Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 882 Wolf Ambition

"I won't hide it if I can't, and I don't plan to hide it forever."

Qingyun didn't care very much. There was such a big movement in Qianzhou and Guizhou, so it was strange that he could hide it. Once General Zhou Guogong Dan confirmed that Qian Qizhi and Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu were going to war, he would not let go of this opportunity.

This is what Qingyun wants. Only by muddying the waters can she have a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Several forces are waiting and watching, and no one is willing to take the lead. At most, it is a small trial, which has no impact on the overall situation.

Qian Qizhi dared to lead an army to attack the capital from the northwest. This dog was ambitious and wanted to be emperor, and all the dogs in the northwest knew it clearly.

Duan Jiaxu said that if Tan Linyu and Zhou Guogong fought with General Shan, the forces of the four parties would not be much different in terms of military strength. It would definitely not end in a while, and there must be a result.

Either both sides will suffer, or two of the forces will perish.

The four forces held back, and the one who finally gained was Qian Qizhi!

This Qingyun couldn't bear it, so she wanted to stir up the water and had to drag Qian Qizhi into the situation. She watched the fire from the other side like an oriole, and by the way, she secretly regained the land north of Guilong River.

As the overlord of the North, there is nothing wrong with her regaining the land in the north.

The capital city belongs to the Central Plains on the map, but who puts it north of Guilongjiang River? Rounding it off, it’s north.

Qian Qizhi came to the capital just to steal her territory and not give her face. Why should she give face to old thief Qian?

There is nothing wrong with her planning to go back!

Qingyun felt that he was so conscientious that he did not consider Zhongzhou to be in the north.

If Tian Duoliang, Black Bear Pojun Seven Kills, and others knew Qingyun's algorithm and fully agreed with her, as well as the conscientious Bai Yanheng, Jiang Hongli, and others, they would definitely be muttering in their hearts that Qingye was shameless and shameless.

Counting the north of Guilong River as the north is equivalent to dividing the territory of the Dayong Dynasty into half. If you are so capable, why don't you count the territory of the Dayong Dynasty as the north, and even the Han Dynasty next to the Snow Mountain as the north.

Chinese medicine is really too bitter, just like eating ten pounds of yellow lotus. Qingyun couldn't bear the bitterness, so he took a candied date in his mouth and heard Bai Yanheng ask: "What are you planning to do next?"

"What else can we plan? According to the previous plan, we will wait for Qian Qizhi and Duan Jia to give them permission to fight, and then join Pojun Qisha and the others to take the opportunity to attack Zhongzhou." Qingyun said without even opening his eyes.

The original plan was to let Qingyun appear openly in front of the world, but who knew she had done so many tricks in private.

Bai Yanheng had already studied and thought about it. Since everything was muddying the waters, there was no reason that the two forces, General Zhou Guogong and Dan, could stay out of the matter. They had to be dragged into the battle and consume their troops.

One thing is going down, the other is going up!

After a long while before Bai Yanheng could speak, Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him, "You think it's inappropriate?"

Qingyun thought about it and found that the overall plan was based on the battle plan they discussed, but some small parts were changed, so it would not affect the overall situation!

She was very calm all the way and did nothing. She did whatever he told the Taoist priest, and she didn't change it day and night. She was so obedient that she herself found it incredible.

Yuan Shaoxing, Jiang Hongli and several other generals came together at some point to listen to the military advisor's advice.

Yuan Shaoxing, Jiang Hongli and others discussed privately that the army was fifty miles away from the capital, so it was convenient to seize it first. Occupying the capital, the entire north and one-third of the Central Plains are in Lord Qing's hands.

To put it bluntly, Master Qing occupies one-third of the country, and his soldiers and horses are the most powerful of all.

After proclaiming the emperor, it would be better to regain other kingdoms in the name of the emperor and have a reputation as a teacher. It doesn't matter whether other forces agree or not. Whoever doesn't agree will be beaten until they do. However, Master Qing disagreed, as did military advisor Master Bai and the staff.

Bai Yanheng said: "There is something wrong. You see, the original situation in the Central Plains. Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu's army held back the two forces of Zhou Guogong and General Dan. Now their two armies have withdrawn from the battlefield and turned to attack Qian Qizhi. They are restrained. Only Qian Qizhi was on his side.

Instead, General Shan, Duke of Zhou, got out of the battle. "

"Yes." Qingyun said.

"Zhou Guogong did not take the opportunity to pursue him for two reasons.

The border of Yunzhou is the northwest.

Qian Qizhi is extremely ambitious. Duan and Tan fought against Zhou Guogong, General Dan, and Qian Qizhi also knew about it. He also divided his troops into two groups, with two million soldiers and horses rushing to attack the capital, and one million soldiers and horses rushing to attack the border of Yunzhou, hoping to reap the benefits."

"Wait a minute, let me check it out," Qingyun rubbed his temples and went through the information in his mind, and said: "I remember the information I received last time. Old thief Qian had a total of three million soldiers and horses, and one million stayed in the northwest. At the border, two million soldiers and horses headed towards the capital.

Where did the one million soldiers and horses rushing to attack Yunzhou come from?

One million soldiers and horses, not 10,000 or 20,000 people. With so many soldiers and horses, it is impossible for spies not to know about it. The spies were negligent, and even if Pojun Qi killed them, they wouldn't have discovered that Daliang Black Bear was also there. "

Yuan Shaoxing, Jiang Hongli and others were secretly surprised when they heard that Qian Qizhi had four million troops. If Yuan Shaoxing did not join the army, Qian Qizhi would be the most powerful force.

Bai Yanheng handed Qingyun a secret report.

"A secret report from Chun'an. On the fifth day after the army set off, a million soldiers and horses turned into the mountains in the middle of the night, taking the secret road that barbarians used to lead to the interior.

Orion discovered it, Chun'an sent people to investigate, and the news was absolutely true. "

Because of praying for rain, Qingyun has been recuperating. Bai Yanheng originally did not plan to come to Qingyun to discuss it. The army acted as planned. If it weren't for Du Chun'an's secret report, they would have misjudged the battle situation and missed the best opportunity.

Qingyun pondered, Qishan was her base camp, and her family members were all in Qishan. At that time, she didn't have many useful talents, so she could only keep her confidant Du Chun'an behind.

Worried that Qian Qizhi would suppress him, Qingyun secretly left a lot of troops for him, just in case.

"I just said Qian Qizhi is an insidious villain. He also has hidden tricks secretly." Qingyun scolded, with an expression that was indeed true. See, she's not the only one who doesn't fight openly, so she feels relieved.

Bai Yanheng: "." Is this the point?

Qingyun touched his nose in embarrassment and said calmly: "Go on!"

Before Bai Yanheng could continue, Qingyun added: "Because of the one million soldiers and horses that emerged from the border of Yunzhou, Duke Zhou did not act rashly."

"Yes. Qian Qizhi, Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu have not yet met and started fighting. Duan and Tan suddenly evacuated from the battlefield, plus there are millions of soldiers and horses on the border of Yunzhou. It is impossible for Duke Zhou not to be suspicious."

Qingyun let go of the hand rubbing his temples and slowly scratched his chin.

The analysis makes sense. If she were Zhou Guogong, she would definitely think more about the conspiracy. (End of chapter)

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