Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 91 Drugs for Children

Chapter 91 Drugs for Children

Bearing in mind the points of attention given by the doctor, Old Man Li sent away the third and several others and handed the medicine to his daughter.


Orchid took the medicine bag and looked at Qingyun.They didn't have much water left, they needed water for decoction, and without Qingyun's words, Orchid didn't dare to use the water without permission.

"Fry it!"

Qingyun nodded calmly, all of them were staring at her, what could she do?Can you still watch your child die?

If she really let the child die of illness, and everyone saved the water for everyone to drink, these people might not accept her love, and they might still scold her for being cold and ruthless.

People are so contradictory.

The orchid happily took the medicine and went to fry it. The washing and filtering processes were omitted. He took out a large bamboo jar, poured water into it and set it on fire to boil a small bowl.

Tian Duoliang glanced at the bamboo jar that contained the water. After decoction of several medicines, it was estimated that the water was gone.

Obviously, Qingyun also thought of this question and asked Song Wenqian, "Old man, how long will it take to get to Huanggu Mountain?"

Children are good, but they are not good!If there is no water, how can I get to Longqing Mansion?
Now their hope is in Huanggu Mountain. There is a cottage there, and they hope that there is water in the cottage. It doesn't matter if it is delayed for ten days and a half, as long as there is water, they can survive, and the rest is all bullshit.

"Three or four days for fast, five or six days for slow." Song Wenqian said.

No one can guarantee whether there is water in the cottage.Hope is better than nothing.

After the medicine is boiled, the orchid is poured out and cooled for a while before feeding the child.The child took a sip, and he was in a coma and still didn't open his mouth. Orchid coaxed around, but the child just didn't drink. Orchid couldn't help him, and looked at Qingyun.

"Master, the child refuses to take medicine."

Qingyun took the bamboo tube and frowned, just smelling the strong medicinal smell, he knew that it was difficult to drink, if she wanted to drink it, she couldn't drink it, let alone a child.

No matter how unpleasant it is, you have to drink it.Thankfully, it wasn't her who drank it, Qingyun was glad, and then forced his mouth open and poured it into him.

Orchid looked at the child who was struggling, and then at Qingyun, who was expressionless, and couldn't say the words "Young Master, take it easy".

The injection was so violent that the child choked and swallowed it while crying.Everyone was woken up by her, pitiful, crying Qingyun with tears in her eyes: "Brother~~"

"Good medicine is bitter and good for sickness. After taking the medicine, you will be cured soon. Be good! Go to sleep!" Qingyun was indifferent, and rushed to the front of the child crying and comforted him without hesitation.

The child sobbed a few times, but fell back asleep, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes.

Orchid carefully wiped the child's face and sweat, and carefully put the child into the bamboo grove.

After feeding the child medicine, Qingyun crushed the fire slag, and carrying a bamboo stalk, a group of people came out of the woods.

Seeing that Qingyun and the others finally came out, the old man came over, led Qingyun and a few people back to the team, came to the trolley pulled by the cow, pointed to the two places specially reserved above and said, "This is yours. "

"Thanks, brother."

Qingyun was rude and greeted Song Wenqian, "Old man, sit up."

Song Wenqian was equally rude. He climbed up to sit on the scooter, pointed to another seat, and said, "There is still a seat, who of you will come up?"

A few people, you look at me, I look at you, but don't say anything.

In addition to Mr. Song, the most valuable person in the team is the young master, and that seat must be reserved for the young master.

Qingyun glanced at the eyebrows and lawsuits of several people. He was too lazy to guess, and said directly: "Aunt Li, you go up and take a seat. Whoever is tired of walking will replace you."

Aunt Li glanced at her wife, then at Qingyun's unnecessary expression, climbed up, and said to Qingyun, "Hold the child to me, it's not good to be bored in the bamboo grove, the doctor said to be more ventilated."

The doctor seemed to have said so, but Qingyun didn't refute it, and took the child out of the bamboo grove and handed it to her.

"Hold that bamboo lobster to me." Song Wenqian said.

Qingyun glanced at the ground that the old man had vacated to slap his hand, and the corners of his eyes twitched, "No, it's not heavy, you sit on yours, be careful if you fall down and get crippled, but no one cares about you."

I exchanged two bamboo shoots for others, ate some on the way, and only had three bamboo shoots left.

Tian Duoliang carried two bamboo louvers, Old Man Li carried one, Orchid carried a bamboo basket, and she carried a bamboo jar in a bamboo louver, medicinal powder and ointment.

Qingyun also mentioned two bamboo lobsters, one is the empty lobster, this bamboo lobster has always been pretending to be a child, and it has become his exclusive use.

The other one has a diabolo jar, as well as a bamboo jar for water.

Aunt Li was holding the child now, and a bamboo lobster was vacated. Qingyun put the lobster with something in it and put it in the empty bamboo lobster.

"Daliang, give me one." Tian Duoliang couldn't walk with two on his back, and Qingyun asked him to give one.

"No, I'm just carrying it on my back." The two bamboo stalks added up to less than [-] pieces, which was nothing to Tian Duoliang.

Seeing that he insisted, Qingyun left him alone and carried one less, she was still happy.

The eighth waited on the side, and when they were assigned, he explained some matters to be paid attention to with Qingyun and the others, and returned to the third.

Soon, the team began to move, Qingyun followed the bullock cart, and the large army returned to the road and continued to drive forward.

But in one afternoon, Qingyun and the others got acquainted with others, and by the way, they got to know the situation of the team thoroughly.

There are seven to eighty people in this team, all from the same village.Their leader is a man named Wang Chaoming, who is the third eldest in his family. Everyone in his village likes to be called "the third and the third", but seldom call him by his real name.

As the saying goes: "Fighting a tiger's own brother, fighting a father and son soldier", the same applies here.

In addition to Chao Ming, several cousins ​​assisted him.The fifth eldest, Wang Chaonan, the eighth eldest, Wang Chaodong, and several brothers of the same generation in the village are all surnamed Wang.

When Qingyun heard these names, he subconsciously thought, are there two more named Chaoxi and North?
The two who exchanged things with them were the old three and the eight.

Qingyun has observed them and found that their management model is a bit like modern factory management, and everyone has a clear division of labor.

The third is in charge of making decisions and making decisions. The fifth will execute a series of orders from him, and the eighth will be responsible for security. In fact, the brothers of the same generation are responsible for their respective teams, and problems are reported layer by layer.

Of course, that's outside.

Internally, there are not so many rules, outsiders can't approach, but their own people are more casual, so they can inquire so much information.

Similarly, the information on Qingyun's side was also inquired.

They didn't say anything about Qing Yun being the young master, and about the situation of Old Man Li's family, Tian Duoliang, and others.

The child's external identity is Qingyun's younger brother.

During the break, I saw Qingyun studying with Song Wenqian, and asked Aunt Li curiously: "Sister-in-law, your young man is really good. At this time, you still don't forget to read, and it will definitely be a good thing in the future. That boy in my family is as old as him. If he works as hard as he does, he will be a talent."

 Thank you 20171228143032941 for the reward, alright

(End of this chapter)

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