will support it unconditionally, even if the decision is wrong.

"Is there any wine?" Qingyun asked casually.

Tian Duoliang and several people heard Qingyun asking about wine, and immediately guessed why he agreed to change things.Or for the little furry child, they will not object.


Because Qingyun is a kind and righteous person!
Today, he can take out the life-saving things for the sick and dying kid, and he will naturally not leave them behind in the future!
They are at ease!
The third child was startled at first, then shook his head.It's such a time, people are dying of starvation, and the young man is still thinking about drinking. He really is a son from a wealthy family, I don't know the sufferings of the world!
However, none of his business.After reacting, he immediately replied, "Yes, yes, yes, old man, go get the wine."

The third child kicked the stupid eighth, and urged him to go quickly, for fear of delaying the young man and regretting it.

The eighth looked back at the third, and then got up and ran back.

Tian Duoliang subconsciously wanted to stop people, if this person went back and called a group of people to rob them, they would not be able to beat them!He stepped out with his feet, and saw that Qingyun didn't say a word and took it back.

"Old man, there is business."

Qingyun intuitively needs an old man to talk about business. She is not good at them. Tian Duoliang is okay with extortion and intimidation, but not in business.Others couldn't, so I called back to Song Wenqian.

Song Wenqian handed the bamboo stalk to Aunt Li, walked over slowly with his hands behind his back, and then discussed business with the third two.

The two of you shot machine guns back and forth, and the words were polite and polite, and there was no smell of gunpowder at all.

Qingyun heard the fog in the clouds, looked at this and then looked at that, tsk, they are all old foxes, and their hearts are more than that of the bee's nest.I thought to myself, it's really right to ask the old man for this.

She didn't have enough to eat, so she simply took the sweet potato from the bamboo grove to eat, anyway, others already knew it, and it was meaningless to hide it.

Tian Duoliang listened to it for a while, but he didn't understand it.

The third child saw that they were eating so fiercely, and he swallowed half of them in one bite, and he was so distressed that he twitched.They kept their belts tied and drank rice soup and water all the way. This group of people had their stomachs tumbling... I felt very uncomfortable.

When the old eight came back with the wine, there were two people by his side, the old hunters of their team, who were strong and strong.

Bring what to do, a clear mind knows.For example, Song Wenqian, and the third child.

"The wine is here."

The old man shouted and looked at the third child, only to put down the two jars of wine when he saw the third one nodded.

This is the only wine left in their team. It belonged to an old man in the village. He took it all the way and was not willing to drink it. Now, in order to exchange food for the team, he cruelly let them take it.

When the eldest arrived, Song Wenqian negotiated with the third.

Two Bamboo Potatoes were exchanged for these two packages and two jars of wine. The group of them followed the team of the third child, and they also took two positions on the trolley.

It seems that Song Wenqian has changed a lot of things, combined with the current situation, it is Song Wenqian and the others who suffer.

To escape the famine, the most important thing is food and water.

The third child also understood in his heart that they took advantage.From this, it can also be seen that the character of this group of people is not bad, and it is worth interacting with.

Song Wenqian saw the wine and instructed Tian Duoliang next to him, "Daliang, give them two bamboo lobsters."

Tian Duoliang brought two bamboo shoots over and gave them to the eighth, while Qingyun brought two jars of wine to Orchid.

"Orchid, I'll leave it to you."

"Master, don't worry, with these two jars of wine, the child will soon have a fever."

Orchid smiled, looked at the wine jar cheerfully, and then carefully put it into the empty bamboo grove. The life of the child is at stake, so you can be careful!

Turned out the straw mat on the ground, took the child out of the bamboo, carefully placed it on the straw mat, and felt that the child was hot again, took a dry cloth and dipped in wine to wipe the child's body, and wiped repeatedly until the temperature dropped. until.

The third child thought that the wine was exchanged by the teenager for drinking, but he didn't expect to wipe the child's body, he was stunned for a while, and then he understood.

"What happened to the doll?" the third child asked.

The change this time took advantage of the National People's Congress, and the third child was worried about how to make up for it, and the opportunity came.

"I have a fever, there is no doctor and no medicine, and I am worried about death. I heard that wine can cool down the temperature. I asked a few houses, and I didn't even have anything to eat. Who would bring wine? Qingyun also asked by fluke, but I didn't expect you two. It's true. It's that kid who shouldn't die." Song Wenqian said.

He also met Qingyun, and the person he recognized was placed in his protection circle, willing to exchange food for food.

Others have long since left the child and left him to fend for themselves.

"Fever? The child's fever should not be taken care of. I have an uncle who is a doctor in the village, and he treats the child's headache and fever in the village. If you don't dislike it, let him show it to the child?"

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it." Qingyun was watching the orchid rubbing the child's body. Hearing the words here, he ran over and grinned, and his eyes lit up when he saw the third child.

"Brother, please trouble you."

"No trouble, old man, you go back and bring the third uncle." The youngest explained to the old man, he stayed and didn't leave, the old man gave him a look, and took the other two people to carry bamboo on their backs.

Qingyun was in a good mood, everything was pleasing to the eye, and he was generous. He took out two sweet potatoes from the bamboo grove and threw them to him, and asked casually, "Brothers, where are you going?"

"I heard that Longqing is not bad. Let's take a look first, if you can't go forward. How about you? Go to Longqing too?"

It's been a long time since he had eaten something so real. The sweet potato in his hand was cold, and he also ate it deliciously.It's really delicious!

I could endure hunger originally, but after eating the yam, I feel even more hungry.

"Like you, I heard people say that Longqing is a good place. Let's go and see first. I think you came from another road. Where does that road lead to?"

(End of this chapter)

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