Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 92 Suffering alone, it is better for all living beings to suffer

Chapter 92 Suffering alone, it is better for all living beings to suffer
"It's boring to be on the road! If Mr. Song is free, he will give some pointers to pass the time. I don't even have a book. What can I learn, it's just a joke." Aunt Li said.

After thinking about it, the women listening next to him agreed with Aunt Li's words. After being curious, they stopped paying attention to Qingyun, which made Aunt Li Lanhua relieved.

But after that, when Qing Yun was studying with Song Wenqian, there would always be a few descendants who were about the same age as Qing Yun, and they saluted Song Wenqian.

"Sir, can we listen together?"

"Yes." Song Wenqian squinted and nodded, asking what they had learned.

The descendants who came here used to farm at home, so where did they go to school?The conditions are a little better. I have attended the initiation class, studied for a few days, and after a decade or so, I almost forgot about it.

No, Song Wenqian asked, shaking their heads uneasily.It's almost the age of marrying a daughter-in-law, and you have to save money to marry a daughter-in-law. Who still has the heart to learn this, and does not take the exam for talents.

Even their brains can't pass the test.

In fact, what they didn't want to come was because the adults in the family forced them to come.

Song Wenqian didn't dislike it. He started teaching from the Three Character Classic. No one knew if he could understand it or not. Anyway, they were very serious.

Qingyun smiled and said nothing. It was rare for someone to experience the same treatment as her, and she felt at ease.

Suffering alone, it is better for all sentient beings to suffer!

The next day, the people changed, and the people from the previous day never came.A few days later, only Qingyun remained.


After a few medicines, Orchid was willing to use alcohol to wipe the child's body. After three days, the child's fever finally subsided, and he woke up in the afternoon. When he woke up, he shouted at Qingyun, "Brother, I'm hungry."

The child is smart. He heard it when he was sleeping. He will be Qingyun's younger brother in the future, and he has his own relatives.

The corners of Qingyun's eyes twitched, she could understand that the child was relying on her.Looking at the child's face is white, there is no blood, and the person is not very energetic, and the mouth is dry and bleeding, and it is rare to feel a little distressed.

Orchid carried the child on the ox cart, surrounded by people, Qingyun couldn't take the sweet potato from the bamboo grove for the child to eat, it was too eye-catching.

It will be a while before it gets dark, and the team will not stop for a while. Qingyun thinks about it, takes the child from the orchid's arms, puts it in the bamboo grove, and says to Song Wenqian, "I'll take him to pee, and after a while. will catch up."

Everyone knows what it means, and no one stops him.

"Go! Don't go too long." Song Wenqian called out to his servant.


Qingyun carried the bamboo bushes into the woods beside the road, and the woman in the car kindly said to Aunt Li, "What's the matter with the child, go to any woods, just urinate on this board and let the people below go away."

The dolls in their team all came this way.

"The baby is so shy that he would rather hold it in without urinating, and insist that his brother take him into the woods." Aunt Li dealt with the gossip of the three aunts and six grandmothers with ease.

The third one saw Qingyun entering the woods, and sent someone to ask about the situation. Tian Duoliang went to deal with them.

"Why did Qingyun enter the woods?" The old man couldn't hold back and asked first.

"His brother woke up and went to the forest to pee."

The third and the fifth looked at each other and asked, "Would you like to wait for the two of them?"

"No, it's quick to pee. Let's go our way, don't worry about them, they'll catch up soon." Tian Duoliang waved his hand indifferently.

Everyone in the Qingyun team said that there is no need to wait, and the third and fifth will naturally follow his wishes.With such a large queue, it was troublesome to stop suddenly.

Qingyun squatted behind the big tree with the child, took out a sweet potato for the child, the child took it, peeled it carefully, bit it slowly, took a bite, and glanced at Qingyun.

Qingyun twitched his mouth, pulled out the only bamboo pot that still had water, took out his small bamboo tube from the child's arms, filled it with water, and handed it to the child, "Drink it!"

The big bamboo bushes were put back into the bamboo groves.

The child took a sip from the small bamboo tube, put it away, and then looked at Qingyun again.

"Just say something." Qingyun rolled his eyes.

"Brother, am I your brother?" the child asked cautiously.

"Yes," Qingyun said with certainty.

Hearing Qingyun's answer, the child's eyes instantly lit up with starlight, twinkling, and the smile on his face was bright and sweet. He couldn't laugh for three seconds, and then the person fell down again, with a shriveled mouth, and said aggrieved: " You all have names, but I don't have a name..."

"Why not, you're not called Gouwa..."

"That's not a big name, the dog is not a big name, but a nickname, I don't have a big name," Qingyun was interrupted by the child, who sobbed and said, "I know, the aunt doesn't like me, and the dog at home just gave birth. Baby, you named me Gouwa."

Qingyun: "..." She didn't choose the name, so what are you yelling at her?

The child wiped his eyes with his hands and asked Qingyun with red eyes, "Do you dislike me?"

"No," Qingyun denied it seriously, and couldn't say that he disliked it, "Heaven and earth conscience, if I dislike you, I'll leave you halfway, and I'll give you the medicine and wine to treat you."

The child looked at Qingyun suspiciously: "You really don't dislike it?"

"Don't dislike it."

"Then why didn't you name me? I've heard it all. You said that I was your younger brother. If you didn't name me, you just disliked me, I didn't have a father or mother, and you disliked me..."

The child cried with tears and snot, it was horrible to see, and of course it was pitiful to death.

"It's okay," Qingyun's head hurts, she is the most annoying child crying, but she can't beat or scold.

If the child didn't believe her words, he shouted and said that Qingyun despised him.

"I... I haven't had time to name myself!" Her own future is uncertain, and now she has to recognize a younger brother halfway, and she is tired.

"Really?" The child looked at her with wet eyes, causing Qingyun to feel a lot of pressure.

"Really, it's more real than real gold. I'll get it for you now. My surname is Shangguan, and my name is Qingyun. You are my younger brother. Naturally, my surname is Shangguan, my name..."

Qingyun looked at the sky above his head and said, "Your name is Qingtian, Shangguan Qingtian, remember your name in the future. I hope you can be like the sky above your head in the future. Minglang is upright and broad-minded."

The implication is good, as for whether it can be as Qingyun expects, only God knows.

Like her name, the old man took Qingyun, and the meaning is also good, just want her to learn to be rich and become rich in the future.

Who thought she was a scumbag.

The child burst into tears and laughed, "Shangguan Qingtian, this name is really nice. I will be Shangguan Qingtian in the future, you are Shangguan Qingyun, I am Shangguan Qingtian, you are my brother, and I am your brother."

"Okay, okay, don't talk silly, eat quickly, we have to catch up after we finish eating."

Qingyun disliked him with tears and snot on his face, pulled out a piece of clothing from the bamboo grove, and wiped his face indiscriminately.

The child obediently waited for her to finish wiping her face, and quickly finished eating the potatoes, then stretched out her hands and waited for Qingyun to hold him into the bamboo grove.

(End of this chapter)

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