Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 874: Only the Central Plains can be attacked

Qingyun glanced at the generals present and said: "Everyone here, no introduction is needed, right?"

The generals shook their heads. They didn't recognize any of them. They fought countless times in private and even took off several pairs of their underwear.

Qingyun's eyes fell on the generals of Yuan Shaoxing and said with a smile: "Shaoxing, you have been here for half a year. How is it? How is the army? Are you used to it? If you are not used to it, bring it up. Don't hold it in your heart and say it. Only when you get out will you know how to improve.”

His attitude was very kind and his tone was as relaxed as villagers chatting.

Tian Duoliang, Heixiong and the other veterans laughed in their hearts, saying this to deceive the newcomer Yuan Shaoxing and the others. Believe it or not, after Yuan Shaoxing and the others finished talking about Mr. Qing's bad temper, Mr. Qing definitely let them hold it in with a smile.

Improve what?

Didn’t the improvement army train to death long enough? Or should the army of improvement not open up wasteland for farming?

Give one a try?

Do you think Qingye’s fists are not strong enough to kill them?

Regardless of whether Yuan Shaoxing and the other generals had any objections, they were not fooling around in the military camp for half a year. What they didn't know about Shangguan Qingyun's temperament now is known, and even if they have objections, they don't dare to mention it.

Besides, if you study carefully, carefully study his words, they are full of pitfalls.

Yuan Shaoxing stood up and cupped his hands and said: "General, the army is very good and very accustomed to it. There is nothing that needs improvement."

Tian Duoliang and the others can do it, there is no way they can't do it.

Qingyun was satisfied, waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious, I don't have so many rules here, we are all brothers, just say whatever you want, you just get used to it.

Let’s get down to business!

The purpose of calling everyone here this time is to discuss, what should our army do next?

Should the army leave or stay? Get a charter out.

What if you leave? Where to go?

What if you stay? Huanlang Pass is only so big and cannot accommodate all the troops. How should the army deal with itself? "

Qingyun slowly picked up the cup and drank tea, looking like it had nothing to do with him.

The corners of Tiantara Black Bear's and the others' mouths twitched, what they said

Huang Kunmeng Yiluo sat quietly. They didn't need to speak, someone would speak and achieve everyone's goal.

It was impossible to stay, they had to leave. How could the bigger Huan Lang Pass be able to accommodate their ambitions?

"Where else can we go? Of course to the Central Plains, is it possible to return to the Northland?"

"Yes, go to the Central Plains."

It's not like his brain was caught in the door and the army finally pulled it out, or it was heading towards the vast world outside.

The generals all shouted to go to the Central Plains, and they would not return to the North if they were beaten to death.

Po Jun glanced at Master Qing and said, "I heard that the Central Plains is in chaos. Today the rebels came and killed them. They captured a wave of young men and sent them to the army.

Tomorrow the rebels will come and they will be out of soldiers. They will arrest a group of people and take them away. Even the old people will not be spared. I heard that children as young as several years old will be dragged to the battlefield.

The people are miserable, unable to make a living, and complaining. There is no way to survive at all. So pathetic! "

Po Jun searched his guts and found a few pretty good words. He was secretly proud that he was literate and could express himself well, with a look of compassion on his face.

Qingyun glanced at Pojun and hummed, that's an exaggeration!

There are many smart people in Tian Duo who know the meaning of the sound and immediately understood what Po Jun meant. They said with a playful smile: "It's so pitiful! It's not like our people in the North, who have enough to eat and wear, and don't have any of the messy exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. If there are no seeds, our government will give them seeds. If they don’t know how to cultivate the land, the government will send people to teach them. If there is no land to cultivate, our army will clear up wasteland for the people.

We, the people of the North, are in a blessed nest. "

The general said that the rebels outside were too arrogant and were nothing.

The general said that the people outside were so miserable and pitiful, and they felt heartbroken when they looked at them!

A group of people talked about the fire.

In short, the army outside is nothing. Someone must stand up to quell the rebellion and give the people justice!

There is no one else but Mr. Qing who has this ability and cares about the people of the world!

Yuan Shaoxing and the others were dumbfounded. When they held military meetings, they always discussed things carefully. When they got angry, they shouted "I don't agree." This was the first time they saw such a scene. The military meeting was held like a vegetable market. He was cursing and spitting on his face.

Black Bear Qisha slammed the table and shouted: "Then what are you waiting for? Master Qing, the army is ready to go to the Central Plains!"

The tent suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Mr. Qing blankly.

Qingyun put down his cup and said with a smile: "Look at what I'm doing. It's a good idea. I don't have any opinion on where to go to the Central Plains or the northwest. What's the situation outside? How to get there? How to fight the war? There are also supplies and supplies, etc. Do you know these things clearly? Who can tell me?”

Qingyun knocked on the table, he couldn't just talk, he had to take practical actions.

She hasn't had a meeting with Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun and the others in the past six months. She just wanted to give them time to prepare. She couldn't worry about everything alone. The battles were fought by the brothers, so they had to contribute.

After being scolded a lot by Master Qing, Tian Duoliang Pojun and the others have made a lot of progress. No, they have all studied in advance. They have mastered the information that should be mastered, the tactics that should be planned have been planned, and the routes that should be budgeted have also been budgeted. .

Tian Duoliang and the others were waiting for Qingyun's words, the Pojun Seven Kills map was laid out, and Black Bear Jianghai and the others brought up the battlefield sand table.

"Master Qing, please move!" Tian Duoliang invited Qingyun to the sand table.

Qingyun curled his lips and walked over slowly. His eyes swept over the generals and then landed on the battlefield sand table. The general landforms of the rivers and rivers were all there, which showed that he had put a lot of thought into it.

“According to intelligence, today’s world can be initially divided into six points.

The north is our Qingye, the capital controlled by Taifu Yang, General Shan in the east, Duke Zhou in the southwest, Qian Qizhi in the northwest, and Duan Jiaxu Tan Linyu in Zhongzhou,

There were several wars in the Central Plains last year, the most famous of which were the heroes Duan Jiaxu, Tan Linyu, and Yuan Shaoxing. Not to mention General Yuan, he was his own brother.

Duan Jiaxu in Bale County fought against the Duke of Zhou in the Southwest, and Tan Linyu in Shangxia Prefecture fought against General Shan. In both battles, Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu were defeated. The two retreated to Zhongzhou in despair, and jointly resisted the counterattack of General Shan in Zhou Guogong.

There are five regions: northwest, southwest, east, central plains, and capital. The only ones closest to our north are the central plains and capital. The other three places are too far away to fight.

Brothers have carefully studied the two places, the capital and the Central Plains. The capital is a target and cannot be hit. We can only hit the Central Plains.

Look, the army is coming this way."

Tian Duoliang's finger traced on the map, "Go from here to here, then bypass the capital from here and reach the Central Plains without anyone noticing. There are many mountains and forests in this area, which is suitable for ambushes and sneak attacks. How about it?" ( End of this chapter)

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