Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 880 Continue to pray for rain

Chapter 880 Continue to pray for rain

After Chen Xiancheng reported the situation in the town, he waited uneasily. Even if the general was a weak scholar and looked like he was easy to bully, he did not dare to look down on him.

If he really is someone who is easy to bully, can those tough and ruthless generals be convinced?

Qingyun listened in silence for a long time, without any focus at all. He glanced sideways, slowly walked down from the high platform, looked at the embarrassed Chen Xiancheng, and then said with a kind smile:

"Chen County Cheng, don't be so restrained! I know that the army suddenly came to the town, and the people were afraid. It's human nature, and I understand it.

The world is in such chaos, with bandits plundering and rebels attacking the city every three days, and the wealth of the entire family cannot withstand such disasters. "

Qingyun dug around and took out a small thing and a box, her official seal and appointment letter. Bai Yanheng told her to bring them.

At that time, she really felt that he was confused. The court was gone. What was the use of bringing these two things? Could it be that during the war, he shouted: "Don't move, I am the official of the court. Surrender without killing!"

Believe it or not, others think she is crazy.

If these two things hadn't proved that she was indeed a county magistrate and had extraordinary significance, she would have lost it long ago.

She stuffed something into his hand, hugged his neck, pulled him to the threshold of the Yamen and sat chatting, then stuffed him with a cucumber, and Qingyun also took one and gnawed it.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Qingyun, and then he, Jiang Hongli and other generals left. There were still a lot of things waiting for them to do outside.

Census, land audit, grain calculation and other trivial matters.

Qingyun and Chen Xiancheng were the only two people in the yamen. When they left the yamen, they could still hear their Qingye's deceitful voices floating out.

"This is my official seal and appointment letter. When the court was still there, I was the county magistrate of Qishan.

Does Qishan know?

Shangada is a remote place, where no bird poops. It is surrounded by high mountains and wild ridges. It is a county town, not even a town.

There are only two streets, straight as far as the eye can see, it doesn't take more than a quarter of an hour to go around, and there isn't even a government office. There are only about ten villages in one county, half of which are deserted and empty villages.

There are many bandits on that hill.

After I took office, I almost lived on the streets without even a dilapidated temple to protect me from the wind and rain. There were no government officials or policemen. Fortunately, it was summer and there were many mosquitoes. If it were winter, everyone would freeze to death.

It is said that there are two streets, and there are houses with lumps of earth. Most of them have collapsed, and those that have not collapsed are also shaky and dangerous. When I entered the city, I didn’t see anyone. There were no peppers or corns hanging under the eaves, no poultry or livestock, and there were no lights at night. I thought it was an abandoned county town and planned to sleep one night and leave the next day. "

Qingyun didn't have any airs at all, and those fierce and ruthless generals were not around. Chen Xiancheng's expression changed from fear to fear.

Be wary, restrained, and then slowly relax, and unknowingly start eating cucumbers too.

The main reason was that Qingyun was so delicious that Chen Xiancheng couldn't bear it even after being hungry for a day.

"No one can stay in that damn place. If the book boy hadn't stopped me from leaving, saying there were wolves at night, I wouldn't have wanted to stay there for even one night. Guess what happened?

In the middle of the night, someone suddenly shouted: The bandits are coming. I was still in a daze and was dragged by my servants. I didn't have any shoes or clothes on, and I ran up the mountain."

Qingyun gossiped about his own experience, half truth and half false. When Chen Xiancheng looked at the official seal and appointment letter, he didn't know what he thought in his heart. On the face of it, he looked convinced.

While the two were chatting, Qingyun interrupted to ask about the situation in the town. For example, she said that there are only 10,000 or 20,000 people in a county in Qishan. How many people are there in our town?

For another example, she led troops to suppress bandits, and then asked if there were any bandits or rebels around our town. If so, she would arrange for troops to suppress them.

The two chatted until dark. Someone came over and lit a lamp and continued chatting until Jiang Hai came outside and called for dinner.

Qingyun asked Chen County Prime Minister to come down to eat with him. He kept asking him to stay, but Chen County Cheng refused to stay. He had no choice but to skip meals. Qingyun prepared food, some vegetables and bacon, and insisted that he take them away. If you leave, you will look down upon him.

When Chen County Cheng left, he was in a daze. When his wife, children and children saw him coming back with food, they were shocked and ran out of the door to see if the moon was coming out of the west.

Offended by the general, my first reaction was: Is the general stupid?

The army did not harass the people, nor did they rob anything. In addition, Qingyun and Chen Xiancheng's relationship quickly heated up after chatting. With the cooperation of Chen Xiancheng, they promoted the general as a good person, etc. After several days of observation, The people in the town finally came out of their hiding houses.

The moths that needed to be caught were caught, and those that needed to be killed were suppressed with a series of brutal methods, and the noisy town became quiet again.

When the land was divided, the town became lively again. Everyone was smiling like a fool, and they somewhat believed that these troops were regular troops from the North.

I heard Mr. Shu say that this is what Beidi Yamen do. After the land was divided, the army helped the people clear up wasteland. After clearing up wasteland, they distributed seeds and helped cultivate the land. The people laughed from ear to ear.

The yamen posted notices in advance, the army contributed, and the yamen produced seeds. After the grain was harvested, each person would receive half, and then pay taxes according to the northern tax rate.

I was happy to see how little tax revenue there was in the North, and the people were screaming and cheering. Qingyun and the others were also happy, and both parties were very happy.

The official affairs of the yamen are still handed over to Chen County Magistrate, no, it is Chen County Magistrate now. Qingyun promoted him and appointed him as county magistrate. Officially, he was issued an official seal and a letter of appointment.

From now on, this town will be under the control of Qingyun and has nothing to do with the capital.

Freshly baked Magistrate Chen: "."

County Magistrate Chen didn't dare not answer the call, he just looked embarrassed.

Qingyun patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Don't be afraid! You just need to manage the town well. Over in the capital, I will personally tell Mr. Yang that if you have any difficulties, go to Huanlang Pass to find General Huang."

The general led the army to the capital, and County Magistrate Chen was relieved. According to the general's attitude, the cities in the counties and cities under the jurisdiction of the general will definitely be indispensable in the future. He will not be more than one more.

"You can save yourself a small job. Everything else is easy to talk about. The two rivers in and outside the city are drying up and are getting shallower day by day. Without water, the food planted cannot survive! Where will the food be harvested in the autumn!"

Magistrate Chen was worried that the general was a good man who helped open up wasteland and farm the land. The seeds he sowed were worth a lot of money, but he was about to let down the general's good intentions.

"The drought is easy to solve. You go and notify me. I will go to pray for rain tomorrow, and the people can go and watch."

Thank you Tian Wang 2506 for your monthly vote, okay?

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