Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 878 We are here to save you

Chapter 878 We are here to save you

In the middle of the night, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses surrounded the military camp of the city defense army. Five thousand troops and horses surrendered directly without even the slightest thought of resistance. Jiang Hongli took over without any suspense.

The sky was cloudy, Qingyun yawned and sat up, glanced at the closed city gate, picked up the lower helmet on the side, put it on, and got on the horse.

The army arrived around midnight last night. After joining Jiang Hongli and the others, they simply set up camp outside the city and took a rest.

People were sent to block the roads leading to Zhuangzi in the countryside, so as not to cause panic among the people. By the way, they were told that something big happened in the town, something that could kill people. The Yamen sent people to block the roads these days, so they should not go to the town for the time being.

When the lockdown will be lifted, wait for the Yamen to send someone to inform you. It won't take a few days, it should be quick.

Qingyun raised his head and looked at the city gate. It was a small town that looked old and outdated. The city wall was not very high, about five meters at most. No one could be seen on the wall.

The place where the army camped was only a hundred meters away from the city gate. After a night, there was no movement, which showed that the defense of this town was really rubbish.

"What time is it?"

Qingyun got up after guessing the time when the city gate would open. It was almost six o'clock now, and there was no movement at the city gate. Thinking that he often misjudged the time, Qingyun didn't have the confidence to ask Bai Yanheng.

The city gate of Beidi opened around 5:30 in the morning, and Qingyun came according to the rules of Beidi.

"Chen hour and five quarters."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, she was right.

This town is too lazy. There are no rules at all. It’s past six o’clock and the city gate hasn’t opened yet. This life is going...

Qingyun clicked his tongue, sent someone to call the door, and then waved to the soldiers to beat the war drums to scare the people in the town.

When the troops came to the city, Chen Xiancheng received the belated military information. When he saw the darkness outside the city and the endless army, his legs trembled and he immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.

The accompanying officers, policemen and others glanced at the murderous army, their legs were shaking with fear, they looked at the unconscious Mr. Chen, and pinched him awake with trembling hands.

The biggest official here is Mr. Chen. Naturally, it is Mr. Chen who decides whether to resist or surrender. Chen County Cheng woke up from the pain. Before he could figure out the situation, people around him tried to persuade him.

"Sir, let's surrender!"

Junior officials, policemen and other officers and soldiers are still aware of themselves.

What to do if you don’t surrender?

What can we do to resist the army outside? There must be at least a million soldiers and horses in this dark area. They only have 5,000 soldiers and horses. The disparity in strength is so great that there is no comparison between the world and the earth.

How to fight this battle?

There are five thousand soldiers and horses, but so far not even a ghost has been seen. I don't know if they ran away or were destroyed by the army outside. The ghosts don't know.

It's hopeless anyway.

There are only twenty or thirty soldiers guarding the city gate in the entire town. This number only includes the policemen.

Chen Xian Cheng held the catcher's hand and lay tremblingly on the battlement. He glanced outside. Among other things, the dragon flag fluttering in the wind was particularly eye-catching.

"Where do you generals come from?" Chen County Cheng shouted tremblingly.

Meng Yiluo rode forward.

"I am the vanguard general under the general of the Northland. Sir Chen, the general heard that there has been a severe drought outside the northland for many years. The land is desolate and barren, and there is no harvest. The people are starving to death, and they can't survive even if they sell their sons and daughters.

When the general learned about this, he was heartbroken and couldn't sleep or eat well. Therefore, you who have come specially to save us, please ask Mr. Chen to open the city gate and welcome us in so that we can distribute grain to the people for cultivation. "

Meng Yiluo shouted with emotion.

Good guy, with his kind expression and sincere eyes, if it weren't for the cold armor on his body, Master Chen would have almost believed him.

Mr. Chen: "..."

Please don't take him for a fool!

Thanks to zJX, 20240410203136679, 20210924111720580, Pan Lin, kidaodaili for voting monthly, okay?

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