Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 93: As Dark as the Sky

Chapter 93
This time, the child did not sit like before, but stood up, hugged Qingyun's neck with both hands, put his head on Qingyun's shoulder, and whispered, "Brother."

Qingyun responded, and the child immediately grinned and called "Brother" again.

Qingyun answered, the child continued to call "brother", Qingyun answered and called again, and then Qingyun was too lazy to pay attention to him, let him call!
The child seems to have found a fun game, but Qingyun shouldn't, it doesn't matter, he can have fun by himself, and he keeps shouting "big brother".

For the sake of the child's illness, Qingyun endured it.

Before dark, they finally caught up with the large army.

The old man who was patrolling the periphery saw them coming back, and the person who notified them got out of the way and patted Qingyun on the shoulder.

Song Wenqian and a few people saw it, the child was very happy when he woke up, and he didn't even close his mouth.

When taking a break from the camp, the child is a follower. Wherever Qingyun goes, he follows him, sticking tightly, even when Qingyun is doing things, he is watching from the side.

"What are you doing with me? Go over there and sit." Qing Yun had a headache and pointed to the fire in the middle of the open space.

"I listened to my brother." The child smiled and walked to the fire, then crouched beside Song Wenqian, looking at them with bright eyes.

"Child, why are you so happy?" Tian Duoliang asked, throwing a few raw yams into the fire.

The child who was smiling brightly one second, said with a stern face the next: "I'm not called a child, I have a name."

The little man had to put on a serious expression, but it made a few people laugh.

"Do you have a name? What's your name? Don't they all call you a child." Tian Duo was happy, and the child still had a temper.

The child seemed to be waiting for their words, and immediately smiled again, glanced at Qingyun, raised his chest, and said proudly:

"Listen, my brother and I are surnamed Shangguan, my name is Qingtian, Shangguan Qingtian. It's the name my brother gave me, and my brother is Shangguan Qingyun. You will call me Qingtian, Qingtian, and don't call me children."

The child repeatedly emphasized calling his name.

Song Wenqian had expected this result for a long time, and it was not surprising at all.

On the contrary, Old Man Li's family was shocked. They looked at the child, no, Shangguan Qingtian, and then looked at Qingyun. While they were happy for the child, they also envied him being in the eyes of the young master. With the young master covering him, Qingtian would definitely survive well. , there will be a good future in the future.

"Qingtian, this name is good." Song Wenqian said.

The child nodded sharply, "Yes! Yes! My brother said the same thing. My brother said that I hope I can grow up like the blue sky above my head."

Tian Duoliang looked up at the sky and saw the stars in the sky, he couldn't help laughing, "It's as dark as the sky!"


Orchid couldn't help laughing, and when she saw the child's puffy face, she immediately stopped laughing, and roasted sweet potatoes in a serious manner.

Song Wenqian also laughed, but they didn't laugh out loud.

The child was so angry that his eyes widened, he glared at Tian Duoliang, put his hands on his hips and said, "No, my brother said, I hope I can be as bright and open as the sky."

"Listening to you, it's a good name," Tian Duoliang tutted, "It's just different for those who have read books, and they are so particular about choosing a name."

The point of fart!

Qingyun pursed her lips, can she say that when she sees the sky, she can only think of the name Qingtian?If it is clear and open, it will coax children.

"Master, what should I do with these dried vegetables and pickles?" Orchid turned to Zhulou to see those dried vegetables and pickles, and was worried to death.How to cook without water?
The people over there are too cunning. They bully the young master and fool him with these dried vegetables.

"Keep it for now, it will always be useful." Qingyun said.

There was almost no water, and those who could persist did not drink water. Qingyun and several people ate sweet potatoes, swallowed them slowly, and went to sleep after eating.

"Brother, I will sleep with you."

The child placed his straw mat next to Qingyun's, lying on his side facing Qingyun, Qingyun glanced at him, too lazy to say anything.

When she slept until the middle of the night, something rolled into her arms, Qingyun subconsciously waved it out, halfway through the wave, she remembered something, she sat up in shock, opened her eyes and glanced, the child was fine, and then fell back to sleep.

Woke up in the morning with something in my arms.Looking at the soundly sleeping child, Qingyun stretched out his claws with cold eyes, pinched the child's face, and woke him up.

"Brother, morning!" The child couldn't keep his eyes open, so he asked Qingyun for the morning, and then rubbed his confused eyes.

Qingyun poked the child's head and emphasized, "Next time, don't get out of my arms. After I sleep, treat it as something kicked out."

After being reminded by Qingyun, the child found himself sitting in his brother's arms, and his eyes narrowed with joy, leaving only a gap. "Kicked out" was automatically filtered by him.

After a few days of rushing, only half of the sweet potato was left, and the water was long gone. The lips of several people were all dry and cracked, and the wine was also used by several people as water to quench their thirst.

Everyone, tired and thirsty, dragged heavy steps and moved forward slowly, no one dared to stop, for fear that once they stopped, they would not be able to walk anymore.

"Look at you, all of you are going to die, dead, even the old man. Did you see that mountain?" Song Wenqian on the ox cart suddenly pointed to the mountain in front of him and said.

Qingyun looked up and saw that in addition to the mountain in front of him, it was still a mountain in the past.

"I see." Qingyun said weakly.

"That mountain is Huanggu Mountain, cheer me up, work harder!"

Hearing that Huanggu Mountain was approaching, several people finally came to life, their spirits lifted, their eyes slid to and fro on the mountains in front of them, and their pace unconsciously quickened.

The fact that Qingyun and the others were going to Huanggu Mountain somehow reached the ears of the eighth, and then hurriedly went to find Chaoming and the others.

Wang Chaoming was discussing with the old fifth and the others, how to go on the road behind, how to solve the problem of food and water, and saw the old eight rushing over, as if being set on fire.

"What's the matter?" Chao Ming took two steps out and glanced back and forth at the team, it was all right!
The old man waved his hand and said, "Third brother, I heard from my aunt and the others that Mr. Song and the others will not go with us."

"Why?" the fifth asked. "No one in the team bullies them, right?"

This question made the old man horrified and waved his hands again and again.

"No, we are all honest people, how can we do that kind of thing. Besides, Qingyun and the others are kind to us, and it's even more impossible for us to do that kind of thing."

"Then why didn't you come with us all of a sudden?"

The fifth looked at the eighth, then looked at a few people, and asked the questions in their hearts.

"Go, go and ask." The third child brought the fifth and the eighth over.

"Mr. Song, little brother Qingyun, I heard that you are going to leave?" Chaoming came over and asked directly without beating around the bush.

(End of this chapter)

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