Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 877 I particularly admire and like this kind of people

The day and hour of the expedition were chosen by the Taoist priest, which was a great auspicious sign.

The Taoist priest said that it would be smooth sailing for the expedition on this day. Qingyun didn't care. Feudal superstition was unacceptable. She didn't care that the generals didn't think so. The result was that it was three days later than Qingyun's scheduled date.

In the extra three days, Qingyun did nothing. He secretly found a big river and drank the water for three days and three nights. When he came back, his face was as white as a ghost, and his legs were shaking. People didn't know what they thought she was doing. Shameful things.

After praying for rain, the Northland finally ended its two-year drought. Now the weather is smooth, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is a prosperous scene.

The situation outside the Northland is not good, it is still dry.

Strange to say, with Huanlang Pass as the boundary, the autumn air inside Huanlang Pass is crisp, the fruits are abundant, and the fruits and vegetables are fragrant; while outside the pass, the sun is like fire and the sun is scorching, just like two worlds.

As soon as I came out of Huanlang Pass, everything I saw was lush and green, and it was full of vitality at a glance. As we get further and further away from Huanlang Pass, the green gradually becomes less and less.

It is not that there are no trees in the mountain forest. Unless the trees are particularly drought-tolerant, there are only sporadic green spots on the trees. Most of them are yellow and dead.

If the drought continues like this, it will only happen sooner or later.

The situation outside is not optimistic!

There are only a few states close to the Northland, and there are a few tributaries whose sources are partly in the Northland River and partly in the snow-capped mountains. It is absolutely impossible to have a good harvest. At most, you can maintain your breath, and you will not be much better if you are not dead. .

Those without tributaries leading to the north and snowy areas must either have run away early or starved to death.

The army set up camp and repaired, and the scouts who explored the road returned.

Qingyun wanted to overthrow several states near the capital, and did not take the route Yuan Shaoxing came from.

Using Huanlang Pass as a stronghold, the army fanned out and slowly advanced, spreading to the capital and continuing southward.

In the past month along the way, there have been no rebels. The bandits and bandits have wiped out more than a dozen groups. Most of them were ordinary people who could not survive. Those who did not kill innocent people were left behind. They killed those who committed murder, arson, and all kinds of evil.

"Master Qing, there is a small town ahead, still one day's journey away. The town is not big, with a population of less than 20,000, and a city defense force of 5,000. There is no county magistrate, and there is only one county magistrate in charge. This person's surname is Chen, a local . According to the information from the spies, Chen Xiancheng was a good official. Not long after the drought, he allocated all the grain in the Yamen's warehouse for disaster relief. Later, he also used the grain at home for disaster relief. For this reason, his mother and his wife had a big quarrel with him. One plane.

Nowadays, the whole family is going through a lot of suffering. My mother starved to death last year, and my wife and children are about to starve to death in the county government office. "

Qingyun: "."

Yuan Shaoxing and a group of generals: "."

Most military generals with rough backgrounds cannot understand this kind of behavior. They would rather starve their own wives to death than give food to outsiders. In their eyes, they are fools.

Generals from aristocratic families are even less likely to understand.

They were all born with golden keys in their mouths, and the education they received was based on family interests. They all wanted to scrape out a third of the land, and they were asked to donate food for free, but they would never dare to do so.

To be honest, Qingyun admires this kind of selfless person who sacrifices his life for righteousness.

She is a cold and selfish person, so she can't do it unless the granary at home is full and she is willing to give some of it for relief. It is impossible to give all of it unless it is not her own.

If you only have one piece of bread and don't eat it for others, even if your brain is kicked by a donkey, it will be impossible. Unless that person is her old man, then it's half for one person.

Qingyun can't do it, but she especially admires and likes this kind of person.

"Inform the army to repair on the spot. Lao Jiang, you take a large army to take over the city defense army to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry. The army will leave at night and besiege the city tomorrow morning. Be polite first and then attack." Qingyun ordered.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, Zheng Xiaoxi and a group of other veteran generals followed Po Junqi and killed Meng Yi, Luo Jianghai, Yuan Shaoxing and the others, as well as the four Northland families, generals Jiang, Han, Yun and Luo, followed Qingyun.

"I obey the general's order!" Jiang Hongli accepted the order. (End of chapter)

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