Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 881 The plan went very smoothly

Magistrate Chen: "General, it's useless to ask for rain. The drought has been going on for so long. If it rained, it would have rained long ago. Looking at the weather, I'm afraid there will still be a drought."

"You'll know tomorrow whether it's useful or not."

Qingyun didn't say much, and it would be useless if he did. He would only be thought to be talking big words. She knows her own stuff, and if others can't ask for it, she can definitely do it.

This is her biggest trump card.

County Magistrate Chen couldn't finish his last words and left, feeling extremely worried.

The drought had been going on for several years, and it was going to rain long ago. They had prayed for rain back then. Not only did they have an altar, but they also invited Taoist priests to sacrifice pigs, sheep, cattle, and livestock. It was not in vain.

If the general fails to pray for rain tomorrow, he will help persuade the people. It is best to find an excuse to divert the people's attention and not let the people blame the general.

Magistrate Chen was heartbroken.

The equipment for praying for rain is still the same as before. It is full of style, momentum and aura, except that no dragon appears. I go through the process again, and then the heavy rain comes.

The people in the town saw with their own eyes that the general begged for rain. They were so happy that they almost went crazy. They screamed and roared in the rain, and then knelt devoutly under the altar and shouted: "The general is mighty, long live the general!"

County Magistrate Chen: "."

Could it be that the general is really like the folk legend, that he is the reincarnation of a real dragon, patrolling the world on behalf of heaven, and is the emperor of the new dynasty! ?

In short, after praying for rain, Qingyun's reputation reached an unprecedented high. People in the entire town believed in Qingyun from the bottom of their hearts under the deliberate propaganda (various brainwashing) of Jiang Hai, Jiang Hongli and others.

The general is a wise king, a great wise king.

As long as the general is here, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, the weather will be smooth, the seas and rivers will be clear, and the world will be at peace.

Without a general, they have no fields, no land, no food, no seeds, and no water. No one cares about their well-being, no one cares about their lives...

Without the general, they would still be suffering in hell, struggling and living a life without hope or hope.

In a word, the general is a good man, a good official, and a good general. He was sent by God to save the people.

After recapturing the town, the army continued to advance. All the people in the town lined the streets to say goodbye. Qingyun waved goodbye with a smile, and the scream almost pierced his deafness.

As the army left, the merchants and soldiers who stayed in the town began to go to various places, and the actions of the generals in the north gradually spread.

You have to ask where these peddlers come from, haha, benevolence is in the eye of the beholder, and the wise are wise.

In the following cities, Qingyun followed this routine.

Those with few soldiers and horses will first attack the soldiers and horses, then surround the city with an army, kill corrupt officials and punish evil officials, destroy profiteers, divide the fields, and then help the people to open up wasteland and cultivate the land. Each person will get half of the autumn harvest, tax exemption, and then pray for rain to solve the drought.

If a city controlled by princes or merchants from aristocratic families refuses to cooperate, then they will be attacked. Sneak attacks, assassinations, poisoning, inciting people's hearts, alienating schemes, secretly assassinating Chen Cang, swaying tigers away from mountains, etc.

It took a year and a half for the army to reach the Central Plains, turning the capital into an isolated city, and Qingyun's troops doubled.

In the mountains and forests fifty miles away from the capital, the army was repairing in place.

"General, you really don't want to attack the capital?" Jiang Hai walked back and forth several times, holding it in again and again, but still couldn't hold it in, so he came to ask without giving up.

We are all at the gate of the capital, it would be a pity not to fight!

There are only one-third of the 800,000 troops in the capital, and it won't take long to defeat them.

"Old Jiang, come and talk to him." Qingyun kicked the river away irritably. Her face was a little pale. Along the way, every city was covered with rain. She didn't have enough rainwater, so she could only pray for rain.

It's okay if the city is small, the town or county is not big, and it doesn't cost much. If the city is bigger, the price will be obvious. If you summon it once, you can be comatose for a day and rest for half a month, or be comatose for five or six days and recuperate. It only takes a month or two.

I am really working hard to pursue my career!

She was young and resistant, and someone else would have died long ago.

Thinking of praying for rain in the city behind, Qingyun felt a headache, his flesh ached, his bones ached, and his whole body ached.

She couldn't complain about the pain. Every time she woke up, a bunch of people gathered around her bed to ask her for help, asking her to take care of herself. They boiled precious medicinal materials like running water for her to drink and replenish her body.

"Drink the medicine!"

Bai Yanheng brought a large bowl of medicine over. He hadn't drank it yet. The strong herbal smell made Qingyun want to vomit.

Jiang Hongli captured Jiang Hai and went to educate him. Why is his vision so short-sighted? Several major forces have not disappeared, so there is no need to worry about attacking the capital.

An isolated city can be trapped to death if trapped.

Why do you want to mess with Mr. Qing? All year round, he is either praying for rain here or there. Mr. Qing has never recovered, and his little face is so pale...

Master Bai, the military advisor, told the generals that Qingye should take good care of his injuries during this period, and told the generals that it was not a matter of life and death, so they should not bother Qingye for the time being.

"You don't have to drink this, do you? I feel much better!"

"It's up to you whether you want to drink it or not. The military doctor's decision is final." Bai Yanheng passed the bowl forward.

Qingyun looked at Bai Yanheng quietly for a few seconds, and saw that he had no intention of compromising. Instead, he revealed that if she didn't drink, he would drink it himself. Qingyun curled his lips, took the medicine bowl, closed his eyes and drank it down.

"Where is Qian Qizhi? How is the situation over there with Po Jun Qisha and the others?"

Qingyun fell on the grass and slowly moved to the sun to bask in it. It was warm and very comfortable.

The millions of troops staying here are, on the one hand, putting pressure on Taifu Yang to prevent him from living too comfortably and really thinking that the capital is his. Another reason is that they are afraid of affecting Po Jun's plan to kill them seven times.

"The plan was implemented well. The troops were divided into two groups. The troops along the way pretended to be Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army, and attacked Qian Qizhi's vanguard army in Qianzhou. They destroyed forty-five enemy troops and retreated immediately.

Qisha pretended to be Qian Qizhi's army and ambushed Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army in Guizhou, wiping out 280,000 enemy troops.

The two armies evacuated to the junction of Qianzhou and Guizhou as planned, traveling day and night. In half a month, Qian Qizhi, Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army would meet. "

Qingyun rubbed his brows, this was how they discussed it at the beginning. The plan was implemented very smoothly.

"Where are General Shan, Duke Guo and others? Have they taken any action?" Qingyun continued to ask.

It turned out that the two armies of Zhou Guogong and General Dan were attacking Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army, but they were disrupted by seven kills by Po Jun, which seemed to relieve Duan Jiaxu and his group's predicament.

Actually not.

"Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army suddenly withdrew and turned around towards Qianzhou. This move was confusing and temporarily confused General Zhou Guogong Dan. General Zhou Guogong Dan was worried that there was a fraud in it, so he suspended the pursuit and sent a large number of scouts to gather information. It is estimated that he will not be able to hide it for long."

(End of this chapter)

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