Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 875: Sweeping through on route 1

Chapter 875: Sweep all the way

Qingyun nodded, his analysis was good.

The information Tiantara and the others had was all from her hands. When they didn't know the terrain clearly, the route chosen by Tiantara and the others was the best.

Qingyun scratched his chin, then turned to look at Yuan Shaoxing, "Shaoxing, what do you think?"

They (Qingyuntian Duoliang and others) are not familiar with the Central Plains, how can Yuan Shaoxing and others not be familiar with them? They had fought all the way from the Central Plains, and the terrain was much more familiar to them.

Yuan Shaoxing came over to take a look. The road to the Central Plains was indeed safe, but the detour was a bit far.

Yuan Shaoxing also dared to speak. When the general asked, he would speak.

"Inappropriate! To be honest, the general must move his army south quickly. You see, this area is now Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's territory..."

Yuan Shaoxing drew a circle in the middle of the Central Plains, and both sides of the circle were the territories of General Shan, Duke of Zhou.

"...This side is General Shan's territory, and this side is Zhou Guogong's territory. Sandwiched in the middle are Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu. The bad thing is here. In order to grab the territory, they took the lead in attacking Zhou Guogong General Shan. Now they have two armies. We are chasing Duan Tan."

What Yuan Shaoxing didn't say was that it was the three of them who started the war in order to grab territory, and he was the first to be driven out of the Central Plains.

Yuan Shaoxing pointed his hand at the circle on the map, "Do you understand? Even if General Zhou Guogong did not join forces to fight, it also formed a pincer attack. Half of their armies were dispatched, which was still more than Duan and Tan's armies.

Marshal Qian from the northwest also moved. In addition to the millions of troops guarding the border, the other millions of troops came towards the capital. Duan and Tan happened to be blocking Marshal Qian's path. How long can the two of them resist the three-party attack?

When we came to Northland, we didn't take this road, but passed directly from the edge of the capital. General, in my opinion, take the main road to the Central Plains.

The northwest is far away from the capital due to high mountains and roads. Traveling day and night would take about four to five months at the fastest, and half a year at the slowest. Compared with the northwest, our northern region occupies a favorable terrain and is closest to the capital. "

Makes sense.

Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun and other generals nodded. For them, time is money.

If General Zhou Guogong Dan and the others capture Zhongzhou, or if Duan Jiaxu, Tan Linyu and the others eat General Zhou Guogong Dan, no matter who eats whom, there will still be two armies in the end, plus Qian Qizhi, three armies.

When they move their army south, Master Qing will face the armies of the three families. I am afraid that the situation will be even more unfavorable to them.


Tian Dora, Black Bear and the others looked at Qing Ye.

Qingyun glanced at them, and then his eyes fell on the map. The plan discussed with Bai Yanheng and his staff these days is no longer possible.

The Central Plains will definitely be attacked, and the capital city will also be attacked.

After all, serious fighting is not suitable for her.

Qingyun squinted his eyes, thinking over and over again, and implemented the plan in two parts.

The front part can be done according to what she and Bai Yanheng discussed, and the back part must be done according to the previous style. Others can talk about the difference between a gentleman and Qian Qizhi. Is he worthy?

"Shaoxing's analysis is right. Time does not wait for me, so we must seize the time. But we must change our approach.

Judging from the current trend, we are indeed at a disadvantage. Attacking the Central Plains first is indeed the most effective method. But there is one thing you have forgotten.

The people are the foundation.

Why did Northland come into my hands so quickly?

Because I am from the North, I allocate fields to the people in the North and make them well fed and clothed, and they obey from the bottom of their hearts.

To people outside the Northland, I am just a foreign invader, a rebel bandit who has caused their families to lose their homes, their families, and their homes to become homeless. Let me ask, if it were you, would you obey? "

The generals shook their heads. If it were them, they would definitely perish together with the enemy.

On the map, Qingyun drew a large circle between Beidi and the capital. "Have you seen this area? The area outside Huanlang Pass does not belong to the North. Logically speaking, this area belongs to the jurisdiction of Taifu Yang, but he does not have so many soldiers and horses on hand. He can only hold the capital. That's right, there are soldiers and horses to take care of other places.

The remaining states and governments are in a state of autonomy. "

The generals were confused, so what?

Bai Yanheng understood what Qingyun meant and said, "You have fallen in love with this place!"

Qingyun smiled and swept his hand across the map from north to south.

"How do you talk, what attracted me, I'm not a bandit rebel. We are regular troops, and we are kind-hearted to help.

Taifu Yang, a gentle and elegant scholar, was forced by the rebel bandits to give up his literary career and take up martial arts. He had to die in despair. That’s what people do! I feel sorry for Mr. Yang. He not only has to protect the safety of the capital, but also suppresses bandits and suppresses rebellions everywhere. How can he care about the affairs of a remote state capital.

You know how difficult it is for a scholar to do the job of a military commander. Without soldiers and horses, he couldn't control it even if he wanted to. He probably had a headache and was helpless.

For the sake of being in charge of the same dynasty and being a junior, it is the duty of a qualified subordinate to solve problems for the Grand Tutor. Of course, the capital is the grand master’s hard work, and I will never disturb him. What do you think? "

Bai Yanheng: "."

She said that grabbing territory was so fresh and refined, Qingyun once again set his lower limit.

Tian Duoliang: "."

Generals: "."

The generals all heard clearly. Except for the palm-sized city in the capital, they wanted all the other places.

Wait, only the capital is left. If you look at it this way, wouldn’t the capital be their turtle in the jar?

What a brilliant move!

It has to be Mr. Qing who is shameless. Listen, it sounds so nice. Mrs. Yang can't control it. She's here to help.

They just like Qingye's shameless appearance.

Black Bear said: "There is no problem in pushing the army across. When the army sweeps into the Central Plains, Qian Qizhi's army will also arrive in the Central Plains. At that time, should we fight with Qian Qizhi? Or fight with Duan and Tan? Or join forces with Duan , Tan and Qian Qizhi together?”

Tian Duoliang thought about it and said, "No, we can't fight Qian Qizhi."

"Why?" asked Deng Li.

"Don't forget, there are four major armies here in the Central Plains. Let's fight Qian Qizhi. In the end, the winner will be Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu." Meng Yiluo explained from the side.

When Meng Yiluo mentioned it, the generals understood.

The oriole is behind, I understand!

Po Jun said: "It's hard to say. Qian Qizhi is cunning and insidious. What if he joins forces with Duan and Tan to attack us?"

" not impossible."

The generals were dumbfounded.

After all, I still have to get ahead of Qian Qizhi and join forces with Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu first.

Qingyun glared at them with hatred, but after fighting a serious battle, his brain was confused.

Is it impossible to fight without joining forces?

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