Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 94 Turning to Huanggu Mountain

Chapter 94 Turning to Huanggu Mountain

In the past few days, the two sides have gotten along very happily.To be honest, Wang Chaoming really didn't want Qingyun and the others to leave. Apart from Qingyun and the others being easy to get along with, they still had food on hand.

"I have this plan." Song Wenqian said.

"Where are you going? Didn't you say you were going to Longqing before? Are you not going now?" Wang Chaoming's heart sank, and he really wanted to leave.

"Why do you want to leave suddenly? It's too sudden, and I'm not prepared at all. Let's be honest with you. Except for Longqing, our place is a little better, and other places are not as good as Longqing."

"Longqing is going, but it's just a few days later. You can see the situation of our team, the old and the young are young, Qingtian still has internal injuries to take care of, there is no water, and there is no food... There is still a long way to go. There! There is nothing, and there is only a dead end if you go further."

It's not only Qingyun and the others who are in a very bad situation, but Chaoming and the others as well.

Wang Chaoming glanced obscurely, and the bamboo lobsters that Qingyun and the others were holding were stacked two or three together, and it was obvious that they were empty.

Qingyun and the others have more food than they do, and they consume it much faster than them, and they are gone in just a few days.

Thinking of the scene of them eating yam, it is strange that the bamboo shoots are not empty for a meal of a dozen.

"Then you left halfway?" The place that Chao Ming didn't understand was right here, his eyes swept the mountains and forests on both sides of the avenue, and there was no food in the forest!
"There is a Huanggu Mountain in front, and there is a cottage in the mountain. We plan to turn to Huanggu Mountain to have a look. It is better than dragging it like this."

Huanggu Mountain?never heard of that.

Wang Chaoming glanced at Qingyun and the others, and then looked at his exhausted team. Going on like this, he really had to slaughter oxen and donkeys.

"Huanggu Mountain? Is there really a cottage there? Mr. Song, from your tone, it seems that you understand the terrain here? Have you been here before?"

Song Wenqian squinted his eyes, gathered up his cuffs, and said, "I haven't been here before, but I heard people mention it, there is a cottage here."

Seeing that Song Wenqian was reluctant to mention more, Wang Chaoming was unhappy, and he turned to look at Qingyun, "Little brother, what do you think?"

"You ask me?" Qingyun pointed to his nose and said nonchalantly: "I don't care! I will go wherever the old man and the others go. Let's escape, just like this, escape here today and escape there tomorrow."

Even Qingyun said so, Wang Chao knew that it was a matter of course for the group to leave.

Unable to inquire about anything practical and useful, Wang Chaoming led the old five and the eight back to his team to discuss.

"Third, what do you think? Mr. Song and the others are going to Huanggu Mountain. Will there be other things?"

Whenever there was something for Wang Chaoming to make a decision, the fifth child would call him the third child.

"I'll think about it again." Chao Ming said.

"What's there to think about, Mr. Song didn't say that they have no water and nothing to eat. They have to go to Huanggu Mountain to find a way to survive. We have no water and nothing to eat. We still need to think about it, we must follow!"

The old man scratches his head, what a simple thing!These two people had to figure out one, two, three.

People with too complicated brains are blindly pondering.


"Old man, do you think they will follow?"

As soon as Wang Chaoming and the others left, Qingyun rubbed against Song Wenqian's wheel and pulled grass from the side of the road, peeled off the outer withered skin, and dangled it around.

When you are idle and bored, chat some gossip to pass the time.

"It's hard to say," Tian Duoliang squeezed over to join in the fun, stroked his forehead with his fingers, and said, "Zhao Ming's brain makes it easy to think too much. Mr. Song said he didn't have anything to eat, so he looked at our bamboo shoots."

Tian Duoliang is also sharp-eyed, and nothing can escape his eyes.

Qingyun smiled and she saw it too.

The situation of Wang Chaoming's group was even worse than them, at least they still had half a basket of sweet potatoes to eat.There was nothing to eat in Wang Chaoming for a long time, and there might be pickles and dried vegetables, but they couldn't eat them.

Since the day before yesterday, they have eaten one meal a day, which is still half a dry steamed bun, hard as a stone, and can rub people's throats to bleed.go further...

Qingyun glanced at the cow on the trailer. The cow was still fat. After pulling the heavy cart for so long, he didn't lose any fat. It was probably related to the grass on the side of the road.

Since entering the boundary of Longqing, the roadside can see green one after another, and the closer to Longqing, the more green.

Feeling something dangerous staring at it, the cow stomped its hooves and suddenly rushed forward, and stopped when it got out of the sight of death.

Such an accident happened suddenly, which shocked the people on the ox cart. The person sitting on the side almost fell, but the people around them caught it quickly, and the tragedy was avoided.

"Why is this cow suddenly crazy?"

The child was also riding on the ox cart and almost fell down, his face turned white with fright.

Song Wenqian next to him grabbed him, and the child sat in his arms with lingering fears.

"Hey, there is a severe drought everywhere, do you think there is water in Huanggu Mountain?" Tian Duoliang touched Qingyun's arm and asked in a low voice.

"You want to know?" Qingyun followed his example, glanced around furtively, and asked him in a low voice.

Tian Duoliang nodded, "Think!"

If there is no water in Huanggu Mountain, they will not run for nothing!

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "You can go to the front and take a look, you will know. This is a good idea. If there is no water, it will save everyone a waste of time."

After he finished speaking, he nodded, looking at him with great anticipation.

Tian Duoliang made a "cut" sound, then threw the bamboo lobster to Qingyun, and said righteously: "If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, I'll go ahead and explore the way."

Pulled out the team, got into the crowd like a fish, and disappeared.

"What is he doing?" Song Wenqian asked, looking at Tian Duoliang's disappearing figure.

"I didn't do anything, I was bored, went for a walk, and I'll be back in a while." Qingyun said.

The two teams are mixed together, and there are also downsides. They can't hide anything. As soon as this side is finished, the other side will know.

No, the old man ran over and asked Qingyun, "Little brother, why did your brother leave?"

"My brother is a restless person. He's been obsessed with cats these days. He's annoying, so he went out for a walk. Don't worry about him, he'll come back when he's done enough. You came here on purpose, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, come and ask, thinking your brother is gone. Well, I'm going back." The old man laughed dryly, and then left.

I thought to myself, he didn't want to come and ask, the fifth one had to ask him to ask, it seemed like they were watching, how embarrassing!
Tian Duoliang didn't look back. The team had walked for a long time, and he had not seen his people. The child got out of the car and ran over to ask, "Brother, will Brother Daliang come back?"

Seeing it every day, I don't feel anything, and sometimes I despise Tian Duoliang's unforgiving mouth.But I haven't seen anyone for a long time, and I still talk about it in my heart.

Orchid also perked up his ears.

"You're young, so there are a lot of things to worry about. Don't cry if you won't grow taller in the future. Don't worry, he will definitely come back."

Qingyun picked up the child and put it on her neck, the child was startled at first, then danced with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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