Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 883: Borrow some food, it’s not too much

If you think too much, you will naturally have more worries. If you have more worries, you will be slower to act.

After Qingyun figured it out, he secretly cursed Qian Qizhi as a scheming fox.

"General Zhou Guogong has mobilized his troops and horses. At this time, if you are going to attack Zhongzhou, Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu will immediately turn around and come back to attack you when you are halfway there.

General Shan, Duke of Zhou, will not sit back and watch you attack Zhongzhou and let your family dominate. We just have strong troops and strong horses, one against four. Do you think we have a chance of winning?

Let's stand in front of the capital and block Qian Qizhi's way. Won't Qian Qizhi fight? At that time, it was one-on-five, and there was a capital city behind you. General, you were the turtle in the urn. "

Qingyun: "."

Qingyun turned over and sat up. If she said that, her situation was very dangerous!

Once his life was at stake, Qingyun felt that his head didn't hurt so much anymore and his brain was spinning faster.

Jiang Hai stopped calling for an attack on the capital. Yuan Shaoxing, Jiang Hongli and the others were also thinking about it.

"Military advisor, according to you, Zhongzhou can't be fought? Why are our millions of troops waiting here?" Meng Yiluo said.

The capital is not their territory, and the army has not cleared wasteland for cultivation. The amount of military rations they consume every day is astronomical, and they cannot sit back and have nothing.

The drought in the north has just ended, and the seeds in the fields have probably just sprouted. Half of the food transported by the army from the north was spent on the army, and the other half provided relief to the people.

Now it takes at least half a year to transport food from the north, and we have to travel day and night. If there is an accident or something on the way, it won't arrive in half a year.

Therefore, it is troublesome to have a large territory, and food cannot be transported.

No wonder the five dynasties didn't fight. The area was too vast and the cost was too high. If we couldn't conquer it and govern it, it would be better not to fight at all.

Qingyun called the quartermaster and asked him: "How long can the military rations last?"

"Seven months at most." The quartermaster replied, flipping through the ledger.

Qingyun was surprised, "Why is it consumed so quickly! Isn't there an autumn harvest in the north? Where is the food?"

The quartermaster looked at her with an aggrieved look, "It's the autumn harvest, but our troops have quadrupled. Don't we need food? I'm looking for you for a humble job. It's winter now, and the newly recruited troops need to prepare winter troops." The uniforms and armor will also be provided, and the military salary will cover up to four or five months.”

Qingyun: "."

Qingyun had a headache again and asked the quartermaster to leave quickly. When he saw him, he had a headache. He turned to Bai Yanheng and asked, "Didn't the house be ransacked?"

Then she looked at Jiang Hongli, Yuan Shaoxing and the others. She remembered that several state capitals were ruled by Taifu Yang's confidants. Qingyun didn't know whether they were rich or not. Judging by just looking at the stone carvings in front of the house, they should all be rich.

She seems to have told them that anyone who resists will be eliminated. She is not a Bodhisattva and does not have the patience to save them.

Calculated in this way, there should be no shortage of military pay!

"After copying it, all the gold and silver treasures were put into the public treasury and sent back to the north. After being put into the treasury, part of it was taken out to be used as military pay."

The money in the public treasury is managed by the officials of the Ministry of Revenue.

Qingyun understood that the money he had withdrawn was not enough. Those who were sent back to the Northland can no longer be pulled back.

Yuan Shaoxing came over, glanced at Bai Yanheng, and whispered to Qingyun: "I know the location of the granary of the army in the capital."

Qingyun glanced at him and smiled so hard that Yuan Shaoxing was the same as her!

"Am I that kind of person?" Qingyun glared at him and said seriously, "I heard that Taifu Yang is a kind-hearted and reasonable person. When the capital was in chaos, he stood up and did not care about his personal gains and losses. This noble act is something that I admire very much.

It turns out that my general is willing to help him wipe out the rebels in various places because he has lost his troops and generals, Taifu Yang, and defends the safety of the capital for him. There is no credit but hard work. People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will feel hungry. I am a layman. It doesn't matter if I don't eat. The army needs food. How can I defend the capital if I don't have enough to eat? After all, it's for Taifu Yang. Isn't it too much to borrow some food from Taifu Yang? "

Bai Yanheng: "."

Did you pay back what you borrowed?

Bai Yanheng has long been accustomed to Qingyun's shamelessness. Whenever she wants to do something bad, she always makes a bunch of righteous excuses.

I thought that Tian Duoliang and the others were gone, and without a few of them fanning the flames, Qingyun would have to settle down. Now here comes Yuan Shaoxing, who has the same bad taste as Qingyun.

Bai Yanheng sighed in his heart, this person was much more powerful than Tian Duoliang and the others. Tian Duoliang and the others were just making noise at most, while Yuan Shaoxing came up with the idea directly.

"Not too much."

Yuan Shaoxing, Jiang Hai and other generals shook their heads. It didn't matter whether Yang Taifu was willing to borrow food. What was important was that they wanted to borrow it.

"Yuan Shaoxing, take someone to borrow food. We are all regular troops, not bandits. After the food is borrowed, you personally write a letter to Taifu Yang. The cause of the matter must be explained clearly. The original intention of borrowing food is to defend the capital. Absolutely There is no bad intention, we will return the food.”

Bai Yanheng held his forehead: "..."

This is a bit much! Do you want to make Taifu Yang angry to death?

"Don't worry, General. I will definitely write a letter to Taifu Yang." Yuan Shaoxing left happily.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Yuan Shaoxing who was leaving, then looked at Qingyun and said, "Are you going to attack the east and the west?"

Qingyun smiled and said: "You still understand me. I have thought about it, if General Zhou Guogong is not moving, then I will find a way to make them move.

General Shan's territory, Huzhou, was handed over to the capital. It's incredible that he had no idea of ​​​​taking the capital for so many years during the troubled times. It's understandable that Duke Zhou didn't move. The southwest is quite far from the capital, so General Shan...

If the Dayong Dynasty was still established, it would make sense for him to be loyal to the court. Now that the Dayong Dynasty has fallen, who is he loyal to?

I'm thinking that he wants to separate the eastern part and call it an independent king...

If he wants to establish an independent country, it depends on whether I agree or not. Yuan Shaoxing went to borrow food from Taifu Yang, and the army continued to approach Zhongzhou to see if he could still sit still. "

Bai Yanheng thought carefully and found a way.

"Who should be sent to stop him? Is there a suitable person?"

Jiang Hongli, Jiang Hai and other generals immediately looked over and looked at Qingyun.

"Chiang Hongli, Han Feng, Lin Yun, Yitian and three others led troops and horses to stop General Shan. Jiang Hai and others followed me to attack Zhongzhou."

Qingyun waved Jiang Hongli over and told him: "Yuan Shaoxing and the others are all locals in Zhongzhou. You should ask him for someone who is familiar with the terrain to facilitate your layout.

You guys will discuss how to fight. If you can, try not to fight head-on. It's better to attack from behind or use someone as an undercover person.

Soldiers never tire of deceit! "

Qingyun patted Jiang Hongli's shoulder sincerely, and whispered in his ear: "Old Jiang, learn from Tian Duoliang's lack of cunning."

Jiang Hongli's mouth twitched. Did the General just want to say that General Tian was shameless?

"In this humble position, I will obey the general's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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