Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 90 I was so scared, I got used to it

Chapter 90 I was so scared, I got used to it

After the refugees are familiar with each other, they will ask each other where they are from, whether there is anyone else at home, etc., but it does not seem that Qingyun's question is abrupt.

"We all came from Shifeng, and that area is also suffering from drought, but it is a month later than yours."

The third child has a sad face, and the places where the drought is troubled are only those prefectures and counties, and it has long been spread among the fleeing teams.If it doesn't rain again, I'm afraid it won't be very good in Longqing.

The old man guessed that it was really from Shi Feng.

"I heard that Anyang is more prosperous than the capital, why don't you go there?"

The third child smiled sarcastically, "Anyang is prosperous, but it's not something that rural people like us can go to."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "They are all descendants of the Dayong Dynasty, where else can't they go? It's not the emperor's palace."

The third child looked at Qingyun in shock, probably because he was frightened by Qingyun's shocking words, his eyes widened.

This young man was so daring that he dared to call the man above "the emperor's old son".

Tian Duoliang was also startled, looked around subconsciously, and found for the first time that this brother was not very courageous.

Old Man Li and several people are used to it.At first, they were just like Tian Duoliang and the others, terrified.Frightened a lot, got used to it.

Song Wenqian was very calm.

The old three Tian Duoliang looked at Song Wenqian and the others. Seeing their calm faces, the two suppressed their doubts.

The third child glanced at the young man, swallowed his mouth and said, "Go, I can't go. At the boundary junction of Shifeng in Anyang, Anyang Mansion sent people to set up a checkpoint to guard it. To enter the boundary of Anyang, everyone must Pay 20 taels of silver, and if you want to enter Anyang, each person has to pay another 100 taels of entry fee. If you don’t pay the money, and forcefully break through the checkpoint, you will be killed on the spot as a crime of treason.”

Crazy hungry people, who cares about those.As soon as he climbed the wooden fence, he was ruthlessly killed by the officers and soldiers. The corpses were piled up in front of the checkpoint, and the ground was stained with blood.

That's why they turned to Longqing.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, the officials of Anyang Mansion really know how to make money.

"Does the court care?"

Qingyun doesn't understand, this is a good opportunity to gain both fame and fortune. Which prince wins the disaster relief project and has a proper performance. In the future, he will be able to take advantage of the situation.

That's what TV does.

Of course, people who make money from disaster relief are not excluded.

"Where did so many words come from, go and see how the child is doing?" Song Wenqian suddenly scolded Qingyun, Qingyun glanced at the old man, touched his nose and left.

Tian Duoliang, who was on the sidelines, looked at Qingyun, then at Old Man Song, and left.

The third child glanced at the boy who had left, and then looked at the ordinary old man again, as if thinking.

"How's it going?" Qingyun touched the child's head, as if it wasn't so hot.

"It's better. Thanks to these wines, it's not so burnt. After wiping this jar of wine, it's almost done." Lanhua breathed a sigh of relief, the child's fever was repeated, and she was really afraid that the child would become a fool.

Fortunately, every time the child wakes up, it is normal.

"That's good." Qingyun also breathed a sigh of relief, sat down against the tree, and broke a branch and poked it on the ground.

"Do you want to grab the scooter?" Tian Duoliang sat down next to Qingyun, afraid that Old Man Song would hear him, and said in a low voice.

Tian Duoliang has been thinking about the scooter.To be precise, he weighed the two beasts pulling the scooter.He wanted to eat meat, whether it was beef or donkey meat, no matter what kind of meat, as long as it was meat.

"Can you grab it?" Qingyun looked at him lightly, "If you can grab it, grab it."

It wasn't her who was beaten anyway.

"You don't do it?"

Tian Duoliang looked at him in shock, and several times he saw Qingyun's eyes glued to the scooter, and he couldn't pull it out...

"If you don't do it, how can I grab one? There are so many of them, I can't beat them. You are different, just wave your hand and swept away."

Tian Duoliang was anxious, "No, you stared at that scooter yesterday..."

"You are dazzled." Qingyun said.

Tian Duoliang: "..."

"Brother, what do you think, if we have a scooter, the child old man Song will sit on it..."

"My own."

Qingyun gave him a white look, is she an ungrateful person?There are two positions for the scooters, and it is meaningless to grab them or not.

Tian Duoliang looked at him speechlessly, but after a meal, he became his own.This is getting too fast too?

Well, if Qingyun doesn't do it, he can't do anything even if he is greedy.Do not persuade, waste of saliva.

At this time, the old man came with his third uncle. Seeing them, Orchid was happy, and the child was saved.

The third uncle was about the same age as Song Wenqian, and as soon as he landed, he asked, "Where is the doll?"

When he came, the old man mentioned to him that one of the children in the team that exchanged food with them was sick. He was willing to exchange food for them at this time. He was a good person.

Besides, how bad can a person who is willing to exchange food for wine to cool the baby.

Old man Li hurriedly supported him, "Doctor, the baby is here."

Then help him go to the straw mat to see the child.

Seeing the child lying on the straw mat, the third uncle nodded with satisfaction, and then smelled the smell of wine emanating from the child, with a smile in his eyes.

Carefully examine the child, first glanced at the child's eyes, then took the child's pulse, opened the child's mouth and looked at it, and finally looked at the child's hands and feet, and asked about the child's condition.

When the third uncle checked, the old man Li's family of three accompanied him all the way.Looking at the child, and carefully looking at the expression of the third uncle, his nerves were tense.

Most of the children are taken care of by Aunt Li and Lanhua. What the third uncle asks, what they say.

"Doctor, can it be cured?" Old Man Li asked when he finished the examination.

"Can be cured."

The third uncle put down the child's hand, glanced at a few people, and said, "Generally speaking, a baby has a fever for several days. If he doesn't take medicine, he will either be burned to death or a fool. Listen to you, the baby is still sober. It's a miracle. I smell the medicine on the doll, did you give him medicine?"

"There's no medicine, I put a cooling cream on him." Orchid is clever, not to mention that they use water to cool the child, and took out a small bamboo tube from the bamboo grove and handed it to the doctor.

The third uncle had never heard of the cooling cream, and when he took it over and opened the lid of the bamboo tube, a pungent smell rushed out, which made him dizzy, and tears came out of his eyes.

Smelling that smell, he knew what herbs were in it, and returned the small bamboo tube to Orchid, "It's a good thing."

For the first time, the old man knew that returning things could cool down, and he thought he could only smoke people.However, the cool grass is really cool when applied to the body.

Orchid smiled and put away the small bamboo tube.

Qingyun was relieved when he heard Nengye.

The old man brought the medicine box over, the third uncle opened it, and gave three medicines to the old man Li.

"Judging from the baby's pulse, he suffered an internal injury, and the fever was caused by the internal injury. Fortunately, the internal injury was not serious, and you cooled him again, which did not cause other symptoms. After taking these medicines, when the fever subsides, the person will die. I can wake up. Internal injuries can only be taken care of slowly, and it is almost the first half of the year."

(End of this chapter)

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